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'Submitting' to guards doesn't work?

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'Submitting' to guards doesn't work? Empty 'Submitting' to guards doesn't work?

Post  Elgate Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:23 pm

I acidentally became a thief when I visted the temple rector in moondarks. I hadn't been in a temple store before, so didn't recognise his title as a shop keeper, and he attacked e, making me think he was a hostile monster of sorts.. who I couldn't kill. So I stole his stuff.

Now, guards call me varlot and wish to arrest me- I thought if I went along with it, I could stop the whole thing, but when I choose submit, nothing happens. So the guards keep calling me a varlot (although I can just press Esc when the convo come up and walk away)
Forum Sage

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'Submitting' to guards doesn't work? Empty Re: 'Submitting' to guards doesn't work?

Post  Animayhem Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:26 pm

This also happens at the Dorhal courthouse. You come out and talk to them not having done anything they give you the same message as Grace got.
Forum Oracle

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