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Herbology; Empty Herbology; "Ooops, forgot to put a bottle in"

Post  eve_of_disaster Fri May 21, 2010 6:24 pm

"Ooops, forgot to put a bottle in."

Tried using a magic potion bottle and a potion bottle which I got at a shop. Do I need to make a bottle myself or something?
Forum Courtier

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Herbology; Empty Re: Herbology;

Post  GM_ODA Sat May 22, 2010 5:29 am

More information please?

Forum Oracle

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Herbology; Empty Re: Herbology;

Post  eve_of_disaster Sat May 22, 2010 7:31 am

I put all the ingredients in and close the cookpot whereupon I get the message: Ooops, forgot to put a bottle in.

When I do put a bottle in and close cookpot I get the same message. Tested with two different empty bottles. Only tested one recipe though.
Forum Courtier

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Herbology; Empty Potion Update

Post  Animayhem Thu Dec 05, 2013 2:24 pm

I retested the new recepies and found the following:

Bad Recipies

Bandage should not require a bottle but the cauldron says so.
Antidote does not work
Lesser Restoration does not work
Restoration does not work
Invisibilty does not work and eats the herbs
Strength does not work

All other potions in book do as well as the various custom recipies like antidote against silver poision, fleas and capture bags.
Forum Oracle

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Herbology; Empty Re: Herbology;

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