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Logging in as different races?

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Logging in as different races? Empty Logging in as different races?

Post  prinny c Sat Jul 07, 2012 12:49 pm

Yesterday when i logged in with manus he was a halfing, I used the rune stone onmyself and it fixed it. Today he is a dwarf again but a female. I tried the stone but it didnt work this time.
prinny c
prinny c
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Logging in as different races? Empty Re: Logging in as different races?

Post  Animayhem Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:01 pm

prinny c wrote: Yesterday when i logged in with manus he was a halfing, I used the rune stone onmyself and it fixed it. Today he is a dwarf again but a female. I tried the stone but it didnt work this time.

It is a known bug. Try not using the rune stone and just log out and in. If it still does not work, then a dm or admin needs to fix.
Forum Oracle

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