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PC run shops ideas....

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PC run shops ideas.... Empty PC run shops ideas....

Post  Ulrek Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:49 am

from what i have seen the crafting system is very useful here and it would be good if it played a larger role in the world i think...

to that end PC run shops would be helpful in getting crafted goods to heroes and bad guys... at the right price....

now theres two types of shops i would like added...

smallish stores that people could buy and stock with goods...

and stand-like things that a PC could carry with him and set up shop and sell his goods out of that...

anyone who has ideas for how this would work best i would like to post here as to get a larger view point on this for the DMs...

as for what i would put out there.... i havent seen a whole lot of stores that give PCs gold per item sold etc...

all i have seen in detail were shops that placed a copy of a item in the stand and PCs could look at the sold goods and than trade gold for item with the PC behind it...
this could work for the small market stalls that a PC could carry around but we would need something more for real shops....

(i my self would like a DMFI junk shop people could sell unwanted but useful items in....)

again post ideas for shop here please if you have the time
Posting Knave

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PC run shops ideas.... Empty Re: PC run shops ideas....

Post  jamoecw Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:00 pm

i haven't taken a look at the coding the module system uses, but i would hazard a guess that a henchman could be used to run a shop pretty much anywhere. simply ask a dedicated or semi-dedicated shop keeper henchman set up shop. he would make a stall or some such and act like a normal merchant, except that the hiring player could manage goods via a shop screen that had a value of 0gp for everything, and that the shop keeper would be your hireling (so you couldn't get more shops than hirelings). the player could also take/give money from the hireling. this would allow stalls to be set up near a temporary camp site or some such, and as long as it is safe enough so that the hireling isn't killed the shop should run even while the player is away. as long as the shop has the same goods and gold as the hireling has then i don't see this being abused more than normal hirelings. the only issue i guess would be if the shop has more items than the hireling can carry, but i'd just make it so that it couldn't break shop and move on then.

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2009-08-31

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