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Empty Merchants

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Empty Merchants Empty Empty Merchants

Post  sploenk Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:30 am

Hey guys,

There are alot of merchants, that sell..well...nothing!, the displays are empty probably know this, but i sugggest (hence why posted here) to make this a priority, because if i was new and logged on and there was noone to guide me to a functional shop and i would have seen 3 non functional shops i would have been gone, because trade is a basic and essential part of the game, you play to get gold and xp and get forward in the world, if one of these 2 are 'out of order', it would be pointless to continue playing from a new players point of view.

I don't mean to rush anybody but i think this should be a priority...

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Empty Merchants Empty Re: Empty Merchants

Post  Eriniel Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:00 am

Yes I know, my fault Sad I haven't finished the autmatic restocking... For now they rely solely on being sold items which then move into their stock.

Other larger bugs took priorty, hopefully I will get the auto restocking finished soon.

There is a system in place to initally stock a completely empty shop using the old merchant setup as a guide, easy enough to do just need a bit of time to run around to all these empty stores.

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