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Understanding the Dream

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Understanding the Dream Empty Understanding the Dream

Post  Jayinn McCallion Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:40 am

Sitting inside of the Mainstay Inn, Jayinn contemplates the meaning of the Dream. He knows that his goal for now is to better understand and serve the populace of Dorhal. He has managed to locate a beggar and give coins, but is having trouble finding other things to do. He decides that in order to further his Dream and perhaps impress the order leaders of Amaner, that he should gain strength and perhaps investigate some of the strange things happening at night in the city. Perhaps if he were to prove his mettle fighting against night creatures in order to protect those of the populace who are unable to do so themselves, he will learn more about the city, and perhaps gain a bit more strength? He sets out in hopes of better understanding his place in the world, as well as to find a potion of poison to mix with his water in order to strengthen his body against poisons as directed by his High Priest.

Jayinn McCallion
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Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2012-11-27

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