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monk stuff

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monk stuff Empty monk stuff

Post  exkilter Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:26 am

does anybody know where i can get monk stuff? there's nothing sold at any of the stores that sell things, nor at the temple. in fact, there's no temple store either. and when i talked to the priest, he said i should see 'the rector', but there's no rector either... i've been hoping sth will drop in combat, but so far no joy. where can i go to get this stuff?


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monk stuff Empty Re: monk stuff

Post  GunpowderHater Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:33 pm

I think it's simply not completed. Most shops are completely bare or unnused, dialogue unfinished... Dohral is missing a lot of fleshing out for the most part. I've beeh ere for quite some time, and I assure you monk gear is either VERY rare, or non existant. I for one have never seen anything of use for a monk other than AC gear.


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monk stuff Empty Re: monk stuff

Post  Orinai Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:02 pm

@gun : i have to partially disagree. admittingly, there is alot to be fleshed out, but thats what the grand beta is for. however, useful 'monk' gear isnt that rare/nonexist. useful is a matter of opinion/perception. and monks have a wide variety of things that can be considered useful.
ive been here a while as well, and had collected a full inventory of useful items.

@exk : if i can manage to get serverside ill try and find you ICly. tsully is somewhat a merchant, and probably has something youll find useful for your monk. or any other toon for that matter.
but like i said, if i can get on. my machine is down, and my only other access to nwn is used religiously on another server.

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monk stuff Empty Re: monk stuff

Post  exkilter Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:16 pm

thanks to both of you for the info.

orinai, if you could give me a quick heads-up [pm or post], i'll hop on when you get access.


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monk stuff Empty Re: monk stuff

Post  Orinai Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:19 pm

exkilter wrote:thanks to both of you for the info.

orinai, if you could give me a quick heads-up [pm or post], i'll hop on when you get access.


will do, and anytime

Forum Knight

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Registration date : 2009-03-17

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