Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE
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Recorder of deeds addition request.

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Recorder of deeds addition request. Empty Recorder of deeds addition request.

Post  BobbyBrown15 Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:48 am

Since he is selling all the keys, should the location of each home be mentioned with it, like a house or apartment in north algrada for instance.
Forum Sage

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Recorder of deeds addition request. Empty Re: Recorder of deeds addition request.

Post  GM_ODA Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:20 am

This is very possible, yes.

Any more ideas on enhancements to the system put them in this thread please. We will be also adding a crystal ball / viewer of the internal apartments offered.

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

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Race: Dwarf
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