Absol 13
9 posters
Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE :: Neverwinter Nights - General :: General Board
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Please folks, what happened to the Roleplay servers? When did they turn into social sim city servers?
This is taken from my old server which is extremely popular under Rp...By The way folks ROleplay means stayng IC all the time and doing adventures while doing it.. I get so tired of hearing "This isnt an action server" Folks its a Action based game.. RP was so you stay in character while having adventures.. I would hate to see this server fall to peices over this.
Please see below..
Here are three bits of wisdom taken from the "Not a Social Server" thread, placed here for your viewing pleasure, and to prevent them being buried. I advise heeding them.
DM Watchtower wrote:
Whoah whoah whoah.
I assume this was me. Though I know several of us are all feeling the same way about things.
Basically, if your priorities are making out with other characters or spitting out kids or yammering on with OOC jokes in the merchant district, it will soon be my mission to make your life difficult. Sorry.
If your priority on a fantasy adventure server is to have fantasy adventures, you're going to have a very good time.
Basically, the feeling from some of us is that this is starting to feel too much like high school. Or Twilight. And that just isn't going to remain the case. This game is built for fantasy adventures, not a high school social simulator. So start adventuring, damn it.
This is taken from my old server which is extremely popular under Rp...By The way folks ROleplay means stayng IC all the time and doing adventures while doing it.. I get so tired of hearing "This isnt an action server" Folks its a Action based game.. RP was so you stay in character while having adventures.. I would hate to see this server fall to peices over this.
Please see below..
Here are three bits of wisdom taken from the "Not a Social Server" thread, placed here for your viewing pleasure, and to prevent them being buried. I advise heeding them.
DM Watchtower wrote:
Whoah whoah whoah.
I assume this was me. Though I know several of us are all feeling the same way about things.
Basically, if your priorities are making out with other characters or spitting out kids or yammering on with OOC jokes in the merchant district, it will soon be my mission to make your life difficult. Sorry.
If your priority on a fantasy adventure server is to have fantasy adventures, you're going to have a very good time.
Basically, the feeling from some of us is that this is starting to feel too much like high school. Or Twilight. And that just isn't going to remain the case. This game is built for fantasy adventures, not a high school social simulator. So start adventuring, damn it.
Old_School- New Member
- Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2013-01-20
i agree that people should adventure more but there is one problem with that... if you go out to adventure you will more then likely find almost nothing except birds or deer unless you know exactly where to look and on top of that most enemies barely give any exp or just none at all, its basically either 1 exp or no exp for a bunch of characters
autokilla- Posting Knave
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while I agree to the above you need to understand that with such a big sever knowing where to look means exploring and exploring means a chance to RP on the way.A when ODA is on know that if you ask he he probably do an event if you request it. critise mme if you will but I like this sever and no-one will change that.
Absol 13- Forum Sage
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*Quirks a brow* I believe I did not fully understand what this thread is about, old_school has a way of writing that confuses me a bit due to my slight language barrier.
Valerion- Forum Sage
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RP vs Social
It is seen in mnay servers a social aspect of dating and mating and such. In regards to the mating, this server has the scripting to actually have charcters pregant and give birth to non humans and such so the fact that you can actually kids rather than emoting. Some races more ardorous than others. I see no problem as long as it is not a constant in your face thing.
This is an rp server which offers a wide variety of races which can actually be played so I think many people come on and try them on so to speak. Changing of characters can be annoying but I understand the need for a change maybe settle with no more than three and really rp them out or if you feel you chose incorrectly then kill them off as others have done.
Due to realife issues I have chosen to play only two. Initially I only had one but made a second at the request of Oda to help noobs but she took off
Adventuring and exploring an area in groups is a good idea and would be a break from the routine though getting xp is nice but necessary.
I play on a server where my character had to earn xp to level and the max is 20. During that time I had more rp fun with people than getting xp so it took me longer to get there but my character grew.
I have enjoyed the rp here as well and the dm events.
There are many rp that have developed,we need to encourage them but yet not get so wrapped up in our indviduality that we forget others around us.
I strongly disagree with this as it is player griefing. If someone does something or says something that you do not like you can ask them to maybe go elsewhere or not do or say when you are around or you just walk away and maybe expreess your concerns to Oda or a dm. To force yourself on someone to play the game you want is just as wrong. Occasionally ooc is fine as some things happen that just are so but tells can be use in place of public chat.
Those who do adventure could help others out by maybe doing a write up of areas they have explored, creatures they encountered would be most helpful.
Please keep in mind this has been up and running for a little over 10 years and at no cost. Oda is trying very hard to fill in the gaps so to speak. We are all of different ages, gameplay styles and cultures which must also be taken into account.
This is an rp server which offers a wide variety of races which can actually be played so I think many people come on and try them on so to speak. Changing of characters can be annoying but I understand the need for a change maybe settle with no more than three and really rp them out or if you feel you chose incorrectly then kill them off as others have done.
Due to realife issues I have chosen to play only two. Initially I only had one but made a second at the request of Oda to help noobs but she took off
Adventuring and exploring an area in groups is a good idea and would be a break from the routine though getting xp is nice but necessary.
I play on a server where my character had to earn xp to level and the max is 20. During that time I had more rp fun with people than getting xp so it took me longer to get there but my character grew.
I have enjoyed the rp here as well and the dm events.
There are many rp that have developed,we need to encourage them but yet not get so wrapped up in our indviduality that we forget others around us.
Old_School wrote: Basically, if your priorities are making out with other characters or spitting out kids or yammering on with OOC jokes in the merchant district, it will soon be my mission to make your life difficult. Sorry.
I strongly disagree with this as it is player griefing. If someone does something or says something that you do not like you can ask them to maybe go elsewhere or not do or say when you are around or you just walk away and maybe expreess your concerns to Oda or a dm. To force yourself on someone to play the game you want is just as wrong. Occasionally ooc is fine as some things happen that just are so but tells can be use in place of public chat.
Those who do adventure could help others out by maybe doing a write up of areas they have explored, creatures they encountered would be most helpful.
Please keep in mind this has been up and running for a little over 10 years and at no cost. Oda is trying very hard to fill in the gaps so to speak. We are all of different ages, gameplay styles and cultures which must also be taken into account.
Animayhem- Forum Oracle
- Number of posts : 2213
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On further account to this. While I do agree, adventuring is nice and is quite fun when it's really taken into account? Im really not a fan of it outside of DM events, the reason being is because it turns into farming and nothing else.. I 'loath' grinding for XP and is only made worse when I gave my character Julie a moral to not kill unless attacked first or is a non-living entity. Constructs, oozes, undead etc. As for making multiple chars? I never really agreed with making more than perhaps 2 maximum, because if you are truly into your chars or unless you have time to waste in your life. 2 is pretty much the maximum, but for me I got 1 here and 1 in arelith. Which generally given the activity of 'this' server, one is all I think ill need. As for the matter of 'SRP' as it has come to be known "Sexual Role Play" that.. I agree can easily get out of hand despite the fact that I am a supporter of it. I prefer a balance but also prefer it to make sense. Sadly ill admit the server has become about 77% SRP, 19% Regular RP, 4% adventuring. In my experience. But as was spoken about you must take into account that the server is still in beta and not everything yet works or is filled in. I've traveled a.. fair bit with 'no' monster spawns anywhere outside of specific areas or dungeons. And probally thousands of places have unscripted PC's without even a name, others being copy-cat NPC's. In fact, several holds haven't even been scripted with area transitions or interiors. So again I say, relax and wait for a DM if an adventure is what you seek, which basicly what we all are doing. Regular & SRP up till that point more or less.
Crescent_Black- Posting Knave
- Number of posts : 49
Location : Ground Zero (A massive underground complex in the shape of a large dome.)
Registration date : 2013-01-04
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Race: Human
Overall Level: 2
start adventuring, damn it.
I couldn't agree more...
I just submitted a dungeon that will hopefully be added very soon, but i agree we need more that are easy to find AND simple wilderness spawns. although i am not a fan of the arilith staff the one thing they did right was spawns & dungeons.
I plan on making more but i am only one somewhat busy person and i have trouble with spawns.
Shar- Forum Vizier
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Hello folks - small clarification here (correct me if I miss the mark OP).
When Old_School makes his statement :
This is not Old_School a PLAYER threatening to make any PC's life difficult. It is Old_School the PLAYER sharing with us a quote from a DM on another server. That other server - like this one - is not a social server. The quotation is in effect, a DM on a ROLE PLAY server admonishing 'social server' conduct and OOC conduct, and promising to chastise such when they see it become the norm of play in any PLAYER.
I will endorse the comment on this note: This is a role play server, action happens around adventurers and adventurer is what NWN and D&D is about.
The Lycanthropy systems hinges on the notion that it is a magically empowered "spirit of the wild" in them that causes the change synch'd with the lunar cycle. We are using MATING as one of the QUESTS for lycanthropes - another seasonally synch'd thing that tends to complicate the lives of the parents as QUEST completion requires raising the young to some degree of self-sufficient maturity. There are stiff penalties involved for the parents should they fail this QUEST.
The scripting here is also the pilot of our "Character Lineage" system for tracking family ties, and work in conjunction with our (yet to develop) "Noble Houses" system. When these systems are properly completed, there can be much expanded range of play here, even to include possible outside nwn 'world conquest' games that can tie into our NWN World in the fullness of time.
As a server operator, I, GM_ODA am very into NOT being sued and also into NOT going to prison.
We operate this server with the intent that all public displays should be of PG-13 nature. Any Role Play beyond PG-13 is done at your own risk in private channels. ALL participants are cautioned that there is NO AGE VERIFICATION here and young people may read the things you type in public channels, AND the things you direct to them in private channels. Such "adult role play" with minors can constitute a crime and your actions hang on your own shoulders. If any law enforcement agency comes to me (GM_ODA) and legally requires information from the server I will gladly hand over whatever is required. This is NOT AN ADULT SERVER and anyone intent on re-creating scenes from Caligula are cautioned that this is not the server for such things.
Is this a server that pushes realism? Yes, to a point and selectively so. Notice, we don't have your PCs crap, nor do we have your PC get constipated no matter how much sim-cheese your PC devours. We do not make your PC seek the toilets, but we DO drop a yellow puddle where your warrior fails his fear save. Selective realism, not a total sim, but an immersive environment intended to be conducive to fantasy adventures.
Yes, there are Succubus in the game, they are part of D&D and NWN (get over it) ... these are D&D succubus that kiss your PC and thereby drain levels. If your fighter fails a save vs her charms you can loose the level without us having to detail who gropes what in the process and if there were a happy ending is just more than we needed to know. Harpies have breasts, but a chimera also has lips too, in context; I don't think anyone finds this really a titillating matter. Nobody cares as it is MYTH that has become cultural meme and thus game lore fodder for a medieval-fantasy swords and sorcery game setting.
Be well. Game on.
When Old_School makes his statement :
Old_School wrote:
Here are three bits of wisdom taken from the "Not a Social Server" thread, placed here for your viewing pleasure, and to prevent them being buried. I advise heeding them.
DM Watchtower wrote:
Whoah whoah whoah.
I assume this was me. Though I know several of us are all feeling the same way about things.
Basically, if your priorities are making out with other characters or spitting out kids or yammering on with OOC jokes in the merchant district, it will soon be my mission to make your life difficult. Sorry.
This is not Old_School a PLAYER threatening to make any PC's life difficult. It is Old_School the PLAYER sharing with us a quote from a DM on another server. That other server - like this one - is not a social server. The quotation is in effect, a DM on a ROLE PLAY server admonishing 'social server' conduct and OOC conduct, and promising to chastise such when they see it become the norm of play in any PLAYER.
I will endorse the comment on this note: This is a role play server, action happens around adventurers and adventurer is what NWN and D&D is about.
The Lycanthropy systems hinges on the notion that it is a magically empowered "spirit of the wild" in them that causes the change synch'd with the lunar cycle. We are using MATING as one of the QUESTS for lycanthropes - another seasonally synch'd thing that tends to complicate the lives of the parents as QUEST completion requires raising the young to some degree of self-sufficient maturity. There are stiff penalties involved for the parents should they fail this QUEST.
The scripting here is also the pilot of our "Character Lineage" system for tracking family ties, and work in conjunction with our (yet to develop) "Noble Houses" system. When these systems are properly completed, there can be much expanded range of play here, even to include possible outside nwn 'world conquest' games that can tie into our NWN World in the fullness of time.
As a server operator, I, GM_ODA am very into NOT being sued and also into NOT going to prison.
We operate this server with the intent that all public displays should be of PG-13 nature. Any Role Play beyond PG-13 is done at your own risk in private channels. ALL participants are cautioned that there is NO AGE VERIFICATION here and young people may read the things you type in public channels, AND the things you direct to them in private channels. Such "adult role play" with minors can constitute a crime and your actions hang on your own shoulders. If any law enforcement agency comes to me (GM_ODA) and legally requires information from the server I will gladly hand over whatever is required. This is NOT AN ADULT SERVER and anyone intent on re-creating scenes from Caligula are cautioned that this is not the server for such things.
Is this a server that pushes realism? Yes, to a point and selectively so. Notice, we don't have your PCs crap, nor do we have your PC get constipated no matter how much sim-cheese your PC devours. We do not make your PC seek the toilets, but we DO drop a yellow puddle where your warrior fails his fear save. Selective realism, not a total sim, but an immersive environment intended to be conducive to fantasy adventures.
Yes, there are Succubus in the game, they are part of D&D and NWN (get over it) ... these are D&D succubus that kiss your PC and thereby drain levels. If your fighter fails a save vs her charms you can loose the level without us having to detail who gropes what in the process and if there were a happy ending is just more than we needed to know. Harpies have breasts, but a chimera also has lips too, in context; I don't think anyone finds this really a titillating matter. Nobody cares as it is MYTH that has become cultural meme and thus game lore fodder for a medieval-fantasy swords and sorcery game setting.
Be well. Game on.
Old_School wrote:Please folks, what happened to the Roleplay servers? When did they turn into social sim city servers?
This is taken from my old server which is extremely popular under Rp...By The way folks ROleplay means stayng IC all the time and doing adventures while doing it.. I get so tired of hearing "This isnt an action server" Folks its a Action based game.. RP was so you stay in character while having adventures.. I would hate to see this server fall to peices over this.
Please see below..
Here are three bits of wisdom taken from the "Not a Social Server" thread, placed here for your viewing pleasure, and to prevent them being buried. I advise heeding them.
If your priority on a fantasy adventure server is to have fantasy adventures, you're going to have a very good time.
Basically, the feeling from some of us is that this is starting to feel too much like high school. Or Twilight. And that just isn't going to remain the case. This game is built for fantasy adventures, not a high school social simulator. So start adventuring, damn it.
Just my two cents on this, with the whole chat about this, I would like to say I couldn't agree more on adventuring. As much as people don't like it, I come from a big grind fest server, Amia, SN, you know or name it, I've been on it. I come from servers that have allowed 75% grinding, and I would ONLY get in trouble if I didn't even RP to anyone in a RP hub area for at least a minute to an hour.
When it comes to Role Play, there is many different views on it, some people think of Arelith, some people think of Amia, for me I think of Role Play as - As long as I Role Play at least 30 minutes to an hour, and I mean ROLE PLAY, and not just sit their silently for those minutes, I get to go out and adventure, level up..Etc. My problem is, sometimes or most of the times, I would be sitting in Tivook doing nothing for long periods of time as Vilith, I will admit, I am bored when I wait. My first intention and thought is, 'lets go adventure, explore, level up!' but then I think that I might get in trouble so I just stay still doing nothing. You see, at night or when no one is on, and you want to stay on..There's nothing to do but adventure..Kill things, level up..
To Cresent Black's comment, I don't want to sound like a total jerk off but, what if I can't wait for a DM event? Most of the time I have to go because I am busy working on toolset most of my recent days now, so...I can do both, get EXP from RPing, and get EXP from adventuring before I have to go poof for the day. Now, for Adult Role Play, I support this FULLY if the server made a rule "IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 YOU CAN NOT DO" so forth. Thus if a player who LIES about their age, then it's their fault, not the servers, not the host, not anyone's fault, it's the person that lied to his partner's fault. It's like seeing those small "Do not attempt" lettering's under the commercial when something action packed is happening..If they attempt it and get hurt, the person who did it CAN NOT SUE the company who made the ad..They gave a CLEAR warning. Anyways, if a person want's to RP and not grind, let them RP, same thing with those who like to go adventuring and kill enemies, if they want to adventure, let them adventure..As long as they Role Play for whatever amount of minutes or hours you want them to do per day before going out and adventuring. Though my opinion is heavily biased because I myself am a grinder to the core, though as you can see I try to hold myself back from going out and spending hours killing things because I feel as if I am going to be a social outcast of the server if I do so, and or hated by everyone because I get to 20 faster then they did. But IN my eyes, you choose what you want to do - if you want to level up from RPing, you can do that. Or do whatever you want to do.
Anyways ODA, how can you get sued and put into prison for a game? Though I see your point, there IS ways to counter this though if you make it loud and clear in your rules on what YOU will not be held responsible for if THE PERSON does something that actually might get you in trouble..Like I stated above ; "For Adult Role Play, I support this FULLY if the server made a rule "IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 YOU CAN NOT DO" so forth. Thus if a player who LIES about their age, then it's their fault, not the servers, not the host, not anyone's fault, it's the person that lied to his partner's fault."
Also, if a person grinds themselves to 20+ and starts abusing their powers, you can always hire Uglack or Adrastia to beat the living snot out of the troublemakers xD! Either way, sorry if this is un-organized..I made this swiftly before I go test MOOORE STUFF ON TOOLSET.
Bumlader- Posting Knave
- Number of posts : 59
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Im unsure how I sounded. But it wasn't ment that I would do SRP in such an act as to get people sued, nor for a matter of age limit. It should be clear about such actions obviously. As for adventuring, I am not against it I just loath grinding, grinding is basicly where your quiet, kill things.. and focus primarily on that. Adventuring, is where you make plans before entering the dungeon, talking at times of safety or necessity, perhaps cracking the occasional joke or two in the dungeon about the fighter next to you slipping on ice and hitting his face in the wall, or the rogue who sets off the trap he didn't see despite it being his job to handle those. My issue is when this 'does not happen' when one goes out to kill things I hate hearing comments IC like "Well.. who wants to go kill stuff?" or "Im thinking of going to kill some trolls" If that was ever said to my character, she'd immediately turn it down.. if you said. "Im thinking of exploring, want to come with?" or "Im needing to get so & so, I could use some help and/or protection, who wishs to aid me?" Julie would feel inclinded to assist, even if it came to fighting the living, despite it attacking her. The problem, is this is often not the case.
I mean well, not to pressure anyones choices of RP, merely stating how I myself RP and how I feel the server runs as a whole. Personal opinion not public complaint if that is how it ended up sounded.
I mean well, not to pressure anyones choices of RP, merely stating how I myself RP and how I feel the server runs as a whole. Personal opinion not public complaint if that is how it ended up sounded.
Crescent_Black- Posting Knave
- Number of posts : 49
Location : Ground Zero (A massive underground complex in the shape of a large dome.)
Registration date : 2013-01-04
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Character Name: Crescent Black
Race: Human
Overall Level: 2
I guess I can help explain my own comment a bit further after reviewing it from post. Part of what I mean about the RP and reason I don't grind.. is because it is 'SOLO' which is to say.. 0 RP, DM's aren't around to interact or give say on the matter, monsters won't react to what I say or do beyond dieing or being killed by them.. and no player about to notice, outside of metagaming via tells which I don't seek to do. Solo-Adventuring is boring for me. And doing with others who have it end up the exact same? Im not pointing fingers or even directly accusing anyone on this server. All im saying is, it becomes unfun for me to grind at any point in time, but the same is with Viliths player, sitting around is just as bad and in fact, happens often.
However, for me. I also stay and 'sit' not for the matter of loathing the act of grinding at the point of boredom to express any hate for gaining levels in that way, no. It's to wait.. for players to come around for roleplay and 'then' perhaps an adventure. I have 'no' issues with level differences by whatever means, I will agree about level abuse. But it does not appear to be an issue here, so again I have no issue with it. Tivooks Inn is like Cordors street in arelith. It is the "Gathering Area" of adventuring groups and roleplay startups. I understand that as im personally used to it. Im trying to make it clear im not against 'anyone' or their RP.
However, for me. I also stay and 'sit' not for the matter of loathing the act of grinding at the point of boredom to express any hate for gaining levels in that way, no. It's to wait.. for players to come around for roleplay and 'then' perhaps an adventure. I have 'no' issues with level differences by whatever means, I will agree about level abuse. But it does not appear to be an issue here, so again I have no issue with it. Tivooks Inn is like Cordors street in arelith. It is the "Gathering Area" of adventuring groups and roleplay startups. I understand that as im personally used to it. Im trying to make it clear im not against 'anyone' or their RP.
Crescent_Black- Posting Knave
- Number of posts : 49
Location : Ground Zero (A massive underground complex in the shape of a large dome.)
Registration date : 2013-01-04
Character sheet
Character Name: Crescent Black
Race: Human
Overall Level: 2
Crescent_Black wrote:Im unsure how I sounded. But it wasn't ment that I would do SRP in such an act as to get people sued, nor for a matter of age limit. It should be clear about such actions obviously. As for adventuring, I am not against it I just loath grinding, grinding is basicly where your quiet, kill things.. and focus primarily on that. Adventuring, is where you make plans before entering the dungeon, talking at times of safety or necessity, perhaps cracking the occasional joke or two in the dungeon about the fighter next to you slipping on ice and hitting his face in the wall, or the rogue who sets off the trap he didn't see despite it being his job to handle those. My issue is when this 'does not happen' when one goes out to kill things I hate hearing comments IC like "Well.. who wants to go kill stuff?" or "Im thinking of going to kill some trolls" If that was ever said to my character, she'd immediately turn it down.. if you said. "Im thinking of exploring, want to come with?" or "Im needing to get so & so, I could use some help and/or protection, who wishs to aid me?" Julie would feel inclinded to assist, even if it came to fighting the living, despite it attacking her. The problem, is this is often not the case.
I mean well, not to pressure anyones choices of RP, merely stating how I myself RP and how I feel the server runs as a whole. Personal opinion not public complaint if that is how it ended up sounded.
Actually that sue part was just directed towards another subject, sorry :X. Also, no worries..It was just my opinion..If I came out angry or agitated, probably from my constant testing on toolset and the DM wands. But it's just my own view on the whole subject and everything everyone said. .as I said, didn't mean to do miss-direct it lol.
Bumlader- Posting Knave
- Number of posts : 59
Registration date : 2013-01-02
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Race: Human
Overall Level: 60
In reference to the minor situation, I play on a server which if the player under 18, in their description it lists "I am a minor." Some might say, 'Hey that violates my rights and privacy' It does not. It allows people to modfiy their behavior slightly even if they are a bastage character. I play on a server which had one or two players under 16. They did not mind and were actually a decent rper.
Oda being sued is quite a real possibility. There are laws against child pornography sites and it does not take much for one to show that.
This is an open server without a password so anyone can come and go.
Remember this is only a game and yes people come to escape reality for awhile but yet we must keep clear heads on our shoulders.
Oda being sued is quite a real possibility. There are laws against child pornography sites and it does not take much for one to show that.
This is an open server without a password so anyone can come and go.
Remember this is only a game and yes people come to escape reality for awhile but yet we must keep clear heads on our shoulders.
Animayhem- Forum Oracle
- Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11
Character sheet
Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30
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