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Help! My temple's gone!

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Help! My temple's gone! Empty Help! My temple's gone!

Post  Valerion Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:20 pm

Yeah you read right, the temple of Finshi is no longer in North Algrada, as a Paladin of Finshi my character Adrastia finds that kind of unsettling.

And I do so too, because I have no idea where to go to pray, donate, sacrifice and worship Finshi! O.o

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Forum Sage

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Help! My temple's gone! Empty Re: Help! My temple's gone!

Post  Badgers_Revolt Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:29 pm

The temple fairy's got to it. Sprinkled a bit of dust upon it and whisked it away to the mysterious temple fairy kingdom under the sea.

On an aside note I will take a look at it Valerion.
Posting Knave

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Help! My temple's gone! Empty Re: Help! My temple's gone!

Post  GM_ODA Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:52 pm

Sorry, that was my error. It is still there but a duplicated TAG in a new temple has the transition sending you there instead. I fixed it in the module today and will have the fix on the server by morning.

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

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Help! My temple's gone! Empty Re: Help! My temple's gone!

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