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The Dark Haired Noble

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The Dark Haired Noble Empty The Dark Haired Noble

Post  Shadowtim3 Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:07 am

General Data
Birth Name: Timothy Leosoul
Known Alias: Leosoul
Age: Around 18
Current Status: Minor Nobility
Current Residence: Taverns and inns
Spoken Languages:

Physical Data
Species: Human
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 199 LB
Physical Age: 19
Physical Attractiveness: Fairly
Physique: Strong
Complexion: average
Hair Color: Black
Eyes Color:Blue
Physical Strength: Above Average
Non-Natural Abilities: Divine Guidence
Distinguishing Features:
Known Illnesses or Conditions: None
Known Augmentations: None
Extra Anatomy:

Intelligence Level: Above Average
Mental Condition: Stable
Emotional Condition: Stable
Emotional State: Stable
Sociability: Average
General Outlook: Positive
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Mental Peculiarities:
Known Fears: Dark Deities
Known Superstitions: None
Known Addictions: None
Ambition Level: High

Biographical Data
Date of Birth: 3-16-533
Place of Birth: Argentum Regio
Birth Father: Joseph Leosoul
Birth Mother: Sarah Leosoul
Birth Order: First
Known Immediate Family: None
Parents: Joseph and Sarah Leosoul
Brothers: None
Sisters: None
Marital Status: Single
Children: None
Social Standing: Minor Nobility
Known Titles: Sir Timothy Leosoul
Current Employer: King of Dorhal
Occupational Title: Lord
Years of Service: Since birth
Religion: Finshi the Brave
Political Affiliation: Noblility
Allegiance: To the city of Dorhal
Permenant Residence: None. . .yet
Educational Level: Academy
Known Languages: Common
Talents and Skills: Combat, and political
Martial Training: Swordmanship
Hobbies and Interests:
Adventuring, politics, and trouble making

Additional Notes:
None. . . yet

Last edited by Shadowtim3 on Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:50 am; edited 1 time in total
Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 22
Age : 33
Location : In a seat, in a state, in a country, on a Continent, on a planet, in an universe. Satisfied?
Registration date : 2012-02-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Timothy Leosoul
Race: Human
Overall Level: 5

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The Dark Haired Noble Empty Re: The Dark Haired Noble

Post  Shadowtim3 Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:12 pm

Timothy's battle song Theme at least. ^^

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Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 22
Age : 33
Location : In a seat, in a state, in a country, on a Continent, on a planet, in an universe. Satisfied?
Registration date : 2012-02-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Timothy Leosoul
Race: Human
Overall Level: 5

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The Dark Haired Noble Empty Journal Entry 1 (IC)

Post  Shadowtim3 Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:48 am

Journal entry one,

I don't know how long it's been since I started exploring the isle my ancestors once called home. A year, maybe? All I know is that I need to retake it slowly. Rebuild the land that once was in the hands of noble lords and ladies. Become stronger so I can lead mercenaries and like minded soldiers. Maybe I'll find other decendence of the lords and ladies of these isle of Vestala.

During my exploration, I've learned many things. From the mountains that line one side of the isle to the great plains and rivers that once was home to villages and farms. I often find myself wondering what it would have looked like in it's prime. Great fields of golden wheat reaching as far as the eye can see. Farmers and lords living in peace and plenty. Perhaps one day we'll return to that era. Return to the era of peace and plenty.
Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 22
Age : 33
Location : In a seat, in a state, in a country, on a Continent, on a planet, in an universe. Satisfied?
Registration date : 2012-02-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Timothy Leosoul
Race: Human
Overall Level: 5

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The Dark Haired Noble Empty Welcome

Post  Silver Oak Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:07 am

Impressive*nods* Like the music as well.

Silver Oak

Silver Oak
Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 66
Age : 60
Registration date : 2013-04-13

Character sheet
Character Name: Silver Oak
Race: Elf
Overall Level: 14

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