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Rules on scrying

kain delvin
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Rules on scrying Empty Rules on scrying

Post  BobbyBrown15 Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:23 pm

This is the official information IG on scrying given to all sorcerors and Wizards when they gain the ability to scry:

Scrying allows a mage under the effect of the Clairvoyance/Clairaudience spell to remotely spy on any player character in the module, regardless of their location. The duration of the scrying is dependant on the level of the caster, though it is not extremely long. The person being watched has a chance to sense the intrusion (the 'being watched' feeling), though he will not be able to make out the person's name or current location IC or OOC.

Also the empty slots within the scry list are also still attached to players, I was told this is a bug. There are also no set rules on scrying as of yet so this discussion is to help find a good set of rules to base on. Please post your thoughts on this.
Forum Sage

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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  Orinai Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:31 pm

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this is what was found.

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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  BobbyBrown15 Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:53 pm

I find these rules rather reasonable, if they can be implemented of course.
Forum Sage

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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  kain delvin Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:54 pm

make it more dnd like. give em a will save, with dc based on that how well you know someone variable like in DnD, and if they pass it you fail and there removed from your list.

also make it so you ~have to~ use some sort of tool to scry, an orb a mirror, something other than just able to stay in the fugue or ooc area and scry on everyone to spy on them ooc'ly. it's stupid. don't make it optional. either you have a mirror or crystal ball, pool of water(for druids), yada yada. oh, have a way for druids to scry.

kain delvin
Posting Knave

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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  BobbyBrown15 Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:06 pm

To scry in here you either need the spell, or you have to find a scrying orb IG.
Forum Sage

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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  kain delvin Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:07 pm

i know that, but just being able to cast the spell is redic. it allows for some really stupid stuff that doesn't match PnP at all.

kain delvin
Posting Knave

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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  BobbyBrown15 Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:09 pm

A scrying orb is unable to be carried and there are only a few IG i can find, mainly 1 that i find that actually works.
Forum Sage

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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  Animayhem Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:12 pm

There already is a built in dice roll on the success of scrying I believe as well as items which prevent or reduce the chances of being scried upon
Forum Oracle

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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  kain delvin Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:22 pm

i'll post here the arguement i was havin with bobby:

it doesnt matter what countermeasures there are to scrying. It doesn't matter if it's part of another spell.

~any and all level 5+ wiz~ can spy on ~any and all players on the server~ with no consequences or effort. That is broken as hell, and the reason why in PnP it required a mirror and higher level. Being able to spy on people like that is really strong, no matter how short the duration is at that level it's really strong. The countermeasure to such needs to be just as easy as it is to scry. If it's to remain this easy, everyone and there grandma needs to be able to counter it.

kain delvin
Posting Knave

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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  BobbyBrown15 Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:24 pm

Also scrying is included as part of the teleport spell to be able to teleport to other players around the server, lower levels also can only scry for a short amount of time while at higher lvs they can scry longer at the cost of any enchantments they have on them at the time.
Forum Sage

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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  GM_ODA Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:03 pm

SCRYING as it is presently is for testing purposes. We had not yet discussed let alone finalized any rules for use yet - that is the purpose of this thread, to have you good PLAYERS weigh in with your thoughts on how it should work.

As you know, we have a penchant for trying to stay with D&D lore, but we do split from it when game play is adversely impacted.

We DO have druid versions of scrying spell (Magic Pool) and much more, including devices / spells to counter it. So far, tests have shown our systems work (lag free, crash free) for scrying, and scry-block too. Now comes the time to determine what limits we'll put on it - so sound off here please.

Be well. Game on.
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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  kain delvin Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:16 pm

well scrying is the single greatest abusable custom spell ever put into nwn. reason why is that all you have to do is sit in an inn afk for an hour or so, when you get back you'll have ~everyone~ in the server on your scry list. simply because sitting in the same area as someone resting gives you the variable.

any level 5 joe shmoe wizard, or level 6 sorc, can scry on anyone in the server indefinatly with no concequences. i say make it require some sorta mirror, orb, divining pool. There's a reason in PnP it required a really expensive, really hard to move, mirror for wizards to scry. being able to at any point in time know exactly where anyone you've ever seen is at, what there saying, and what there saying it to, is really strong and i've been told there are items IG to block it...well..i've encountered a hundred diff scrolls of clairvoyance(thus scrying) or people who can cast it, and not a single item that blocks scrying....if it's going to stay that easy to scry and that cheap, then make it 10000000x easier to block it.

p.s. my main reason for making it harder to scry is cause of the ultimate metagame spying it's capable of

kain delvin
Posting Knave

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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  Animayhem Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:23 pm

kain delvin wrote:well scrying is the single greatest abusable custom spell ever put into nwn. reason why is that all you have to do is sit in an inn afk for an hour or so, when you get back you'll have ~everyone~ in the server on your scry list. simply because sitting in the same area as someone resting gives you the variable.

any level 5 joe shmoe wizard, or level 6 sorc, can scry on anyone in the server indefinatly with no concequences. i say make it require some sorta mirror, orb, divining pool. There's a reason in PnP it required a really expensive, really hard to move, mirror for wizards to scry. being able to at any point in time know exactly where anyone you've ever seen is at, what there saying, and what there saying it to, is really strong and i've been told there are items IG to block it...well..i've encountered a hundred diff scrolls of clairvoyance(thus scrying) or people who can cast it, and not a single item that blocks scrying....if it's going to stay that easy to scry and that cheap, then make it 10000000x easier to block it.

p.s. my main reason for making it harder to scry is cause of the ultimate metagame spying it's capable of

There are many other methods of metagaming as well. Just saying it is a tool for that not enough. If you suspect someone is doing this pm oda or a dm. Sometimes the one doing the scrying and the one who is being scried on may have already met in game and have some sort of rp going.

There are many other abilties which could be nerfed as well but that can open up a huge can of worms. Just go with the flow, this is a game after all. Smile
Forum Oracle

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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  Bumlader Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:45 pm

Here is my problem with the current scrying.

When it comes to scrying on the most part, it would make it a lot more easier to scry a person if they had something that physically belonged to the person, but it doesn't really mean you can't scry them, you can still do that..But if you don't have any item that belonged to the person, they have a 99% chance of beating the scry attempt. Plus, it'd be pretty easy to get a hold of something physical that belongs to the person you want to scry.

I honestly don't like how it stands right now, but to me it isn't as big as a problem. .But having it changed and fitted more to DnD would make me ease, I guess.

To find more about the spell, look and read this and it should fill up any thoughts.

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Posting Knave

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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  anntari Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:59 pm

Well, I don't know if its like this now(so if it is, ignore this I guess)... What if it was only one scry per full rest? Resting has a cool-down anyway...
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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  Animayhem Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:10 am

anntari wrote:Well, I don't know if its like this now(so if it is, ignore this I guess)... What if it was only one scry per full rest? Resting has a cool-down anyway...

That would be a good compromise.
Forum Oracle

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Rules on scrying Empty Re: Rules on scrying

Post  Valerion Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:15 am

One scry per rest unless one scries via a scrying orb that could get a higher limited or unlimited number.

On the other hand...look up in the rulebooks, adjust it to the NWN 3.0 built and there we go.
Forum Sage

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