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A letter to the lord of Esrogoth

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A letter to the lord of Esrogoth Empty A letter to the lord of Esrogoth

Post  Valerion Sun Feb 17, 2013 8:30 pm

A messenger, clad in blue, white and gold appeared before the fortress of the lord of Tivook himself, delivering a message, a scroll, sealed with wax and the Sigil of the Chapter of the Shining Blade.

"High honored Lord of Esrogoth!

I, Adrastia, Paladin and Chaptermaster of the Shining Blade, greet you with utmost respect and gratitude!
We, the Chapter of the Shining Blade, elite force against undeath and demonic influence, thank thee for thy agreement to our plans of building a Chapterhouse in thy lands!
For this great present you have honored us with, I want to request an audience at thy court, not to demand or beg for anything but to present you with a gift, a gift as a thank you for the favor thy lordship has granted us.

The gift we will present you with will be a collection of stones, gems to be exact, known as...Ioun stones, our whole collection of them, shall be transferred to you in an official act at your court, to show our gratitude to you.

My heartfelt thanks and utmost respect.
Paladin Adrastia"

Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 917
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-12-24

Character sheet
Character Name: Valerion
Race: Human
Overall Level: 40

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