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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  Lmwamh Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:14 pm

Please note that the change I'm most pissed off at is that Paladins are no longer bound by alignment! Wtf!

Here's the list:

# Player Characters are all based on the same advancement table
# All classes get powers (think spells)
# The powers are categorized into At-Will/Encounter/Daily and Utility powers
# At-Will powers are weak mostly, but can be used ad inifinitum
# Encounter Powers are usable once per encounter each and have some better damage and utility value
# Daily Powers are strong but osable only once per day
# Utility powers are things like Invisibility and for Fighters things like Boundless Endurance, which gives you short regeneration
# SKills are more compact. Instead of Disable Device/Sleight of Hand you have Thievery, instead of Hide/MOve Silently, you have Stealth
# Feats are less powerful but you get 18 over the course of 30 levels
# On level 11 you get to choose a Paragon Path; Think Prestige Class, but instead of replacing your class abilities, they just give you some added power
# At 21st level you get to choose an Epic Destiny, which is essentially like a Paragon Path - just more powerful
# Combat runs smoother and faster once you have acclimated to the new system
# Monsters and NPC no longer work via the same system as PCs
# Monsters and NPCs each have powers on their own which vary from monster to monster and monster subtype to subtype (Goblin Hexer has different powers than a Goblin Sharpshooter)
# Races now have bonuses only, no +2/-2, instead +2/+2 (or with Humans +2 to any one you choose)
# Gnome has been put into the MM as playable race with about 15 others, whilst Dragonborn and Tieflings are new core races. Half-Orc is not yet available (but Orc is as a good base for playing)
# The system is more tactical in combats and more movement is all around. No more charge and then attack. You have mostly dynamic combats with lots of movement
# Miniatures are now virtuall required. You can play without Minis (or tokens like screaps of paper) but its more rewarding with minis
# Wizards no longer absolutely dominate whilst Fighters no longer suck (YMMV; ergo: My opinion, although many share it. All classes have been balanced to each other, for good or ill.)
# Character Roles tell you what the class you choose is good at and work as a good indicator:
# Strikers deal lots of damage to single targets mostly
# Defenders ... defend. They have staying power and can dish out some damage, too, but mostly are "sticky", ergo make enemy movements harder
# Leaders are the healers / buffers. They can be "in the fray" or behind the lines and do healing/buffing/commanding
# Controller(s) is the role that does battle-field control, ergo has area damage and can make movement harder on a larger scale. They excel at dealing moderate damage to lots of creatures
# No more background skills in the "active" skill list. If you want to be a baker, check with your DM and write it on your char. No more need to spill valuable skill points into the background. (again, for good or ill, depending on your stance)
# Magic Items now all have powers themselves you can use once per day. Some armor gives you added healing, others deal damage to enemies when they crit you. Oh, they still give a +1 bonus, too. This varies a lot and all magic items rely on the same system here.
# Healing Surges. Every character has a bunch of them and can use them out of encounter as he wishes and in combat only with the "SEcond Wind", which everyone can use once per fight. Healing Surges give you back 1/4 of your hit points and can be enabled by Leaders or by powers you have yourself (Fighter gets a lot of those for staying power)
# Higher Hit Points. Your Level 1 Wizard won't die after falling 20 ft. He now has around 20 hp.
# Fixed HP per level
# Rituals. Ritual Magic contains most of the out-of combat non-utility spells wizards and clerics had. Examples include: Tensers Floating Disk, Ressurect Dead, Cure Disease, Scyring, etc. Important: Every character can access Rituals via a Ritual Caster feat, which itself has a requirement (I think you must be trained in either Arcana or Religion).
# A lot of DM's, me included, have stated that prep time is reduced a lot.
# Skill challenges: They are a framework fore OUt-Of-Combat Skill Encounters (like "Convince the Duke"). They require some adjucation and the newest errata, thought.
# The Skill system works no longer with point-buy but instead if you are trained in a skill, you get a flat +5 bonus. Via the feat Skill Specialization you can get another +3.
# 1/2 Level Mechanic: Attacks, Defenses and Skills all get a bonus equal to half your level.
# Defenses: YOu have 4 Defenses: Armor Class, Fortitude, Reflex, Will - YOu no longer roll Reflex if you are hit by a fireball; instead the fireball caster rolls an attack against your Reflex Defense. If he hits you, you take damage.
# Saving Throws do now consist of only 1d20, nothing added. 11+ you save against an (ongoing) effect, 10 or less: suffer from it another round. Saving Throws now work mostly as duration indicator.Example: A power causes ongoing fire-damage; after you ended your turn you roll a save to see if the ongoing damage stays or vanishes.
# Focus on How To Play: The PHB contains basics from page 4 to 11, explaining how to play, what a RPG is and the like. It's thought for newer players.
# Monster DEsign is easy as pie and you can make interesting creatures from scratch in minutes.

1. All combat systems resolve now with a single roll to determine success. And many of the older systems are gone all together or are unique features/powers for certain classes.

2. Crafting rules are gone.

3. Alignments have been greatly simplified and all alignment based mechanics have been removed from the game (including alignment restrictions to gain entry into a class. ie. you can be an evil paladin in 4e)

4. All classes now have the same template of progression. Meaning they all have a powers based system where they get x powers per level (some of which are at-will, some of which are 1/combat, and some of which are 1/day). They all take a paragon path at level 11 (similar in flavor to 3.x prestige classes), and an epic destiny at level 21 (also similar to prestige classes)

5.PHB has level 1-30 instead of 1-20

6. multiclassing on a level by level basis is extinct. You multiclass now with feats, and it is VERY different in feel to 3.x

7.All measuring of combat distances is done in square counts.

8.Rolling for HP is gone. All players now get a set amount of HP at creation and at each level based on the class the choose and their con score.

9. In 4e all characters have built in healing (via healing surges when not in combat and second wind in combat)

10.Magic Items are very different. Often just offering a bonus to a roll, and a power. Magic items with daily powers can only be used x per day where x for levels 1-10 is 1, and lvl 11-20 is 2, and lvl 21-30 is three. Meaning that at level 7 if you have three magic items with a daily power you may only use 1 of them each day.

11.Critical hits no longer have a multiplier and instead just max out all dice rolls dealing with damage for that attack.

12.Summoned critter/companion/familiar/any other little hench thingy you have rules have been changed requiring the controllers of those creatures to sacrifice some of their own actions to make the creatures function.

13. Treasure is no longer random and is based off of a parcel system where x amount of gold and n-1 magic items are delivered to the group each level (where n is the number of players in the group minus 1) based off of a wish list presented to the DM.

14. There are no races with LA anymore.

15. There are no penalties to abilities scores anymore(yet).All races give bonuses of +2 to one or more stats.

16.Gaining bonuses to your stats now happens more often. (+1 to any two stats at 4th,8th,14th,18th,24th, and 28th level, and +1 to ALL stats at 11th, and 21st level)

17. Feats have been dramatically reduced in power and you get more of them now (you get 1 at fist, and another at second, and then 1 every 2 levels from there on out with addition ones at levels 11 and 21)

18.Vancian casting and spell failure due to armor are gone.

19. And as previously stated:The snozzberries do in fact taste like snozzberries.

This is from WotC site. Please note Oda that I did buy ALL 4th E books. I have them if you need any information from them.

Last edited by Lmwamh on Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:36 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : edited title to make it seem like my real intentions)

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2009-03-03

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  GM_ODA Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:34 am

That is a HUGE list, I'll address some of the specific points in it in a subsequent post and only touch on the matter briefly in this post.

OK, for starters, while it is nice that a 4th edition is being / has been published, nwn is based on 3rd edition. Many of the changes from version 3, to 3.5 were incorporated where possible and relatively easy to implement. That said, some of the changes in 4th ed are just not possible with NWN1. It is not my intention to rebuild the system to conform with 4th edition (heck, I'm busy just adding to the game world to bring it up to snuff with some of my PnP experiences). More, I do not have 4th edition books and have no intention (nor cash) to buy them; I can barely afford to run the server.

4th edition, like its predecessors, is getting mixed reception from the players. I don't know how it will resolve in the end, whenver that may be (as defined by when 5th edition comes out). ATM, I can't really say much about the 4th edition directly as I have no direct experience with it.

SO TO THE READERS, don't panic. This does not mean we will adopt 4th edition rules. We are just discussing the changes here ATM.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

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Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  GM_ODA Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:31 am

Lmwamh wrote:Please note that the change I'm most pissed off at is that Paladins are no longer bound by alignment! Wtf!

There have LONG been non LG Paladins, they are called BLACKGUARDS, or previously ANTI-PALADINS (1st ed/2nd ed Dragon Magazine expansion article).

A few excerpts I thought might merit some comment follow

Lmwamh wrote:
# Player Characters are all based on the same advancement table
# All classes get powers (think spells)
# The powers are categorized into At-Will/Encounter/Daily and Utility powers
# At-Will powers are weak mostly, but can be used ad inifinitum
# Encounter Powers are usable once per encounter each and have some better damage and utility value
# Daily Powers are strong but osable only once per day
# Utility powers are things like Invisibility and for Fighters things like Boundless Endurance, which gives you short regeneration
# SKills are more compact. Instead of Disable Device/Sleight of Hand you have Thievery, instead of Hide/MOve Silently, you have Stealth

Hmmm ... equating the skills to diffuse a trap to that used to pick pockets? Not even in the ball park if you asked me; one being a mechanical related skill as much as finess of manipulation, while the latter relies mostly on psychology and grasper-deftness.

Lmwamh wrote:
# Feats are less powerful but you get 18 over the course of 30 levels
# On level 11 you get to choose a Paragon Path; Think Prestige Class, but instead of replacing your class abilities, they just give you some added power
# At 21st level you get to choose an Epic Destiny, which is essentially like a Paragon Path - just more powerful
# Combat runs smoother and faster once you have acclimated to the new system

NWN1 uses combat systems for v3.0 (roughly) these systems are built-in and not something I'm much interested in putting effort into replacing. Also, PC creation is part of the hard-code and not something I want to fight to alter.

Lmwamh wrote:
# Monsters and NPC no longer work via the same system as PCs
# Monsters and NPCs each have powers on their own which vary from monster to monster and monster subtype to subtype (Goblin Hexer has different powers than a Goblin Sharpshooter)

Seems like a step in the opposite direction of stated intent (streamlining) and also the direction that version 3/3.5 took in making things MORE similar rather than less.

Lmwamh wrote:
# Races now have bonuses only, no +2/-2, instead +2/+2 (or with Humans +2 to any one you choose)
# Gnome has been put into the MM as playable race with about 15 others, whilst Dragonborn and Tieflings are new core races. Half-Orc is not yet available (but Orc is as a good base for playing)
# The system is more tactical in combats and more movement is all around. No more charge and then attack. You have mostly dynamic combats with lots of movement
# Miniatures are now virtuall required. You can play without Minis (or tokens like screaps of paper) but its more rewarding with minis

I have no problems with using minis. I had long been a minis and even scenery user when I ran PnP games. I'm not sure how applicable many of my minis are though these days. Very Happy Still, these days, I don't have the time nor space nor ability to pursue minis with much seriousness (I spend most of my free-time programming).

Lmwamh wrote:
# Magic Items now all have powers themselves you can use once per day. Some armor gives you added healing, others deal damage to enemies when they crit you. Oh, they still give a +1 bonus, too. This varies a lot and all magic items rely on the same system here.
# Healing Surges. Every character has a bunch of them and can use them out of encounter as he wishes and in combat only with the "SEcond Wind", which everyone can use once per fight. Healing Surges give you back 1/4 of your hit points and can be enabled by Leaders or by powers you have yourself (Fighter gets a lot of those for staying power)
# Higher Hit Points. Your Level 1 Wizard won't die after falling 20 ft. He now has around 20 hp.

Holy bouncing babies! That's more damage than a 1st Edition HORSE can survive!

Lmwamh wrote:
# Fixed HP per level
# Rituals. Ritual Magic contains most of the out-of combat non-utility spells wizards and clerics had. Examples include: Tensers Floating Disk, Ressurect Dead, Cure Disease, Scyring, etc. Important: Every character can access Rituals via a Ritual Caster feat, which itself has a requirement (I think you must be trained in either Arcana or Religion).
# A lot of DM's, me included, have stated that prep time is reduced a lot.

I've not run a PnP game lately, nor run 4th ed so I can't speak to the latter. Sounds like they just made some new categories and moved some old spells into them.

Lmwamh wrote:
# Skill challenges: They are a framework fore OUt-Of-Combat Skill Encounters (like "Convince the Duke"). They require some adjucation and the newest errata, thought.
# The Skill system works no longer with point-buy but instead if you are trained in a skill, you get a flat +5 bonus. Via the feat Skill Specialization you can get another +3.
# 1/2 Level Mechanic: Attacks, Defenses and Skills all get a bonus equal to half your level.
# Defenses: YOu have 4 Defenses: Armor Class, Fortitude, Reflex, Will - YOu no longer roll Reflex if you are hit by a fireball; instead the fireball caster rolls an attack against your Reflex Defense. If he hits you, you take damage.
# Saving Throws do now consist of only 1d20, nothing added. 11+ you save against an (ongoing) effect, 10 or less: suffer from it another round. Saving Throws now work mostly as duration indicator.Example: A power causes ongoing fire-damage; after you ended your turn you roll a save to see if the ongoing damage stays or vanishes.

So every PC's save is the same as every other ? I think I'm missing something here about saves.

Lmwamh wrote:
# Focus on How To Play: The PHB contains basics from page 4 to 11, explaining how to play, what a RPG is and the like. It's thought for newer players.
# Monster DEsign is easy as pie and you can make interesting creatures from scratch in minutes.

I've always done the latter, since 1st Ed.. Very Happy

Lmwamh wrote:
1. All combat systems resolve now with a single roll to determine success. And many of the older systems are gone all together or are unique features/powers for certain classes.

2. Crafting rules are gone.

3. Alignments have been greatly simplified and all alignment based mechanics have been removed from the game (including alignment restrictions to gain entry into a class. ie. you can be an evil paladin in 4e)

4. All classes now have the same template of progression. Meaning they all have a powers based system where they get x powers per level (some of which are at-will, some of which are 1/combat, and some of which are 1/day). They all take a paragon path at level 11 (similar in flavor to 3.x prestige classes), and an epic destiny at level 21 (also similar to prestige classes)

5.PHB has level 1-30 instead of 1-20

6. multiclassing on a level by level basis is extinct. You multiclass now with feats, and it is VERY different in feel to 3.x

7.All measuring of combat distances is done in square counts.

I have no notion of what a 'square count' is. Very Happy I take it the game is meant to be played on a square grid? No more hex grids? 1st Ed Humans only split-class or single class, other races limited mulit-class, 2nd Ed most the same, 3rd ed single or multi for all races pretty much, now no multi-class at all. This is all over the board. Very Happy

Lmwamh wrote:

8.Rolling for HP is gone. All players now get a set amount of HP at creation and at each level based on the class the choose and their con score.

9. In 4e all characters have built in healing (via healing surges when not in combat and second wind in combat)

10.Magic Items are very different. Often just offering a bonus to a roll, and a power. Magic items with daily powers can only be used x per day where x for levels 1-10 is 1, and lvl 11-20 is 2, and lvl 21-30 is three. Meaning that at level 7 if you have three magic items with a daily power you may only use 1 of them each day.

11.Critical hits no longer have a multiplier and instead just max out all dice rolls dealing with damage for that attack.

So every first level 'fill-in-the-blank' has the same HP? Criticals nothing more spectacular than a max damage roll? How many criticals with a dagger does it take to kill a first level wizard?

Lmwamh wrote:

12.Summoned critter/companion/familiar/any other little hench thingy you have rules have been changed requiring the controllers of those creatures to sacrifice some of their own actions to make the creatures function.

13. Treasure is no longer random and is based off of a parcel system where x amount of gold and n-1 magic items are delivered to the group each level (where n is the number of players in the group minus 1) based off of a wish list presented to the DM.

Oh please MUNCHKINS now have a CONTRACT with the DM for minimum treasure! LOL.

Lmwamh wrote:

14. There are no races with LA anymore.


Lmwamh wrote:

15. There are no penalties to abilities scores anymore(yet).All races give bonuses of +2 to one or more stats.

So even playing a kobold gives only bonuses? What ever happened to monster/racial types that were characterized as weaker or dumber than average?

Lmwamh wrote:

16.Gaining bonuses to your stats now happens more often. (+1 to any two stats at 4th,8th,14th,18th,24th, and 28th level, and +1 to ALL stats at 11th, and 21st level)

17. Feats have been dramatically reduced in power and you get more of them now (you get 1 at fist, and another at second, and then 1 every 2 levels from there on out with addition ones at levels 11 and 21)

18.Vancian casting and spell failure due to armor are gone.

Vance is my favorite author. If magic is 100% reliable, it is not magic but SCIENCE. Spells are nothing more than pistols in such cases, and finely crafted ones at that.

Lmwamh wrote:
This is from WotC site. Please note Oda that I did buy ALL 4th E books. I have them if you need any information from them.

Thanks, while I appreciate the offer to reference them on my behalf, I'm not really interested in wholesale adaptation of NWN1 to match 4th ed.; it really presents a great deal of work for little benefit. More, it would mean that vast portions of such an NWN1/4th Ed game would run differently and therefor present a learning curve to the players. That alone could cut the size of my prospective player base as many do resist change. Change for change's sake I cannot push on them, but change for perceptable improvement I sometimes can successfully sell them.

I'm perfectly willing to discuss the changes and merits thereof with and between the 3/3.5/4th edition, but please do not count on having me adopt great numbers of the changes as it is viewed by me as 'fixing what is not broken'. That said, someone MAY one day in the future release a game like NWN1 but based on 4th ed rules - and I may have more interest in that when/if it happens (depending on other factors).

THANK YOU FOR THE OVERVIEW, especially since Dragon magazine is gone, and I'm unlikely to buy the books and therefore would not have gotten even a notion of what it is for some time to come. Sigh. My old PnP crew are dispursed to the four corners of the earth and I have no desire to find a replacement group locally - space-time and RL issues make that so much more difficult than online build and play efforts for me.

The game sure has changed over the decades; I started with the original boxed edition D&D paperbacks. Very Happy

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  GM_ODA Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:34 pm

P.S. do not take my matter-of-fact tone as 'pissed off'; not the case at all.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  Lmwamh Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:33 pm

LA is Level Adjustment - No races have that anymore. Every race is now equal as stated below.

Oh this wasn't necessarily for NWN my dear lad. I posted this here to show you the changes! I just wanted to get your opinions and thoughts on the new PNP edition. I myself am actually having trouble learning the new system, and I don't know why. They've changed it so much that I feel it's more for fun and less about dragons, treasures, infinite possibilities. The skill changes... -cry-... the feat changes.. they got rid of almost all the feats....It's a lot different now.

Square count is grids, instead of speed 30 ft, it's speed 6 squares. Everybody theoretically has the same reflex/will/fort saving throws, but it's changed, I can't really explain other then it's 10+ 1/2 level, plus other things (feats, skills, etc). Every race is now equal except for stat bonuses.

Also, it was changed so intelligence also adds AC (Please note that I have not played 3.5, so Idk), also.... Fortitude I believe is the higher of your STR or CON modifier, reflex is the higher of your DEX or INT, WILL is the higher of your CHA or WIS. I meant that they pretty much removed alignment which in my opinion pulls out some of the character. I still want to play really bad however. I'm sure once I adapt it'll all be okay.


Dragonborn Paladin, 18 Constitution, 15 starting, would therefore have 33 hp at level one.
Plus five hp every level, I think modifier added, so +9 per level.

Anyways, I want to talk to you about PNP, and I figured the DM's knew the most about it since they work with 3.0 and can see the changes and can reflect. I also want player input because I'm having trouble relearning and just want help/input. Thanks for your thoughtful input, and please note I didn't mean for any of this to be in NWN. ((If you want, some of it, can be done, items are obviously the easiest (new items), but I personally don't care either way)))

Thanks guys Smile. Can't wait to see your replies!

Last edited by Lmwamh on Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added LA)

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2009-03-03

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  GM_ODA Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:24 pm

Very Happy I'm still way in the dark with this new 4.0 stuff, and lacking the books it is hard for me to honestly give good feedback on it. All I know of it is hearsay.

I did want to be sure that this BIG thread (which many will not read all the way thru) was not to be misconstrued as where we are building toward in our NWN1. I agree with you though, the changes to the system are enormous - and make this a markedly different game than I've played in the last 30 years.

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  Lmwamh Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:53 pm

I understand. It's bad to judge things if you don't have any personal experience with something. I'm having a hard time getting back into PnP, and I've been reading for a while. I still don't understand the Action Point and Power thing. =(

My level one Dragonborn Paladin for examples has 15/14/14 saving, and the DC check is automatic against those, instead of a roll and a counter roll. It makes it simpler for new people, but it's harder for older members in my opinion.

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2009-03-03

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  GM_ODA Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:43 am

Lmwamh wrote:I understand. It's bad to judge things if you don't have any personal experience with something. I'm having a hard time getting back into PnP, and I've been reading for a while. I still don't understand the Action Point and Power thing. =(

My level one Dragonborn Paladin for examples has 15/14/14 saving, and the DC check is automatic against those, instead of a roll and a counter roll. It makes it simpler for new people, but it's harder for older members in my opinion.

Very Happy Yeah, I'm trying to keep an open mind on it, but with my limited access to gaming groups in RL, I doubt I'll ever find reason to actually get the books for 4th ed. At least for now, my library is 'frozen' at 3.5 (tho it is a vast library with many games not just DnD). For a fact, in the last five years, I've budgeted nothing for PnP gaming. Sigh. Times change.

Now, if one changes the probability of making a save one can achieve the same % efficacy as if attack roll then save roll, done in one roll, but that depends on reviewing the math of what the rolls would have done in the old system and evolving a new set of single roll results to get similar effect. For example, in the old system if you have a 50% chance to hit me with your spell, and I have a 50% chance to make my save, the spell overall has only a 25% chance of harming me, and that could be done on one roll. It gets complicated though if one looks much beyond that pale example. Very Happy

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  Lmwamh Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:11 pm

Oh of course. I finished reading the PHB so now I understand the powers and action point thing. I was confused because my DB Pally had so many powers. It turns out Dragon Breaht plus LoH, etc, will add up and it makes it look way too large for a power list.

I think you'd find it interesting to debate, even if you don't know about it. I'd like to just chatter about the old and the new. We can compare things. You see my dear Mr. Oda... I missed 3.5. You have the old which made the jump to 4.0. This, my dear friend, will allow us to debate Razz. I can tell you how it changed, and then we can keep mindless chit-chat back and forth. I've been having trouble playing games on this computer as well. I seem to keep being hit by waves of spyware and their cronies and it's annoying o.o. Not only that but lady problems aren't the greatest.

Although, I think once I start 4.0 I'll like it. I dislike how multiclassing is done - I much prefered 3.0 over the multiclass feat thing. They really geared this to include many more players. For example, when you're level 30, you're able to begin an epic quest and depending on your destiny you can either ascend as a God, and lose your character, or keep playing. It's ultimately up to the player. Not sure if this was in 3.0....

I haven't seen 3.5. What was different from 3.0 - 3.5?

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2009-03-03

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  GM_ODA Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:22 pm

Very little changed from 3.0 to 3.5 but they did nerf a lot of spell durations. Nothing else really jumps out at me as that diff, but it has been years since I compared the two.

Try getting agnitum software's firewall OUTPOST it is good and has a free version. It will keep you safer. Also, stop using IE, switch to ANY other browser, as microsoft bites.

be well. game on.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

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Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  Lmwamh Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:59 pm

I use firefox, and I don't do anything, I also have a firewall. I just magically get more spyware and I don't understand why. It's starting to get frustrating.

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2009-03-03

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  GM_ODA Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:18 pm

what firewall? not all are equally protective.

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

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Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  Lmwamh Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:09 pm

well somebody put my behind the DMZ which is retarded. Anyways... my lady of three years actually broke up with me, and that combined with everything else is just keeping me down. I don't know what to do - being such a heavy set guy after-all. That's besides the point.

What is your career?

I'm curious because at this point in my life I'm questioning what I'm doing and everything


Posting Knave

Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2009-03-03

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  GM_ODA Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:02 am

Sad to hear about your girlie. Still, if the 'right one' for you is "one in a million", then given the world population of 6,706,993,152 - there are about 3350 'right ones' out there for you. It is important not to rely on random events bringing you together with the right person. SEEK the right person in an environment where that person might be seeking you (the corner bar AINT it). Very Happy

Career? Shocked Very Happy

None. I'm disabled presently - learning C/scripting in an attempt to improve my skill set for future employment options.

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  Lmwamh Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:36 am

Hm.. I remember you saying that now. We came together through seeking and everything. It's just not working out at the moment... but who knows... only time will tell.

So you plan on being a programmer or what?

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2009-03-03

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  Raising_Cain Fri May 22, 2009 9:11 am

Honestly? I don't like 4e all that much. :/ I'd rather we didn't change.
Posting Knave

Female Number of posts : 19
Registration date : 2009-05-13

Character sheet
Character Name: Fiona Bryony
Race: Human
Overall Level: 9

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

Post  jamoecw Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:51 pm

they're just talking about the differences between 3.0 and 4.0.

as far as the wizard being overpowered, I say that the best thing about the wizard is item creation, without that he is roughly equal at 20th level. the dm choses what spells he has access to, what he can or can't create, etc. so the dm can control how powerful wizards are in the game quite easily, however it does take some thinking ahead.

frankly i would have simply changed armor, weapon, and shield stuff to make it more historically accurate, and altered item creation to be a bit more formulaic, rather than the rather ad hoc method in 3.0, then altered all of the other stuff to fit and called it a new addition.

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2009-08-31

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3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts! Empty Re: 3.5e - 4e changes. This list is now for all players, wanted GM input first. What do you think? Do you PNP? Stop by and share your thoughts!

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