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Respawning Minogon

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Respawning Minogon Empty Respawning Minogon

Post  Amagon Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:20 am

Elvith here;

I found a location (I won't be specific here due to possible spoiler) where a Minogon just kept respawning. I went back there 3 times in two day but the Minogon just kept respawning with no cap in sight.

I was discussing this with another player ooc and it was suggested that I could just cast invisibility and bypass the respawns. It was suggested that just killing respawns over and over might be considered powergamming.

I guess I'll try going invisible next time and continue exploring. The respawn happens rapidly and blocks a narrow passage. Anyway we thought this would be a good topic to bring up here in the DM forum. Maybe a cap on respawns or another form of remidy is needed. Or some other advice?

I would try to form a party but there is seldom anyone of the appropriate level available.

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Respawning Minogon Empty Re: Respawning Minogon

Post  Shar Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:46 pm

uuum.... could you be more specific?

Things are supposed to re-spawn after a time lapse so what makes this abnormal?
Forum Vizier

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Respawning Minogon Empty Re: Respawning Minogon

Post  theApparition Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:31 pm

It may be about the frequency. I ran into a similar problem northeast of tivook with some ants. I mean I would take a step or two, kill an ant, another step or two, another would respawn, etc etc. There was a server warning in the log box that noted powerleveling suspect. So I ran. Neutral

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Respawning Minogon Empty Re: Respawning Minogon

Post  Amagon Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:40 pm

Yes, frequency is the issue. The respawn is less than 4 seconds.

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Character Name: Elvith Gener
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Respawning Minogon Empty Re: Respawning Minogon

Post  Shar Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:29 pm

i see...
Forum Vizier

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Respawning Minogon Empty Re: Respawning Minogon

Post  GM_ODA Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:37 pm

Good question friend!
I know the location and the spawns here are intentional for undisclosed reasons. There will eventually be better narrative text in the combat to explain that the shattered bits begin reassembling themselves as soon as they are defeated/downed. Quirky bunch ain't they?

Be well. Game on.
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Respawning Minogon Empty Re: Respawning Minogon

Post  Valerion Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:46 am

Yep, but they also give repeated XP everytime you shatter them, meaning it is possible to abuse it.
Forum Sage

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Respawning Minogon Empty Re: Respawning Minogon

Post  Animayhem Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:16 pm

GM_ODA wrote:Quirky bunch ain't they?GM_ODA

They take after their creator Razz
Forum Oracle

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