Examine surroundings - ability
3 posters
Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE :: Neverwinter Nights - General :: Suggestions (general unsorted) :: NEW Feature/System Requests
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Examine surroundings - ability
Here is the idea, short and easy, lots of areas with hidden secrets, climbing spots and more, many not uncoverable through basic NWN script because they are server added scripts, therefore a lot of try and error is needed.
Now, what about an "Examine surroundings"-ability, an ability that gives you hints on, where there may be a place on that cliff to climb up or where there is a hole that a rat, or pixie or BAT would fit through *purely scripted transits that work only under certain circumstances*.
It would not directly say THERE is a secret, but hint one with clues to it, based on abilities and stats and perhaps even class.
As an example:
Spot for rocky crevices you can climb up, search for so called ratholes /hidden transitions and so on.
What do you think about the idea?
Now, what about an "Examine surroundings"-ability, an ability that gives you hints on, where there may be a place on that cliff to climb up or where there is a hole that a rat, or pixie or BAT would fit through *purely scripted transits that work only under certain circumstances*.
It would not directly say THERE is a secret, but hint one with clues to it, based on abilities and stats and perhaps even class.
As an example:
Spot for rocky crevices you can climb up, search for so called ratholes /hidden transitions and so on.
What do you think about the idea?
Valerion- Forum Sage
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Re: Examine surroundings - ability
we already have this i think...
Shar- Forum Vizier
- Number of posts : 1074
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Re: Examine surroundings - ability
I believe if you go into detect mode and/or use the runestone option.
Animayhem- Forum Oracle
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Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE :: Neverwinter Nights - General :: Suggestions (general unsorted) :: NEW Feature/System Requests
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