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A few questions.

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A few questions. Empty A few questions.

Post  wolfbran Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:46 am

Hey guys, just out of curiosity I would like to raise a few questions, some of these I may have already asked but I'd kind of like them all here, so.. here goes:

1: I know I could start a pack, but how would I go about doing it? I heard that most of the Pack stuff isn't done yet, so it would be just through RP? Would anyone join? How would they join, if so? And just a wide question here, does anyone wan't to be turned into a Lycanthrope? xD

2: I couldn't find many caves, I had someone help me look for them and none found were really ideal.. Could I get my own cave? In real life there are countless caves and the most likely of a cave to be chosen would be one near/with a food source, water, and a cave with at least 3 exits or more, so they could not be cornered. A long dark cave with many twists and turns to lose people in, with a lot of dead ends, so if chased, they could easily lose their pursuers.

3: Could I do my own events with this? Is the slaughtering of farm animals/farmers allowed to make a point, etc?
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A few questions. Empty Re: A few questions.

Post  Animayhem Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:54 pm

wolfbran wrote:Hey guys, just out of curiosity I would like to raise a few questions, some of these I may have already asked but I'd kind of like them all here, so.. here goes:

1: I know I could start a pack, but how would I go about doing it? I heard that most of the Pack stuff isn't done yet, so it would be just through RP? Would anyone join? How would they join, if so? And just a wide question here, does anyone wan't to be turned into a Lycanthrope? xD

You could start a back and rp it. As for having it has guild status for extra perks, would have to be approved by admin.
wolfbran wrote:
2: I couldn't find many caves, I had someone help me look for them and none found were really ideal.. Could I get my own cave? In real life there are countless caves and the most likely of a cave to be chosen would be one near/with a food source, water, and a cave with at least 3 exits or more, so they could not be cornered. A long dark cave with many twists and turns to lose people in, with a lot of dead ends, so if chased, they could easily lose their pursuers.

This would have to be approved by admin, however in the interim you can rp a cave as yours.
3: Could I do my own events with this? Is the slaughtering of farm animals/farmers allowed to make a point, etc?[/quote]

Yes you can attack npc's and animals if that is in keeping in line with your rp and character. You can supplement rp in the fprum. For anything world shaking it would have to be approved by a dm and or admin.
Forum Oracle

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Race: Half-Elf
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A few questions. Empty Re: A few questions.

Post  GM_ODA Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:39 pm

wolfbran wrote:

1: I know I could start a pack, but how would I go about doing it?

2: I couldn't find many caves, I had someone help me look for them and none found were really ideal.. Could I get my own cave?

3: Could I do my own events with this? Is the slaughtering of farm animals/farmers allowed to make a point, etc?

1. Ask Erin about the details of starting a pack for the latest up to date info.

2. Yes, I do make custom housing for PCs, if you'll be around and gaming regularly I could arrange such a thing. We should PM each other on some details privately. PM me with detailed request and I'll ponder the request.

3. I'm not sure what 'run my own events' means ... elaborate? Your PC can do most anything at all in game, but there are consequences.

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

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Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

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Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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