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Organized Bandits (Faction Overview, Rough Draft)

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Organized Bandits (Faction Overview, Rough Draft) Empty Organized Bandits (Faction Overview, Rough Draft)

Post  DM_Dekkar Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:50 am

(Here in is WORK IN PROGRESS, and is subject to change, this is just to give players an oversight on the different factions without spoiling too much of the role-play, as per beta this is currently used in game)

If there is two things the many races have in common, it's greed and the ability to do evil deeds. While most try to make ends meet working the fields, serving in the army, or working for nobility one way or another - there are just as many who are fed up with the latter. Bandits are a group of like minded individuals who have a hatred for law, and hard living, and wish to make it easier by taking from others - whether to advance their own cynical goals, or just for the fun of it all. Most who perform ill deeds form small "posses" of around 2-4 men, this is where Organized Bandits differs greatly. In the criminal underground certain people become well known for their ability to bring harm and fear to others, some are exemplary at it even, so much so that they command respect as well as fear from others who are just as like minded in the field. These men or women have the strength to hold command, and the intelligence to make a profit from others labor. Thus those who are fortunate enough to have the brainpower to function other tasks other then maim, kill, destroy, are elected as leaders - or as Bandits call, Chiefs.

Whats Yours Is MINE, and other things.

No one knows exactly how many bandits there are, but one thing is for certain, a lot of them are more organized then most. With no true name they are content with just "Bandits, Highway men, Thugs" as they claim to represent themselves, even though it seems they generally fall in line to another. When labeled, bandits go by their leaders name with a symbol of some-sort their leader has created. Many of the bandits come with a wide variety of skills, ranging from amateur to elite, with usually the best and strongest taking the lead of a particular group. This is because a lot of them come from some type of military background, be it deserters from various guilds and armies, to simple peasants that are fed up with the hard life and want to try and make it easy.

The general structure of banditry even though based on how evil one is, or strong, their is also unofficial 'ranks' that they pass on to others to give a sense of accomplishment amongst each-other. With the higher ranks allowed access to the better loot, women, slaves and other 'rewards' they get from raids or ambushes. From highest to lowest they are dubbed - Taskmaster, Chief, Outlaw, Highway Man, Bandit, Follower. Not only do the higher ranks gain access to the best loot, they also command a "Posse" of their own miscreants that the Chief's or a Taskmaster assigns them. Those who show interest but have not yet proven themselves are the ones dubbed Followers, they will be watched closely and will have to pass a series of tests given to them by the group they wish to join, from robbery, kidnapping, to murder. It is rare, however that one advances in the ranks legitly - cheating, lying, and murder is not uncommon for one to advance or take another's place amongst the ranks, after all the most feared won't have to worry about another attempting their life. As of late there has been rumors of one who seeks to unite the Bandits, one who seeks to finally form his own version of the "Shak Tolun" , but with the winds of change any thing can happen and whether or not he will succeed is yet to be seen.

Presently, no one has uncovered much about the Bandits, so information about their roster is discreet. As more are learned by the players in game, they will be revealed here.

Discovered Bandits

Task master Khall Darkmire (Darkmire's Fist)
(There are many faceless recruits, only the important bandits will be listed)

Last edited by DM_Dekkar on Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 72
Age : 36
Location : usa, illinois
Registration date : 2012-01-01

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Character Name: DM Dekkar
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Organized Bandits (Faction Overview, Rough Draft) Empty Re: Organized Bandits (Faction Overview, Rough Draft)

Post  DM_Dekkar Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:51 pm


Color Codes = Neutral , Alliance , War , Relations Worsening, Relations Rising

Order Of The Shining Blade(PCs) - Peace Treaty.

Grand City Of Dohral - Peace treaty

Druidic Circle (PCs) - Peace treaty

Mercenaries Guild (PCs) - War

The Cholla - War

Eastern Stronghold Dwarven Encalve -War

Shak Tolun - Alliance

Curst Vampyre - War

Hunters Guild - War

Note, these aren't ALL the factions in the entire game world, these are local yet dominate factions. Minor factions such as Fey, Elven Enclaves, Half-lings etc. either fall with another major Faction, or are too small to make an impact on politics. Also, Factions with PCS listed next to them, means that actual player(s) are in the faction as well. Others are "NPC Controlled" (DM run)
Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 72
Age : 36
Location : usa, illinois
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Character sheet
Character Name: DM Dekkar
Race: Human
Overall Level: Over 9000!

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