In Game message Board
6 posters
Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE :: Neverwinter Nights - General :: Suggestions (general unsorted) :: NEW Feature/System Requests
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In Game message Board
This is a great option however the board resets itself so player in game posts are lost. It is a double edged sword as some people do not use it but post in forum. However not all people read the forum either.
I suggest a seperate board for player's messages. I have seen this work successfully in two other worlds.
The one world the message boards are only in the guild houses. They work the same as here as you speak and the message appears on the board but they do not disappear until the author removes them.
The second world you "write" on a notice with quill and ink (basically typing in the command area) then you go to the board and the notice is posted. This two stays until the author removes it.
Maybe have the player boards inside the inns and college.
I suggest a seperate board for player's messages. I have seen this work successfully in two other worlds.
The one world the message boards are only in the guild houses. They work the same as here as you speak and the message appears on the board but they do not disappear until the author removes them.
The second world you "write" on a notice with quill and ink (basically typing in the command area) then you go to the board and the notice is posted. This two stays until the author removes it.
Maybe have the player boards inside the inns and college.
Animayhem- Forum Oracle
- Number of posts : 2213
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Re: In Game message Board
I mainly use the forum as the messages have never saved when i used them, if the boards were fixed they may be more commonly used IG. However it is still good practice to make use of the forum.
BobbyBrown15- Forum Sage
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Re: In Game message Board
While it is nice when PLAYERS visit and use the forum, not all do, and not all even seem to know the forum is here. Having an in game IC bulletin board is a good thing, I thought it was persistent but will look into fixing that issue.
Be well. Game on.
Be well. Game on.
Re: In Game message Board
Recently a request was made to allow anonymous posting to the IC BulletinBoard.
Re: In Game message Board
That does make a lot of sense, it reduces the risk of metagaming and also gives plenty of oppurtunity for interaction.
Valerion- Forum Sage
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Re: In Game message Board
I'lll normally Add "Seek Such and such at random place for details or stuff." *nods* I same make it normally anonymous and if peeps want, they can sign it.
Absol 13- Forum Sage
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Re: In Game message Board
A big problem I have noticed is that it seems to be level based, when looking for posts.
If a level 40 posts something, and a level 26 checks the board for that same message, it's not there, despite having watched them put it up.
This certainly prevents all kinds of Role playing, including hindering the efforts of this level 40 and level 26 to build an army of level 10+ pc's
If a level 40 posts something, and a level 26 checks the board for that same message, it's not there, despite having watched them put it up.
This certainly prevents all kinds of Role playing, including hindering the efforts of this level 40 and level 26 to build an army of level 10+ pc's
Ragdoll_Knight- Forum Sage
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Re: In Game message Board
GM_ODA wrote:While it is nice when PLAYERS visit and use the forum, not all do, and not all even seem to know the forum is here. Having an in game IC bulletin board is a good thing, I thought it was persistent but will look into fixing that issue.
Be well. Game on.
I agree. Other places use message boards however rather then typing directly , you use a quill and ink to write the message on the poster board notice then post it and it stays there regardless of resets. It can be read by all regardless of levels.If a post is no longer valid then it can be removed. Also in these other places they have the writing desk by which you pay and you can get multiple copies of your notice to post elsewhere. Currently one place charges 10 gold per copy of letters, book, boards, etc.
If I may suggest the board near the inn be moved to inside Tivook Inn as it seems to affect other scripts especially language. You may have chosen a different language to speak but if you are too close to the board
you revert to common.
Animayhem- Forum Oracle
- Number of posts : 2213
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Re: In Game message Board
Ooooooouuuuh! Animayhem you gave me an idea there, why not be able to "pay a scribe" to make such notices you want to post which you can either post on boards where they are kind of "reset protected", and free notes you can basically plaster on any wall like hanging up a picture, which vanish with the next reset?!
Valerion- Forum Sage
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Re: In Game message Board
Either way I mean you have to pay for paper ink quill and posterboards in the other places. Even if there was a scribe you still have to type.
A writing desk is the d and d version of a copier- a golem scribe.
I agree graffitti posting which vanishes on a reset like " Oda was here etc ." But it need be be civil and in rp ic context.
A writing desk is the d and d version of a copier- a golem scribe.
I agree graffitti posting which vanishes on a reset like " Oda was here etc ." But it need be be civil and in rp ic context.
Animayhem- Forum Oracle
- Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11
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Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30
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