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Artwork Needed for - status and help request

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Artwork Needed for - status and help request Empty Artwork Needed for - status and help request

Post  GM_ODA Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:43 am

As some of you may already know, is a site Erin and I 'inherited' last year. The site Erin (most credit on this SERIOUSLY) and I rebuilt the site from scratch, but we are programmers, not artists. We were left with a situation where we were able to get all the unique features of the old site online in a freshly coded form, but we need art for the pages and for the spambot blocker we plan to roll out. Without the spambot blocker, admin on the site would be a nightmare, one I am not willing to endure, so the art for that in particular was a hurdle we could not cross on our own.

Some of you may know that I am an old hand in the gaming industry, being involved with the publishers of RPGs and computer games since 1985. I was the game forum founder of AOL and other networks too, active in many aspects of the industry. In those days I made a lot of good friends in the industry, we spent many an evening toasting good things at conventions each year, a great chance to hang out with people you seldom see due to remote living locations.

One of the REALLY NICE PEOPLE who I befriended back in the day was Larry Elmore. And while I did not _want_ to call in old friends and old favors, I love NWN - and so I made the call today. I am pleased to say, Larry Elmore is, just as he was, a very nice person, a good friend (and one of THE major artists that have helped shape the images you and I know as Dungeons & Dragons). Larry agreed to help us out. He will, at his best prices, license us use of a number of his beautiful paintings. He will prepare a selection for us to pick from, but also said his web site has many images on it and if we are interested in any of those, just ask.

Here is where YOU can help - go to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] look around for images that contain multiple PC races (we'll use those to ask the new member to veriify that they are human by clicking on one of the figures in the art). Collect for me the images you think we should consider for this purpose, email me the link to the page the image is found on, and the image file itself (save it and send with email) so I'll know which ones you selected.

Bless you brother Larry Elmore, as fine a fellow as there is!

Be well. Game on.

Larry lmore is as
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Artwork Needed for - status and help request Empty Re: Artwork Needed for - status and help request

Post  Animayhem Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:21 pm

Taking a quick gander. Very nice work.
Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

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Race: Half-Elf
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Artwork Needed for - status and help request Empty My pick

Post  Silver Oak Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:42 pm

Omens of War

Silver Oak
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Registration date : 2013-04-13

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Race: Elf
Overall Level: 14

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