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Perfume/ scented oils

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Perfume/ scented oils Empty Perfume/ scented oils

Post  Elgate Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:56 am

I noticed in the bath store you could buy such things and what I thought might be useful, if possible, is that if people used perfumes or scented oils for a period of time no information about them would come up on detect scents- on a server that has any animal companions and people with animal senses, such olfactory deceit may be useful to many, for example on the detect scents menu, all you can tell about someone is that they're wearing perfume- not their race, gender, name, status so on. Just 'Someone wearing strong perfumes'.

I'm not sure if I missed anything, but the scented oils/ perfumes didn't seem to do anything when I used them. They were just an RP tool.
Forum Sage

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Perfume/ scented oils Empty Re: Perfume/ scented oils

Post  Shar Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:24 pm

Sounds like an interesting idea. and even in the most basic form could be used like a spender potion. (cha bonus)
Forum Vizier

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Perfume/ scented oils Empty Re: Perfume/ scented oils

Post  Animayhem Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:38 pm

Shar wrote:Sounds like an interesting idea. and even in the most basic form could be used like a spender potion. (cha bonus)
Yes Eagle Splender. However those are standard.  However maybe make some that are not. Like sleep, fear,  keep the scroll but change the appearance to bottle.

Maybe a musk which could cause races to come in heat quicker.  Naturally a dice roll and consent between parties. Or just the simple phrases like when applied their scent would spoken, like she put on essense of lavender.
Forum Oracle

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