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Bards and their Bugs. Nasty.

DM Drachen
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Bards and their Bugs. Nasty. Empty Bards and their Bugs. Nasty.

Post  GunpowderHater Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:43 am


Last edited by GunpowderHater on Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:44 am; edited 1 time in total

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Bards and their Bugs. Nasty. Empty Re: Bards and their Bugs. Nasty.

Post  DM Drachen Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:17 pm

I've never heard of the spell Mass Ultravision. It's at least not standard to NWN, so it must be in one of our haks?
DM Drachen
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Bards and their Bugs. Nasty. Empty Re: Bards and their Bugs. Nasty.

Post  GunpowderHater Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:18 pm


Last edited by GunpowderHater on Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:43 am; edited 1 time in total

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Bards and their Bugs. Nasty. Empty Re: Bards and their Bugs. Nasty.

Post  Animayhem Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:00 pm

I have not heard of it either. It could be possible with the complex scripting here it can not be done.
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Bards and their Bugs. Nasty. Empty Re: Bards and their Bugs. Nasty.

Post  GM_ODA Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:11 pm

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I think the OP is in err here, Google has only 16 entries for that search, looks like it is not standard NWN at all but a PRC thing perhaps.

Be well. Game on.

... I see EFU, Avlis and one other server mentioned there - two mention 'mass ultravision' as a 'new spell'. Anyone got experience here? is it PRC? custom spell? what?
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Bards and their Bugs. Nasty. Empty Re: Bards and their Bugs. Nasty.

Post  GunpowderHater Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:41 am


Last edited by GunpowderHater on Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:43 am; edited 1 time in total

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Bards and their Bugs. Nasty. Empty Re: Bards and their Bugs. Nasty.

Post  Valerion Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:10 am

Excuse my bad grammar today, painkillers are slightly dulling my senses.

I feel a RP vs. Mechanical sense discussion coming...

Though I may have a very biased standpoint due to real life, street and medieval combat, I do not really see the sense it makes for a bard to be able to "sing" or "play" any melody in battle, mostly because it is not possible either due to the fact one needs all breath he has for fighting in the midst of battle, then the fact that concentration on a song is very difficult when you have axes and swords flung at you..._I tried did not end well XD.

The third point would be also, that because even if one sings with all power of his lungs, the sounds of battle would be so loud that one most likely could not hear it, pain screams, weapons clanking, weapons hitting armor and so on.

So in my personal opinion, I think it may not be a good change in a mechanical view, but in a RP wise view, for in my picture,*Which is a bit biased due to my knowledge and roots with the celtic/germanic views), bards are more the characters who prepare one or a group for battle, and that they are more of a supportive role and that they also take a counselling role, to calm fear and such.

I am not quite sure about the DnD background of them though, I can only rely on history and reality.

About the solution for this, perhaps the weapon of that character can be given the bard-tool property and it is roleplayed as if she sings a battlesong, or unleashes battlecries when she storms into battle to intimidate enemies.
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Bards and their Bugs. Nasty. Empty Re: Bards and their Bugs. Nasty.

Post  GunpowderHater Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:39 am

Many ways to Rp bard song. Eitherway, unimportant it seems. I ask for this to be either removed or closed. Thanks in advance.


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Bards and their Bugs. Nasty. Empty Re: Bards and their Bugs. Nasty.

Post  GM_ODA Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:31 am

Thanks friends,

Does anyone have a definitive this is or is not nwn? I'm not finding it and think it an add-on, but am waiting for confirmation and perhaps a source so I can review it.

I don't recall if nwn does it but in D&D, typically we would have bardsongs have the same chance of being ruined by a combat hit as a spell being cast - any idea if nwn does this at all?

Be well. Game on.
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Bards and their Bugs. Nasty. Empty Re: Bards and their Bugs. Nasty.

Post  GunpowderHater Tue Oct 08, 2013 7:20 am

I'd avoid editing mechanics any further, frankly. If there's one thing I'm sick of after 8 or more years of NWN, is class mechanics altering, seldom for the better, and usually carrying horrible bugs.

NWN classes work just fine as they are. There is no need to edit them.


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Bards and their Bugs. Nasty. Empty Re: Bards and their Bugs. Nasty.

Post  LordSurge Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:12 pm

GM_ODA wrote:Thanks friends,

Does anyone have a definitive this is or is not nwn? I'm not finding it and think it an add-on, but am waiting for confirmation and perhaps a source so I can review it.

I don't recall if nwn does it but in D&D, typically we would have bardsongs have the same chance of being ruined by a combat hit as a spell being cast - any idea if nwn does this at all?

Be well. Game on.
Bards can easily maintain a song while doing other things, though some actions do interrupt it in D&D. There are of course feats, items, etc to accommodate continuing a song though.

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Bards and their Bugs. Nasty. Empty Re: Bards and their Bugs. Nasty.

Post  DM Drachen Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:46 pm

Bard is my favorite class, therefore I can tell you that once the feat is used, it's not interrupted by anything in NWN.
DM Drachen
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