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Custom Spell Targeting

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Custom Spell Targeting Empty Custom Spell Targeting

Post  Eriniel Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:48 am

It should be possible to assign the Spell to a Player Feat Tool, this will allow targeting easier.

Custom spells can also be scribed to scrolls, thus the unique power of the new scroll will cast the spell.

Spells to target creatures will work with full or partial names, or a small section of the name,

Spells that target creatures (excluding the caster) can be cast without specifying target to get the closest creature to you.

Casting a spell that can target the caster will work without the name.

Spells that can target triggers and items, such as Detect Poison, will find the closest object to the caster, if no creature name is specified. (ie place 'item to scan' on the floor and cast)
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Custom Spell Targeting Empty Re: Custom Spell Targeting

Post  LordSurge Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:33 pm

Will one be able to learn (or at least glean a clue to) spells from custom scrolls?
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Custom Spell Targeting Empty Re: Custom Spell Targeting

Post  Valerion Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:45 am

I can cast custom spells upon scrolls with the assigned tool?!

Be afraid, be VERY afraid! Twisted Evil 
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