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Shifters and their forms!

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Shifters and their forms! Empty Shifters and their forms!

Post  Master_Torry Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:03 am

If at all possible could you put in a few new shifter forms? Like Metallic dragons for wyrmling shape and Dragonshape? Or more undead in undead shape? or perhaps a Dire Bear in Greater Wildshape 4? More outsiders? ect? The normal shifter forms are ok, but they need new ones
What a Face Pc Punch
Posting Knave

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Shifters and their forms! Empty Re: Shifters and their forms!

Post  GM_ODA Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:38 pm

I'm with you TORRY! Let's add to this thread a list of all the forms we would wish to have, from those, we scripters will select and group a few for your amusement.

KUDOS for feedback.

Be well. Game on.
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Shifters and their forms! Empty Shifter forms

Post  Elith Fri Dec 25, 2009 5:24 am

Have no problem with extra forms except for one of the requested..>Dragonshape... um it is a feat which takes alot of work and sacrifices to get, making it accessible to all removes that need and makes it too easy, Psuedodragons, fairy dragons fine with those, BUT True Dragon form should remain as a feat, perhaps adding extra options (Such as Metalic, Silver, Chromatic, Shadow etc) for those who take that feat would be a bonus, but I still think making all Shifters and Druids able to shift to Dragons without sacrifing other feats is unbalanced. (And I play a Druid who has reasonable levels in addition to Elith, so I would benefit from this change, I just dont think it is fair on the other players)

Posting Knave

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Shifters and their forms! Empty Re: Shifters and their forms!

Post  Eriniel Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:36 pm

Expanding the Shifter collection is under way... We have already for druids:
Tree shapes,
Small mammal Shape,
Dire Wild Shape separated from the default ones (so can still become small wolf shape after reach lvl 10),
Hawk Shape,
Snake Shapes...

Planning to add water creature shapes and some more bird shapes.
Probably make some of them also function within shifter levels.

Ooooh yeah extending Dragon options yey... So if the feat is there then more dragon / wrym shapes.. definatly.
(Dragon Shape will still require the Dragon Shape feat... Thats for sure, its a big druid thing and definatly should stay as is, but more dragons on offer WITHIN it is a good idea)
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