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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

DM Althaless
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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

Post  GM_ODA Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:50 pm

Rangers, Druids, you know what I mean, that lil bird that comes round... annoying isn't it?

I want that this creature brings you messages and news of the region, IF you so desire. So, here's my thinking, instead of having it summon itself when you enter an Area, what if we had it approach you if you signal it ... maybe by 'whistling twice'? or some similar means? Feedback please?

Any other nature-boy stuff you want to see here?

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty Re: That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

Post  Animayhem Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:33 pm

Why not something simular to the Arcane masters book by which you can call a messenger. Use that script and maybe make a feather or some other widget?
Forum Oracle

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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty Re: That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

Post  DM Althaless Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:53 am

Sounds like a good idea. I think some sort of widget would be good for this. Could use it to summon a few times a day and perhaps they could send messages to other rangers/druids via these birds?
DM Althaless
DM Althaless

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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty Re: That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

Post  Valerion Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:19 am

Yeah, I saw that messenger, btw, to that I have a small suggestion, this could be made for others aswell, wizards, sorcerors, perhaps bards, (general custom spell perhaps?) and in a way that every character can choose his personal messenger, like A'rys has a raven, a ranger another bird, a sorceror perhaps a flying book, or a wizard with one of those flying eyes....or bone bats....*Yeah I am thinking of Valerion right now XD*
Forum Sage

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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty Re: That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

Post  Elgate Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:34 am

On an interesting note, the birds stop pestering you if you become a lycan >.> I guess you give off too much of a predator vibe. For nature-folk...

I know you're working on the Old Druid quests (The first one, bring me honey, works, but can't get the second, meditate on water, to work yet), but his fanaticism means that if your char has killed even one animal, which is far too easy to do especially in a dm event when evil animals are thrown at you, you get nothing from him. Either set his standards a bit lower (So instead of one animal killed= I hate you, maybe have it 50+ animals) or a way to atone for animal kills so your character can wipe their animal kill count.

I see there are a few 'wild-lore' triggers, but they seem to basically just give ambient descriptions like 'dry leaves rustle'. Maybe they could give a bit of lore/history on wild areas.

Maybe the birds should act a bit like the commoners of the woods, where you can ask them about local news and get wild rumors about druids, rangers, barbarians, lycans and animals and so on.
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty Re: That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

Post  GM_ODA Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:49 am

Good posts please keep the input flowing, we love your feedback.

The animals you find (or rather that find you) in the wild places are in fact meant to be used as Elgate stated as news bringers ... atm the news is limited only to that one quest option, but we will add to that soon. Likewise we plan to add some ritual to neutralize any animal deaths a nature type may cause so as to placate those 'purists' like the Old Druid. Maybe some new moon ritual?

I think it important to remember death is part of the natural world in a druid's view. The scripts are not complete as you can see but the notion was that it is not so much killing that marks the Druid as the 'unreleased' animal spirits are sort of haunting the PC.


Some of the things we hope to do eventually is to have the nagging animal bring you -

  1. News of greater than typical animal deaths in the region (this Area and adjacent Areas)... the sort of 'forest gossip' that Elgate speaks of in prior posts.
  2. Bad weather predictions.
  3. News of quest options in the region.
  4. Word of herbs found in the Area.
  5. Poo on those (even non-druid) with really bad levels of animal haunting (e.g. stuff that would upset the Old Druid).

Any more ideas we should add to this short list?

I like Animayhem & Valerion's notion that the creature might act (rarely) as a Messenger (similar to spell) for the druid, perhaps only if the animal spirits are at peace with the Druid (high divine favor perhaps with a nature god/spirit)?

More feedback please friends!

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3071
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

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Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty Re: That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

Post  Animayhem Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:28 pm

Maybe for Elves or followers of Elven gods *cough cough* like Charia a pixie to inform about Feyview and the surrounding area. May an option attached to the holy symbol. One of Rhenallathans aspects is protector of the forests.
Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

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Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30

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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty Dont become to general

Post  Shar Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:17 pm

I think this is a good idea for nature pc's however we need to remember that in true D&D not all classes are created equal...

some are better at X and others at Y... it is this system that makes different pc's NEED each other or else there would be no reason for classes in the first place.
Forum Vizier

Number of posts : 1074
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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty Re: That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

Post  Elgate Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:06 pm

Ah, but surprisingly Druids, Rangers and Barbarians have a lot already. Well, Barbarians are just very good at being hard to kill, but still...

In DnD a 2nd level druid and 1st level ranger spell is summon animal messenger (
Druids can detect magic and scry like arcane spell casters can.

Heck, they could do a lot: Walk on water or air, use trees as portals, reverse gravity, reshape stone walls, turn acorns into grenades...

Surprisingly spellcasters of all kinds have a huge range of spells, but obviously NwN couldn't script all of these or saw the need to. Also, NwN was origionally 3.0 Edition, while I think this server is 3.5? So there might be differences in spells there.
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty Re: That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

Post  Valerion Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:28 am

Hail Acorns on them?

Acorns, what good is THAT gonna...HOLY BEHOLDERCRAP!
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 917
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-12-24

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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty Re: That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

Post  Shar Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:05 am

Elgate wrote:acorns into grenades..

Are you talking about the "flameberry" spell? Its been a while since i have looked at my old 2nd edition D&D books but that's the only one i remember being like that. Not that my not remembering means anything...
Forum Vizier

Number of posts : 1074
Registration date : 2012-01-15

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Character Name: Ne'Sekoleth
Overall Level: 20

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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty Re: That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

Post  Elgate Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:25 am

I think it might be an adaptation of the 2nd edition flame berry spell as the names are familair: Fire seed spell ( )

You can make Acorn Grendades ( up to four acorns at a time can be hurled upto 100 feet and do 1d6 fire damage per caster level as well as some minor splash damage and sets fire to anything combustible near it)

(Okay, here's the plan: Step 1) Build up supply of acorn grenades, Step 2) build an army of trained squirrels...)

Or you can make Holy Berry Bombs. (Up to 8 berries can be turned into bombs and placed anywhere. If the caster is within 200 feet of the berry and speaks the command word (Mine would totally be 'Bah Humbug') they explode causing 1d8 fire damage +1 point per caster level within a 5 foot radius and sets fire to anything combustible near it)

I can help but think of druids who know this spell as pyromaniac eco-terrorists...
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
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Registration date : 2011-01-31

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Character Name: Grace Fennerset
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Overall Level: 30

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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty Re: That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

Post  BobbyBrown15 Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:58 pm

Forum Sage

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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty Re: That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

Post  Hacatsu Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:57 am

MUST.HAVE.! I can almost see Drurazhor becoming Rhadagast the Brown! XD
Forum Courtier

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That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC.... Empty Re: That lil bird that speaks to your nature-oriented PC....

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