Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE
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New game purchased on

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New game purchased on Empty New game purchased on

Post  Silver Oak Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:36 pm

I keep getting booted from the server. Several players said generic code key?
If so how do I fix that. I have another Key but for some reason I can't seem to edit it.
Help as I have my whole family lined up to play. Two copys here with 20 meg line going in next week. My son as well bought the game.

Silver Oak

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New game purchased on Empty Re: New game purchased on

Post  DM Drachen Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:44 pm

GM_ODA wrote:
Go to, use their search feature for keywords

nwn cd key

This takes you to a page on where you can get the information you need to email them and ask for the key. In my experience gog gets back to the customer within about 24 hours.

IDK if your email to a random department will work or if it will ultimately hinder your chances.

Last edited by DM Drachen on Sun Feb 02, 2014 6:11 pm; edited 2 times in total
DM Drachen
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New game purchased on Empty Key issue

Post  Silver Oak Sun Feb 02, 2014 5:32 am

Have done so

Silver Oak
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New game purchased on Empty Re: New game purchased on

Post  GM_ODA Sun Feb 02, 2014 5:50 am

Friend Silver Oak,
All downloads of a file (like nwn from gog) are the same. Each NWN downloaded from gog has a CD KEY, the same CD KEY. Which means when our security looks at you they think you are using a key they know and you are an impostor, so you are denied entry.

GOG is aware of this and there IS a procedure for it but a email to a random department is not it. Your email may work but it may take time to reach the right desk. Dm Drachen please update your notes so you have a more appropriate answer should you see the questions again in the future.

The RIGHT answer is:

Go to, use their search feature for keywords

nwn cd key

This takes you to a page on where you can get the information you need to email them and ask for the key. In my experience gog gets back to the customer within about 24 hours.

IDK if your email to a random department will work or if it will ultimately hinder your chances.

Be well. Game on.
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New game purchased on Empty Re: New game purchased on

Post  DM Althaless Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:24 pm

GM_ODA wrote:Friend Silver Oak,
All downloads of a file (like nwn from gog) are the same. Each NWN downloaded from gog has a CD KEY, the same CD KEY. Which means when our security looks at you they think you are using a key they know and you are an impostor, so you are denied entry.

GOG is aware of this and there IS a procedure for it but a email to a random department is not it. Your email may work but it may take time to reach the right desk. Dm Drachen please update your notes so you have a more appropriate answer should you see the questions again in the future.

The RIGHT answer is:

Go to, use their search feature for keywords

nwn cd key

This takes you to a page on where you can get the information you need to email them and ask for the key. In my experience gog gets back to the customer within about 24 hours.

IDK if your email to a random department will work or if it will ultimately hinder your chances.

Be well. Game on.

If you use your GOG loggin and go to your 'Games' Section, If you click your copy of NwN there will be an option to request multiplayer keys. This lets you fill in a request form and they usuall email them back to you within a day or two. NOTE: Check your spam box for the email from GOG as twice mine went straight to junk. FYI
DM Althaless
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