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Ummmm, so...

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Ummmm, so... Empty Ummmm, so...

Post  bloodsong Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:51 pm

i have this half elf character who isn't actually a half elf, but a half drow. (and yah, gets a lot of grief for it.) is there something i need to know about drow in your setting? the player's guide seems to hint something about that.

if somebody could send me a message or answer or a clue...??? that'd be great. thanks a bunch!

::wanders around, looking bewildered::

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Ummmm, so... Empty Re: Ummmm, so...

Post  Valerion Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:55 pm

Drow are new to the realm, unknown to most surface dwellers, and unknown in culture and in language except for those adventurers who had dealings with them.

Otherwise, get your tail between your legs and get running whenever you see fullblood drow because they might just....oh well they'll run that character down.

Otherwise, half drow afaik get no special sub species bonusses except for the normal helf elven ones.
Forum Sage

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Ummmm, so... Empty Re: Ummmm, so...

Post  Elgate Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:21 pm

Basically, when thinking about origins for you character, they'll be a very rare occurrence. Drow are relatively new to this plane and especially to this land. So, it's unlikely you'll have been born in this land (It's possible, but unlikely), we have no idea if their are other drow in other lands that you could have been born to, but if you were you'd have to think of a reason as to why you travelled here and how. You could have been pulled from another plane/universe into this one, like the drow here originally were.

In DnD, feat wise, Half-drow were almost identical to other half elves. The racial feat is listed as 'drow-eyes' which I see to mean dark-vision, as opposed to the normal elven 'low-light vision'.

If you have any specific questions, don't be afraid to ask- if it's something you need to know, but is meant to be secret, a DM will PM you the info.
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
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Character Name: Grace Fennerset
Race: Human
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Ummmm, so... Empty Re: Ummmm, so...

Post  bloodsong Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:45 am

hmmmm... so maybe not do that?

there isn't anything special about her. she and her mom were camp followers of some army (not THAT, they were cooks :P ), but she left due to prejudices and to try to make her own way. i don't see any special plane hopping thing going on.

okay, that's cool, i'll see what else i have in my stable. ;) thanks a bunch!
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Ummmm, so... Empty Re: Ummmm, so...

Post  bloodsong Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:45 am


when i read in the player guide here, about certain races and suchlike, who are from somewhere "NOT NEAR DOHRAL"... is that supposed to mean "don't play this on our server!!!"? well, i'm confused. the other thing says all the characters aren't supposed to be from dohral anyway....

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Post  Hacatsu Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:53 am

Well, from my point of view... by Dohral, it means the city, Aldorhal is the region, so maybe when it says that they're not from Dohral, it only means that they came from far away lands, or not so far away, just not in Dohral XD...
Forum Courtier

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Ummmm, so... Empty Re: Ummmm, so...

Post  GM_ODA Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:49 pm

Friend Blood,
Good questions all.

You could play a half Drow as you describe, the movement of troops you followed may have crossed worlds but you did not know it. If the half-Drow is in this world, that'd be how he / she got here. Drow would hate that PC, humans here and other races, since they have no experience with Drow would not have any particular negative reaction. At least for now.

As for any races whose homeland is not near Dohral, just play it that way - e.g. speak of your PC's homeland as 'far away' be as vague as you like - in this medieval like world most folks have little concept of geography; most hardly know the name of a few nearby towns and maybe a major city at some distance. People don't travel much, they are often property of the nobles who run the land. Serfs and nobles. We make note of the far away places so PLAYERS will know how to RP it, and not expect to find their native village in our module since it is far away.

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

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Ummmm, so... Empty Re: Ummmm, so...

Post  Elgate Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:39 pm

From the player guide and other sources, the only 'Native' races to the Dohral region are Dwarves (Shield and a few gold/hill) and humans who migrated their a long time ago. Other races, like elves, have become nearly native, but still have no official settlements in Aldohral.

Native to the land:
Shield and Gold Dwarves
Orcs and Half Orcs

Native to the world (But from other regions):

Elves (Mostly Sun and Moon, but Wood, Wild and even Avariels may be out there some where- also, there's a rumor that these folk aren't actually Native to the plane, but have been here so long they've 'naturalised')

Gnomes (Rock gnomes only)

Halflings (A hobbit like halfling specific to this plane, but Lightfoot and Strongheart halflings may also be native to this plane)

Not Native to this plane but setting up home here:


And possibly Svifneblin (Deep gnomes) and Duegar (Grey Dwarves).

If you limited yourself to only 'native to the land' you'd have only dwarves, humans and half orcs. And we accept non-native races, so, so long as it's not an overpowered race or really rare and exotic, you can play it.

A lot of players choose to have their first char be pulled from another plane. It allows you to draw on lore you know, while not knowing anything about Dohral. That's fine and we accept that- you can easily have your half-drow be pulled from another plane. We don't mind and won't think you're trying to be 'extra special and different'. There's a lot of unique characters here Smile

And half-drow are bound to happen eventually, so you could theoretically be born in this plane, or even this land. I'd suggest, if going for being born in this plane, choosing to be born in a land foreign to Dohral, so you can learn a your character does.

Basically- We don't demand you know the lore. We're happy to let you learn as you go. Only know that your character will be rare. Drow will hate you, because they -know- what you are. Meanwhile, those native to Dohral will probably suggest you go bathe, wash off that soot, and see a priest about that early white hair. If they do realise that you're a half-race of some kind, they'll probably be surprised about the existence of black skinned elves and be curious or wary. People of Dohral have yet to learn of the evils of drow.
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
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Ummmm, so... Empty Re: Ummmm, so...

Post  bloodsong Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:16 am


good, good, good!

thanks so much for clearing that up, i feel much better now. :)

thanks, guys!

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