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Detect Magic

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Detect Magic Empty Detect Magic

Post  Eriniel Wed May 13, 2009 2:15 pm

Magic users have the ability to sense the magical energy around them, this allows them to sense the location and distance of magical items, objects or creatures, even each other.
Like scrying detect magic can be blocked by anti-divination spells and devices.

Detect Magic can sense:
- Other casters
- Magical Creatures (i.e. Dragons, Fey, etc)
- Magical items
- Magical devices
- Wild Magic
- Dead Magic (as in the absence of magical energy)

Specialist Schools are able to detect additional creatures depending on their specialty:
Undead (Necromancer and/or Pale Master), Shapeshifters (Transmutation), Elementals, Outsiders, Illusions, to name a few.

Trying not to reveal too much, but to give as much detail as possible without ‘spoilers’

To use Detect Magic - Aim one of the RuneStone's Unique Power / Activate Item spells at the ground.
Detect Magic will usually be near the top of the menu.
Lead Scripter

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Detect Magic Empty Re: Detect Magic

Post  eve_of_disaster Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:15 am

I hope I'm allowed to post here. I was wondering if clerics and paladins can have a detect alignment spell or at least detect evil/detect good depending on their alignment? On one server we used to rp it though it's quite nasty I guess if you play an evil character in disguise...
Forum Courtier

Female Number of posts : 340
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Detect Magic Empty Re: Detect Magic

Post  GM_ODA Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:32 pm

Paladins here DO have Detect Evil, and we are working on various 'Detect Alignment' spells and powers.

You are encouraged to post in our forums btw, and please do ask about ANY sort of nifty power you've seen or wished for - we LOVE it when you share ideas with us!

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

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Detect Magic Empty Re: Detect Magic

Post  Animayhem Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:11 pm

How is the progress on this? Though paladins strive to battle evil or good depending if paladin or blackguard, basic clerics are as well so should be allowed to detect evil.

Having used detect magic with my sorceress, it does give directions and such but when you try and go to where it says you are blocked (indoors) and when you try and go outside it changes.
So you really do not know if it is inside or in another area.

I will try this again and use spider to report.
Forum Oracle

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Race: Half-Elf
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