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Shapeshifting issues.

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Shapeshifting issues. Empty Shapeshifting issues.

Post  Hacatsu Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:26 pm

Having some problens changing back from dog form to normal form while with low health (Near Death), the pc falls dead on the ground, even tho he still got 16 HP.  Mad Sad 
Forum Courtier

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Shapeshifting issues. Empty Re: Shapeshifting issues.

Post  LordSurge Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:14 am

Does the dog form have more hp?

Does it give temporary hit points or a constitution boost? If so, that's likely causing the death.
Forum Knight

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Shapeshifting issues. Empty Re: Shapeshifting issues.

Post  Hacatsu Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:17 am

It does give temporary hit points, but the constitution decreases, Elgate already said to me some of the reasons behind this bug (although I can't quite explain it clearly as she did >.<)
Forum Courtier

Male Number of posts : 394
Age : 28
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2013-12-05

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Character Name: Drurazor Urnagahaz
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 30

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