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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

Post  heather Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:52 pm

Was just wondering if this might be possible at all? It's really hard to keep track of what herbs are what and where they are in the inventory.... Could there maybe be a herb bag similar to how the coin bag works? Keeps track of however of how many herbs you put into it and then when you want to take them out you can pick it and however many? (maybe even possibly creating a plot/0 value container in the players inventory or just on the ground with the actual herbs they have taken out? would avoid over-filling the inventory if they don't have enough space, especially since many potions require 20 or more herbs ^^; )

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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Re: Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

Post  Dhark Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:40 pm

I like this idea , possibly a bag for ore & wood also ?

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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Re: Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

Post  GM_ODA Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:53 am

THIS is one of the major reasons I ask PLAYERS to post their ideas here. One good idea sparks another, and another! Got an idea? Add it to a thread or start a new one as needed! We LOVE to hear from you peoples!

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Re: Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

Post  LordSurge Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:33 pm

I concur, a consolidated herb bag would really rock.

Unless there already are some?
Forum Knight

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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Re: Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:02 am

I'd also like to suggest dropping the required ammount of herbs from, say 20, to one or two, per herb. So where a recipie might require 5 of A and 10 of B and C now, it should go down to one of A, and two of B and C, making the system more effective. A common herb out in the wild may contain only 4/5 of that herb, and you may not find another bush for a while, so finding 10 of this to make a single potion is rediculous.

I'd also like to see more poisonous herbs and recipies.
Forum Sage

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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Re: Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

Post  LordSurge Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:30 am

Yes reducing the required herbs for a single potion/oil would be really nice. Or increasing the yield per recipe (perhaps based on how good you are? If you have the brew potion feat? Etc).

More recipes would be nice, beyond the standard NWN potions.

Additionally, a glassblower merchant in the city would also be handy. Lots of false bottles laying around that are unsuitable to herbal needs.
Forum Knight

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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Re: Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

Post  Eriniel Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:13 am

Brew Potions feat counts as +10 to Herbology skill,

There are currently 28 recopies and more can be added easily however the lack of books makes disseminating the new recipes a bit of a challenge.

Bottles : Place Sand in the Smelting Forge Very Happy
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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Re: Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:28 am

Where is a good place to find sand? The only beach I've found is on the shipwreck Islands. Is there a shore outside the city, like near the ports?

Also, if you want to give me some recipies that are ready I can write up an Advanced Herbology book for you. Same with any other spells/secrets you need books for.
Forum Sage

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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Re: Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

Post  Eriniel Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:45 am

Technically need fluff books to hide stuff in but yeah some would be more generally known, the recipes are in Appendix H of the DM Document.

So far the only ones from that list that are taught by another system already is the Potion of Daywalker.
There have been a few more added since the DM Doc was done so will post them to the DM section of the forum.
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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Re: Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

Post  LordSurge Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:17 pm

Ragdoll_Knight wrote:
Also, if you want to give me some recipies that are ready I can write up an Advanced Herbology book for you. Same with any other spells/secrets you need books for.

I'd be happy to throw my hat in the book ring too. Just let me know what the theme of the book should be. I started writing a brief summary of the portal system today. Would you rather we use the in-game method to write them or submit them in ERF format?
Forum Knight

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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Re: Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

Post  Eriniel Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:02 pm

To add to the Random Treasure Books the best would be in game books, if they are as TXT or PM messages even would be just as good.
For ERFs it means extracting and loading them so bit more trouble than just choosing a book.

Appearance wise if want a specific cover then choosing an image from the toolset is good, but then you have to be sure its NWN Standard or CEP2.1 images.

It is possible to hide things within the books like secret text, spells, prayers, etc.
Language settings and choice of what method is used to reveal its secret and it Rarity/Common distribution can be set on a log book.

For example the Fluff book 'Puff the Dragon' (sample waffle book) reveals the recipe to Liquid fire (a recharging fluid for the Fire Breath) to Red Dragon Disciples who read the book.
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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Re: Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

Post  LordSurge Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:32 am

My herb bag is broken. Even after emptying it I am told that it is full on trying to add herbs to it.
Forum Knight

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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Re: Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

Post  GM_ODA Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:13 pm

I so enjoy reading your posts. Sometimes you inspire me.


OOOOOOOOOH - how about, (having read the above thread and adopting a notion therein for expansion) our WIZARD LABS allow the user to brew more effectively and thus have a CHANCE to produce more potions. I'm thinking maybe require an additional ingredient, some form of 'cutting agent' that allows the brewer use the ingredients that would be one potion if just 'brewed over a campfire' and 'extend' it to be several potions of the same type. The 'cutting agent' can itself be rare and or expensive, and possibly vary by potion? We could have a cap on how many potions could be made based on the quality of the WIZARD LAB (see related thread). Even more, the number of additional potions could be based on the LEVEL of the crafter, and even tied to FEATs like 'Brew Potion'.
Forum Oracle

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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Re: Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

Post  Hacatsu Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:44 pm

Yes, labs, more efficient brewing. After all, things done in a more suitable place with the right tools are way better than things done with hush in the wilds.
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Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^; Empty Re: Maybe a consolidated herb bag? ^^;

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