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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Absol 13 Thu May 08, 2014 4:54 pm

*grimtooth wines and attempts to break free of her graps* not meaning harm, not see why they attack, AM IN camp, they MUST know me not be harmful to them.
*he just sighs, still whining*
But if must stay, then sit in corner I will.
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Valerion Thu May 08, 2014 6:33 pm

*Adrastia just sighs and let's go of Grimtooths mane* "You would be suprised how many know one means no harm yet they still assume it, just remain with us in the tent, my people know you all mean no harm, but I cannot speak for those corrupt Humfoo lot. I do not want to risk things to get ugly here, just because of the idocracy of some peoples unknowing and fearful minds"
Forum Sage

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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Hacatsu Thu May 08, 2014 7:32 pm

Ragdoll_Knight wrote:A few men from town get up and walk over to the men from camp, they had gotten louder than most but had yet to do anything to offend.

"I think it's about time you leave. We don't want you here in our town." one of the men says to the group, ruining the friendly environment and leaving in its place one of suspicion and hostility. "Perhaps this will teach you better for believing you can just take our work and then enjoy our drink!"

A few of the other natives nod in agreement,  and the two men at the table look at each other, silently agreeing to return to camp (and friendlier company.) They move add if to get up, but are blocked.
"You asked for us to leave, and we're leaving. Please,  let us return to our families safely."  If anything, this seems to anger the three local men more, and tension builds in the air to the point where things look like their about to get physical.

Elowir drinks up the last sip of his mug, stands up and moves towards the group, after getting near enought to get their attention, he opens both arms wide open and with a broad smile on his face, he tries to intervene...

My my... With so many bad creatures lurking in the borders of this peacefull settlement, you people are going to fight each other? If I might say so, that is not very wise...

He then puts his hand on the shoulder of one of the local men, with a firm grip, he raises his voice again.

I have an idea, why don't you gather all that will to fight and embrace arms against the very vile creatures that harass your borders? What do you say? I've seen the camp not so far from here, the Lady Commander there seems like she could use such bravery.

The broad smile still open in Elowir's face.
Forum Courtier

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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Absol 13 Fri May 09, 2014 4:12 am

*grim grumbles and sits in the corner and pulls out one of his great swords, cleaning it, and sharpening it's edges*
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Animayhem Fri May 09, 2014 8:28 am

Absol 13 wrote:*grim grumbles and sits in the corner and pulls out one of  his great swords, cleaning it, and sharpening it's edges*

Charia notices Grim. She walks over and sits next to him and talks softly.

"Grim, it will be allright. Adrastia is under a lot of stress.  She has no doubt you will defend the camp if need be.
Since you are a ranger and familiar with the woods, maybe take your companion along with Lia and hers and scout the area.
It may be a long while before humans see you more as a gnoll.  I think for right now it is the best way to help."

Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Sat May 10, 2014 8:54 pm

Hacatsu wrote:

Elowir drinks up the last sip of his mug, stands up and moves towards the group, after getting near enought to get their attention, he opens both arms wide open and with a broad smile on his face, he tries to intervene...

My my... With so many bad creatures lurking in the borders of this peacefull settlement, you people are going to fight each other? If I might say so, that is not very wise...

He then puts his hand on the shoulder of one of the local men, with a firm grip, he raises his voice again.

I have an idea, why don't you gather all that will to fight and embrace arms against the very vile creatures that harass your borders? What do you say? I've seen the camp not so far from here, the Lady Commander there seems like she could use such bravery.

The broad smile still open in Elowir's face.

The man shrugs off Elowir's arm, disarmed at first by his friendly demeanor but returning to his anger after a moment.

"Tell me 'friend,' if another man with your talents uprooted his entire life and family to move across the world and take your only means to support your kin, would you still preach acceptance and cooperation?"
Several men nod in agreement, and suddenly Elowir is the focus of the crowds enmity, providing a good chance for the men from camp to slip away. With a curse, the speaker gestures, and two men break away from the group to go after the 3 men that escaped.

He steps closer now, blocking off any chance to intervene.
"Well? If your so good, maybe you should rush off to get yourself killed by some overzealous military commander."
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 875
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  LadyAloura Sun May 11, 2014 1:14 pm

*Lia heads back to the tent after scrying. Lia leans on arrna as she enters sits off to the side as she tries to clean the blood from her nose and ears. Arrna watches her and curls up beside her*

Forum Courtier

Female Number of posts : 260
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Absol 13 Sun May 11, 2014 4:40 pm

*grimtooth walks of to lia and looks at her with concern on his face(well it's best to assume concern, being that it IS basically a hyena's face)*
you be ok, look hurt?
*he reaches into his bag and pulls out a canteen and a cloth, dabbing the canteens water onto the cloth and offering it to her*
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Hacatsu Mon May 12, 2014 10:06 am

Ragdoll_Knight wrote:

The man shrugs off Elowir's arm, disarmed at first by his friendly demeanor but returning to his anger after a moment.

"Tell me 'friend,' if another man with your talents uprooted his entire life and family to move across the world and take your only means to support your kin, would you still preach acceptance and cooperation?"
Several men nod in agreement, and suddenly Elowir is the focus of the crowds enmity, providing a good chance for the men from camp to slip away. With a curse, the speaker gestures, and two men break away from the group to go after the 3 men that escaped.

He steps closer now, blocking off any chance to intervene.
"Well? If your so good, maybe you should rush off to get yourself killed by some overzealous military commander."

Elowir sights, the smile on his face dissapears for a moment, then he smirks and looks back at the angry man, (//Charisma or Persuasion roll, maybe?)

"Are you a hunter perhaps? Maybe a warrior? Are you a strong one? I mean... There are monsters there in their great majority, at first sight, would kill themselves in an mindless bloodshed, now, they're working together for unkown reasons, and unknown pursposes, if you can handle yourself and protect alone these people against giants and ogres, then suit yourself and ban these people back to their homelands and let them deal with their problems, otherwise, you should work together with them, find the source of these strange behaviors, and make sure these monsters are no longer a threat, and the people there over the camp will be all gone before you even notice."

He then folds his arms and look to the people in the tavern.

"I see you're just trying to protect your family, but know one thing, so are they, things are getting a bit scary there at Esgoroth."
Forum Courtier

Male Number of posts : 394
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Valerion Mon May 12, 2014 10:55 am

*Adrastia, still studying one of the maps, trying to make sense out the pattern in which the locations had been spread, frustration on her face vanishes for a moment as Lia enters, she furrows her brow and motions for Lia to sit before she takes another look on the map, for sudden moment furrowing her brows again before a look of shock shortly washes over her face, quickly regaining her stern and serious grim expression she carries most of the time she straightens herself and puts a stone on each corner of the map before putting figurines onto the map, each marking a spot, then she begins to connect each and every figurine with the others with a bit of coloured string, for this she took of her gloves revealing slim, rather wiry forearms and delicate hands, one could think those hands never touched a swords hilt, if not for all these scars, burnmarks and other actually big pieces of fresher flesh and scarred areals on her skin.
It almost looked like she had big pieces cut out of her skin and when it healed it either has formed big scars, patches of a lighter pink or even a few more deep cuts, that kind of left "craters" in her flesh

At least Charia would notice, as she has seen Adrastia even in normal clothing or with less armor on, normally, Adrastia was tatooed over and over with holy symbols and brandings which now appear to be missing.*

"Charia would you take care of Lia? I think I am on to something here...eventually"
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 917
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Animayhem Mon May 12, 2014 11:05 pm

Charia had been observing Adrastia for a long time.  Something was off about her. She was no longer displaying her god's symbol and the tattoos she was had removed possibly self inflicted. What could have caused her to do such a thing. Seeing Adrastia occupied she turned her attention to Lia, rose up from her chair and cast spells of healing and restoration.

"There Lia that should help ,please sit down.  Have you had any success?"

By looking at her condition, Charia sensed Lia had experienced some sort of contact. She would hold her words for now.  Standing, she turns her attention to Adrsatia.
Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  LadyAloura Tue May 13, 2014 12:41 am

*she sits by Arrna as charia heals the pain she felt from the scrying. She grabs the wet rag from grimtooth and  begins to clean up the small amout of blood from her nose and ears.*

yes i had some success in scrying maybe. I focus on the chest that i saw in the vision that the goblins used to carry what every they stole out of the eastern citadel. most of what i saw had already happen.

in the vision i first saw a tree that was cut down here in humfoodale, a local woodworker made the chest to be completely sealed from light and water. it then past to the hands of an Arcanist who carved runes inside to shield it from  magical influence. I then watch the chest be taken to Kragfel to a place underground in the northwest corner. It vanished only to reapear in Illfaw where it went north to Esrogoth

after the attack on the eastern citadel it retraced it steps back to Kragfel but it went Southeast and is underground a few miles north of the shore.

at this point in the vision i had to focus to see a clear picture but the details i got was first i saw the goblins that had carried the chest were discarded, they had holes bored into their heads and there was nothing inside the head. the chest was smashed and what ever was inside that radiated a deep red glow is gone. i felt an awarness at the border of my senses. it seem amused  like it could feel me as well.
And then it was like something hit me and my vision was cut abruptly and well you saw the affect of that happening.

I do not know if that helps with any but i figured it was worth a try just don't ask me to do that again
 *rubs her head abit as if still feeling some discomfort from it*

Forum Courtier

Female Number of posts : 260
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Valerion Tue May 13, 2014 9:10 am

*At the last few sentences Adrastia mutters a curse under her breath while hitting the table with one Hand*
"Shag the tits of a harpy! I am not sure if someone just wants to lead us to a false track but I would bet my arse this was a tentacleface...don't ask me what they are called and who they are, I met some creature, tentacles instead of a mouth, and a screeching scream that could pierce into your mind and cause scrutinizing pain, not to mention this creature was un dead yet intelligent... deep in the caves when I was wandering aimlessly through the moondarks, or was it Ziazga? I am not certain, but that creature slurped the brains of it's victims, mainly some sort of brain with four legs, or any living creature with a brain..."
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 917
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  LadyAloura Tue May 13, 2014 3:31 pm

*Lia jumps as Adrastia hits the table shuttering as she listens about this creature and what it does.

that does not sound pleasent and hope to never meet one

Forum Courtier

Female Number of posts : 260
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Absol 13 Wed May 14, 2014 5:26 pm

*grim just tilts his head*
mind tentacles?..and holes?...not sound nice maybe they smell,might be able to track?..
HE just sighs and scratches his ears absentmindedly
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty CHA Fail: DC 10 (7+no sheet=7)

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Fri May 16, 2014 8:38 pm

Hacatsu wrote:

Elowir sights, the smile on his face dissapears for a moment, then he smirks and looks back at the angry man, (//Charisma or Persuasion roll, maybe?)

"Are you a hunter perhaps? Maybe a warrior? Are you a strong one? I mean... There are monsters there in their great majority, at first sight, would kill themselves in an mindless bloodshed, now, they're working together for unkown reasons, and unknown pursposes, if you can handle yourself and protect alone these people against giants and ogres, then suit yourself and ban these people back to their homelands and let them deal with their problems, otherwise, you should work together with them, find the source of these strange behaviors, and make sure these monsters are no longer a threat, and the people there over the camp will be all gone before you even notice."

He then folds his arms and look to the people in the tavern.

"I see you're just trying to protect your family, but know one thing, so are they, things are getting a bit scary there at Esgoroth."

The man nods towards you, and two men step forward from behind you, grab your arms and hold you down.
The man steps forward, holding a long, heavy coil of rope.
"I ain't no warrior, " he grins, "I'm a rope maker. Now John there behind you. He's one of the strongest men I know."

You hear a loud thud, disorienting you for a bit, and when your alertness returns you're bound tight above several men, being carried along the road to the south. The man who was speaking in the tavern is walking a few feet ahead, whistling cheerfully in the darkness as everyone marches.
Forum Sage

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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Hacatsu Fri May 16, 2014 11:02 pm

He looks around and analyzes carefully the men marching, then he just closes his eyes and waits for whatever comes, talking is useless, if in the end they still won't try to finish it the peacefull way, then there's no choice but to fight the way out, and Elowir knows a thing or two about fighting his way out of troubles... He just make it clear by a single, cold-voiced warning...

"You are making a terrible mistake..."
Forum Courtier

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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Fri May 16, 2014 11:09 pm

The man spins, walking backward and matching pace with the others.
"Oh? We're just expanding on the idea you gave us."
They break off the main road, heading east. You see smoke from fires in the distance now.
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 875
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Hacatsu Fri May 16, 2014 11:18 pm

He's motionless, barely opening one eye to check the surroudings, then closing it again and after a deep sight, he questions:

"Idea? You mean the one I mentioned about joining forces with the men from the encampment and begone with the troublesome monsters? I don't see how "expanding it" leads to this kind of situation..."
Forum Courtier

Male Number of posts : 394
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Fri May 16, 2014 11:32 pm

"Aye, well, we're going to help with the monsters, but we needs arms and armor, wouldn't ye say?"

"We'll just tell this commander you promised us gear in return for help, and see how that goes."

Your all stopped by a guard. The man steps forward, and tells the guard to fetch his commanding officer.
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 875
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Hacatsu Fri May 16, 2014 11:49 pm

Elowir keeping his katana's hidden under his cloak by the belt has proven usefull, again. Without enemies noticing, he unsheats his fire enchanted katana, burning the rope and then cutting it, when he falling on the ground, he quickly unsheats the other katana (sound and fire enchanted), and swirls them around, backing off some of the men once carrying him, then again, he runs towards the man in charge, raising his katana, and then dropping it fast, aiming a blow at his right forearm.

When the strike is almost there, Elowir switches the side of the katana, hitting the man's arm with the blunt side of the katana, the fire burns some of the cloth and the man's skin, then with the other katana, he swings it and makes a slightly deep cut on the man's forehead, and kicks him backwards. Elowir runs the surroudings with his eyes, then he stands firm and with both katana's on hand.
Forum Courtier

Male Number of posts : 394
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Sat May 17, 2014 12:48 am

The man stumbles back, unsure whether to nurse his burn or the gash. Elowir is quickly surrounded by spearpoints as the guards goes to recapture what looks to be a powerful swordsman turned on several commoners, and a soldier is sent to Adrastia's tent to bring her and the others word on these developments.
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 875
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Valerion Sat May 17, 2014 6:19 am

*As the Guard arrives Adrastia was looking over the marked map again, rubbing her chin as she thought of possible connections between the spots they found evidence of monsters, the route seemed clearly covering the areas towards the village, something must be in connection there, at least that is what she kept telling herself. As the guard told Adrastia what was going on the only thing she did was grabbing her sword as she, speedened by the enchantment of her armor, with feet almost becomming blurry as she ran towards the commotion, wings slightly but not entirely hidden below her shield and cloak on her back, the sword she was holding seeming plain and not like Godsplitter which she  still had sheathed on her left side*

"What is the meaning of this?!" *She bellowed a few steps before the guards opened up to let her through, her voice strong and echoing although she seems rather wiry thin than bulky.
Her first glance landing on Elowir, then on the wounded man, her eyes widen in anger as she sees the gash, assuming an extremely serious wound on his head as it bleeds heavily, motioning to two guards to bring the commoner to her as she, sword in hand, stares at Elowir, waiting for any wrong movement of his, sword in hand and at the ready she bellows*

"I am Commander Adrastia of the Shining Blade, if you value your life you will drop your weapons, you will not resist and and you will explain yourself! Guards! Get a pair of chains and shackles!
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 917
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  LadyAloura Sat May 17, 2014 10:25 am

*watching Adrastia grab her sword and run out of the tent Lia gets up and follows with arrna tailing behind her. She no where near as fast and falls behind but continues to follow and slows down as she gets closer to the problem. Looking at the guard as they have their spears pointed at one man.She finally looks at the man with a surprise look. Arrna stands next to Lia

Forum Courtier

Female Number of posts : 260
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Unusual Activity: Humfoodale - Page 3 Empty Re: Unusual Activity: Humfoodale

Post  Hacatsu Sat May 17, 2014 11:38 am

Elowir frowns and glares at Adrastia, he's still, motionless with the two katanas firm on hands, after analyzing the woman, he keeps silent a moment, maybe choosing his words, then he says;

"Commander Adrastia of the Shining Blade..." He greets her then with a bow, his eyes still on her. "You are quick to judge it seems, you want explanations but you immediatly demand to have me put in shackles and chains... I do value my life but I won't drop them, these man knocked me down and tied me up, their intentions were to bring me here and say I promised gear and weapons in exchange for help."

He mumbles to himself, with some curses and growls;

"All of this because I tried to help some folk... Wait, yes!"

He then returns to Adrastia, this time his tone of voice less agressive;

"There are two man of your camp that saw me in the Tavern, the "commoners" here were in for trouble and I tried to peacefy the situation, these two man might reconigze me, and they'll confirm that I'm not the villain here."
Forum Courtier

Male Number of posts : 394
Age : 28
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2013-12-05

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Character Name: Drurazor Urnagahaz
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 30

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