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OFFICIAL : Supported Subraces List

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OFFICIAL : Supported Subraces List Empty OFFICIAL : Supported Subraces List

Post  GM_ODA Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:32 am

This is a LOCKED thread which will be administered by Eriniel and mysel (GM_ODA) to list ONLY officially supported subraces.

There are a few threads where race requests are made here, if you have a request, please use those threads.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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OFFICIAL : Supported Subraces List Empty Re: OFFICIAL : Supported Subraces List

Post  GM_ODA Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:37 am

Adding sub races is fairy easy so we take requests [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

WE DO REQUIRE ANY PLAYER WHO WISHES TO PLAY A MONSTER RACE OR SUB RACE TO READ THE LORE PERTINENT TO THAT CREATURE. We want to be sure you each understand the role that you are proposing to portray, so be prepared to answer some questions about the creature type you request.

We do require a few (such as Drow) to have in game DM approval (after you make the PC). This is because (in the case of the Drow for example) they have a unique history here and we want the PLAYER of any such PC to know the details so they can portray the PC correctly. Drow are not native to this world. Anyone playing a Drow should contact myself or Erin or another DM to review the details and be given approval (it takes just a click or two).

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Elves are a graceful slender race whose average height is about six inches less than that of a typical human. Elves of Argentum Regio hail originally from a land they call 'the land of the long spring' - but non elves have never seen the place, likewise few elves abroad, though many eventually return to their beloved homeland in their later years.

* Drow (formerly Ssri-Tel'Quessir)

Of the various elven sub races, none are more notorious than the drow. Descended from the original dark-skinned elven sub race called the Ssri-Tel'Quessir, the drow were cursed into their present appearance by the good elven deities for following the goddess Lolth down the path to evil and corruption.

Cast Darkness Lvl 3 1/day (RuneStone)

Will Save +2

INT +2,

CHA +2,

SR 11+Level (roughly, as NWN SR values are not spaced that way)

+2 Level Modifier

* Moon Elves (Teu-Tel'Quessir)

Moon Elf (or Ithil'Quessir)

Same as Standard Elf

* Sun Elves (Ar-Tel'Quessir)

+2 INT

-2 CON, (as Standard Elf)

Favored Class: WIZARD

* Wild Elves (Sy-Tel'Quessir)

Sylvan Elf (or Lai'Quessir or Wild Elf)

+2 DEX, (as Standard Elf)

-2 CON, (as Standard Elf)

Favored Class: Sorccerer

* Wood Elves (Taur'Quessir)


+2 STR,

+2 DEX, (as Standard Elf)

-2 CON, (as Standard Elf)

-2 INT

Favored Class: RANGER

* Aquatic Elves (Alu-Tel'Quessir)
Rarely encountered by the land bound races, the aquatic elves are a civilized and good-hearted people who inhabit the seas.

* Avariel (Aril-Tel'Quessir)

The Avariels, or winged elves, are without a doubt the most reclusive and least numerous of the elven sub races of the world. Many scholars have long dismissed them as creatures of myth. In truth, small numbers of Avariels still dwell in the world, concealed in hidden enclaves and remote regions.

DM Aproval Required

+4 DEX, (Double Elf Standard)

-4 CON, (Double Elf Standard)



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Most non-dwarven scholars believe that the Stout Folk are native to Argentum Regio. Dwarven legend holds that their ancestors sprang fully formed from the heart of the world itself, fashioned of iron and mithral in the Soulforge, shaped by the All-Father's hammer, and then given life by the breath of Moradin. The oldest myths claim that the first dwarves fought their way up from the world's core to the mountains above, overcoming many dangers along the way through strength, skill, and force of arms.

* Duergar (Gray Dwarves)

Dwelling in great subterranean cities of Cavernus (a term that encompasses all the spaces below the surface of Argentum Regio), the Duergar are deep-dwelling dwarves, known for their cruelty and bitterness. Like their surface-dwelling kin, gray dwarves are famed for their smith work and craftsmanship, but unlike their brethren in the shallow depths, the Duergar are grim and cheerless, living lives of endless toil. Like their gold and shield dwarf kin, the Duergar have forged great empires.

+2 CON

-4 CHA

Favored Class: FIGHTER


* Shield Dwarves

Found largely in the lands north of the city of Dohral in Argentum Regio, shield dwarves are the dominant northern branch of the Stout Folk. Renowned for their smith work and craftsmanship, shield dwarves have endured a centuries-long decline in the face of never-ending wars with orcs, goblins, giants, and trolls.

+2 CON

-2 CHA

Favored Class: FIGHTER


* Gold Dwarves

Found largely in the Southern land of Hadabartha, gold dwarves are the dominant southern branch of the Stout Folk. Renowned not only for their smith work and craftsmanship but also for their military prowess and legendary wealth, gold dwarves have maintained their empire for millennia, unbowed by the passage of time.

+2 CON

-2 DEX

Favored Class: FIGHTER


* Arctic Dwarves

Legends speak of - Arctic dwarves, who call themselves the Inugaakalikurit, are the isolated inhabitants of the world's northernmost reaches. Native to the mountains at the heart of a great glacier, arctic dwarves are little known to the outside world. Many arctic dwarves are rangers, barbarians, or fighters, for they hold little interest in the spell casting arts or godly worship.

* Urdunnir

Legends speak of - Urdunnirs, sometimes known as ore cutter dwarves, are a long forgotten offshoot of shield dwarves who have become one with the earth and stone. Thanks to the blessings of Dumathoin, Urdunnirs can walk through earth and stone as if it were air and shape metal and stone with their hands.

* Wild Dwarves

Legends speak of - Wild dwarves, who call themselves 'Authalar' (the People), are the primitive inhabitants of the Jungles of Penocoe, Duggazhah and Luorgos. They have largely rejected the clan-based craft and smith oriented culture of their cousins, choosing instead to live in hunting bands with ever-shifting memberships. Eschewing all trappings of civilization, wild dwarves live like beasts, engaged in an endless hunt for survival. Only those who dare the shadowy depths of the southern jungles are even aware of the existence of this barbaric dwarven sub race, for these elusive hunters keep to the depths of their woodland homes.

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Strongheart Halfling
As standard

Lightfoot Halfling,
As standard

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Industrious, intelligent, and good-natured, gnomes have few enemies. They are not a large race, and for many centuries gnomes have survived and thrived by keeping a low profile. Avoiding the notice of larger folk obsessed with empires and mighty magic, the gnomes have quietly spread across Faerun in tiny settlements and hidden villages that often go completely unnoticed by their neighbors.

* Svirfneblin
The deep gnomes are the closest thing the gnome family has to "black sheep". Many surface dwellers count the deep gnomes along with their evil neighbors, the drow and the duergar, believing them to be little more than dark reflections of the friendly rock gnomes with whom they are more familiar. IN fact, the svirneblin are just as good-hearted as their sunnier kin. However, after centuries of dealing with the everyday perils of living in the Underdark, they have become understandably distrustful of all outsiders.

* Rock Gnomes
* Forest Gnomes

Rock Gnome,
+2 CON (as Standard Gnome)
-2 STR (as Standard Gnome)
Favored Class: BARD

-2 STR (as Standard Gnome)
+2 DEX
+2 WIS
-4 CHA
Favored Class: ROGUE

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Requires DM Authorization to get abilities

Dodge, Modility, Perminate Tongues,

+8 Listen, Spot, Bluff,

Innate Spells- Change Shape, Charm Monster, Summon Vrock, Kiss (Not sure the Kiss is working)


The Aasimar bear the legacy of a celestial being (typically a Planar) in their ancestry, and have incredible potential to do good in the world. At the same time, their heritage marks them as different and often leads to persecution, ridicule, or exile from superstitious or backward communities. It is not unknown for an Aasimar to give in to bitterness in the face of adversity and turn to evil.

+2 WIS

+2 CHA


+2 Spot, Listen

Acid, Cold, Electrical DR 5

Languages: Common, Celestial. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan.

+1 Level Mod

Favored Class: PALADIN

Adopt a Puppy/Kitten/Cub/etc slot:
Puppy, Cub or Kitten as SubRace
Target a NPC Kitten, Puppy, etc with Player Tool 10
Name of PC must match Name of NPC

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Werewolf, Werecat, Vampire, Werebear, Werepenguin, Yuan-Ti Are bitten infections and NOT added by the SubRace Setting

The Yuan-Ti Abomination has a specialist Baleful Polymorph that turns its victims into Snakes, but unlike the normal Baleful Polymorph that becomes fully permanent after 24hr the Abomination's one will leave only partial stuff behind creating another Yuan-Ti 'halfblood'. (Since DM stamping of Subrace is required because of the Yuan-Ti specific stuff the 24hr effect only applies if the PC is stamped within that time frame).



* Air Genasi
Air genasi are descended from outsiders native to the Elemental Plane of Air and humans. They are fast and free willed, with traits that only subtly identify them for what they are, so they are easily able to pass themselves off as a human sorcerer most times. Those that do harbor more overt differences learn to quickly disguise their nature from common folk, at least until they are able to protect themselves and strike out on their own.

* Earth Genasi
Earth Genasi, descended from creatures of the Elemental Plane of Earth and humans, are patient, stubborn, and contemplative in their decision making. Marked at birth with obvious traits reflecting their heritage, earth genasi are often shunned by others, but their physical gifts make them able to defend themselves against most attackers.

* Fire Genasi

* Water Genasi

Goblinoids are a group of humanoid races that includes four different sub races in Faerun: goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, and the relatively new Dekanter goblins. These creatures are close enough in outlook and society to discuss as a group. They are closely related by ties of language and culture.

* Goblins-Goblins are a primitive humanoid race found throughout the wilderness of the Forgotten Realms. They have dark skin, and sharp claws and teeth. By human reckoning they are extremely ugly. Goblins are cruel, greedy and usually evil but seldom stupid. All but a few worship the evil gods, mainly Maglubiyet. Goblins are nocturnal creatures and are seldom seen during the daylight.
* Hobgoblins-The largest of the goblin races are known as Hobgoblins. Like their smaller brethren they are dark skinned, ugly and savage. They are less well equipped than most goblins and even more primitive but their size and strength make them dangerous in combat. They are not very intelligent and have no formal religious beliefs.
* Bugbears
* Dekanter Goblins



* Ghostwise Halflings
* Strongheart Halflings
* Lightfoot Halflings


* Half-Elf
* Half-Ogre

Gnoll-Gnolls are a race of dog faced humanoids. Their hands are paw-like but can hold weapons effectively. They are a short-lived and morbid race and most tribes worship Ythcal, Lord of Death. Gnolls tend to be quite small and scrawny and are not known for their great courage. They will not normally initiate combat without good reason.

Kobold- Kobolds are small goblin like creatures. They are primitive and brutal and not particularly intelligent. They live by raiding farms and small groups of travellers for food and equipment. They are nocturnal and are rarely seen during the day. They usually live in caves or underground lairs close to centres of population. Without the presence of farms nearby they would soon starve as they are poor hunters. Most kobold tribes worship Kurtlmak and they will treat other followers of Kurtlmak with respect.


* Gray Orc
* Half-Orc
* Mountain Orc
* Orog

Tiefling-In many other ways tieflings are similar to humans physically. Tieflings are, on average, just as tall as humans, from 5'6" to 6'2" and weigh just a little bit heavier at 140 to 220 lbs. Tiefling skin is usually human-like in color, though extending past normal human colors into reddish hues as well. Tiefling hair is often the same color as human hair as well, though dark blue, red, or purple are also common shades among the race.[3]
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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OFFICIAL : Supported Subraces List Empty Re: OFFICIAL : Supported Subraces List

Post  GM_ODA Fri Sep 28, 2018 6:34 pm

Newly Requested Race Support Bulletin.

PLAYERS have requested support for monster races





SRD for these races are found at...

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

iirc Pixie is done already? Eriniel can you confirm?
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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OFFICIAL : Supported Subraces List Empty Re: OFFICIAL : Supported Subraces List

Post  Eriniel Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:36 pm

Subraces of Elf/Half-Elf:
Wood Elf/Taur'Quessir,
Sylvan Elf/Lai'Quessir/Wild Elf,
Sun Elf/Anoron'Quessir/Anor'Quessir/Sunrise Elf,
Moon Elf/Ithil'Quessir

Subraces of Dwarf:
Shield Dwarf
Gold Dwarf
Grey Dwarf/Duergar

Subraces of Halflings:
Strongheart/Strongheart Halfling
Lightfoot/Lightfoot Halfling

Subraces of Gnomes:
Rock Gnome

Other Subraces:
Succubus* (Doesn't test race - female PC)
Yuan-Ti* (Reptile, set by the perm. Baleful polymorph from Yuan-ti)
Aasimar (Doesn't test race)
Tiefling (Doesn't test race)
Puppy/Cub/Kitten (Requires Parent PC with Puppy/Kitten/Cub/etc online at the time - name has to match too)
Gargoyle (Doesn't test race)
Pixie (Human/Elf/Half-Elf)
Kobold (Gnome)
Gnoll (Half Orc)
=== - Made on the fly - ===

Those with * require DM to stamp PC before any changes are made, so PC will appear normal until the stamp is issued.
Text above is the same as the text entered in the subrace (Astrix, slash and comma not included), it is NOT case sensitive,
'/' denotes alternative name, any listed name can be entered, ie either "Grey Dwarf" or "Duergar" can be subrace entry, both would be accepted.
Lead Scripter

Female Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name:
Overall Level:

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