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Dorhal City guards

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Dorhal City guards  Empty Dorhal City guards

Post  Absol 13 Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:38 am

copy pasting Some useful info Elgate provided somewhere else.
Elgate wrote:Just trying to think of Hypothetical ranking ( I thought it ight be too complicated making a guard and a watch, so just combine the two?) :

So at the top we have Highguards. They're the elite, the top of the ranks, charged with protecting the palace and court house, as well as the whole city when called upon.

the standard highguardsman does what a constable might in the guards, but can be trusted to cope by themselves and guard higher ranking priorities (Entrances to important buildings, the grounds of important buildings, playing bodyguard to nobles and high ranking officials, chasing down matters deemed too important for the guards). A highguard can give orders to any regular guard, including a captain, but has no responsibilities for them (Eg, they are not in charge of organizing any guard duties).

High Sergeant-
in charge of patrols, shifts and duties deemed of more import than those for the regular highguard. They will control a group of highguards (Eg, the Palace Watch, the King's guard.). These have no direct reposibilities over the guard, but may be requested by a High Captain to deal with them.

High Captain-
about 5? they will be responsible over 2 guard captains (Eg, The High-Captain of Algrada is in charge of the Captain of Algrada nightwatch and Algrada Daywatch) and responsible for some number of High sergeants.

High Commander- The top boss.

Guards: Are the military and law enforcement of the city. Their duty is to protect the city and guard the gates.

As this is the lowest rank and could easily be filled by NPCs, I don't expect many PCs to stay this rank. In real numbers these would number about 640+ including NPC gatewardens, ideal shifts , with about 8 minimum (For gates and patrols) members per shift ( 3 hour rotating shifts (8x4)) and area (20 areas, not including rural or sewers (32 minimum x20).

These make up the basics of the guard and the patrols. Might find them on lesser used gate duties and making up the bulk of a patrol. They should ideally never be a constable patrolling by themselves. They need to be lead by at least one high ranking member. A constable's life might be Nightwatch Algrada patrol for 1 month: sleep when possible, wake a 8:30, eat and prepare, patrol from 9pm-0am, 3 hour break, eat rest, patrol again from 3am-6am, do what they wish during the day.

Realistically at least 80 (1 member per shift and area (4x20). 1 corporal in charge of 8 constables. Again, I don't expect many PC's would stay this rank, simply due to the limited range.

In charge of a patrol and a certain section of city during certain shifts. (Eg, the Nightwatch 1st patrol 9:00pm-0:00am, and again 3:00am-6:00am North Algrada patrols)

Realistically about 20 (1 per collumn and shift (5x4). 1 sergeant in charge of four corporals.
In charge of multiple patrol areas and certain shifts (Eg, the nightwatch 2nd Patrol (aka Dawnwatch) 0:00pm-3:00am and again 6:00am-9:00am Algrada Patrols)

Realistically about 10. 1 Captain for 2 Sergeants. In charge of multiple patrols and 2 shifts (2x5). (Eg. the Nightwatch 9:00pm-9:00am Algrada Patrols)

I realise, player wise, there's not much to do - more duty and area's to patrol really need to be given for this to be entertaining to RP. This is just a starting hypothetical ranking and duty..

Any player input (also i'll be accepting players into eh city city guard now.)
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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Dorhal City guards  Empty *notice to guards*

Post  Absol 13 Fri Aug 22, 2014 5:30 am

Recently the guards patrols have been in bigger groups, In case Any hunter decide to show in the city, There have also been some guards leaving, fearing the riots and purges happening and not wanting to die.
Also a recent Person have been acepted into the nightwatch, under the command of Toman Carshalley
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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Dorhal City guards  Empty Current PC's that are invloved in, or part of, the city guard.

Post  Absol 13 Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:30 pm

City guards

Toman carshally (Elgate)
Astrali lynx~ Nickname, Nightowl (Ronja/cyberperri)

Special case: i'Rook (need to get player name)
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 695
Age : 28
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2012-03-12

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Dorhal City guards  Empty Re: Dorhal City guards

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