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The Hunters guild

Absol 13
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The Hunters guild  Empty The Hunters guild

Post  Absol 13 Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:42 am

The Hunters Guild-A fraction Overview.

" The hunters are to be feared, not just cause the silver damage they will do in a fight (even if they loose), but the risk of being captured. These men and women of different races, are usually very well trained fighters equipped with exotic equipment, and the more seasoned hunters with Silver weapons, just as well, Rangers and other high tracking skilled classes can track a Lycon by their paw prints. Some Hunters just kill werewolves for the love of killing so they will likely also attack other animals as well. But some are in it just for the money, in which case there is a chance they may capture you. While most adhere to the general rule of law and command of the Guild itself, some within the Guild act independently for their own means, in which case the Guild will not support them should they get into trouble. Some Werewolf Hunters have studied the Transmutation School of Magic so are able to sense their prey's shifting power at a range proportionate to their arcane level, these are the ones who are more likely to capture you since they would understand your value. Others will have just studied tracking and have learned to be proficient at tracking Lycanthropes. "
Absol 13
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The Hunters guild  Empty Hunters Guild law and structure

Post  Absol 13 Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:50 am

The Guild isn't as powerful as it was several decades ago. The many years of their constant strife against the various forces of evil, be it the undead vampires - to their primary foe, the were-beasts, has left the Guild in much a fragment of its former self. Many of it's members have died for their cause, or disappeared, presumed to have they themselves, turned into the very beasts they hunt. Although there are different Guilds located throughout different parts of the world, each one adheres to different set of rules and laws for their territory they cover and which also each guild can cover multiple territories at once. In this case, Dohral and Tivook and the surrounding forests and hills adhere to the hunters "protection", which was agreed upon by the Lord of Dohral to help keep the wilds "tame and secure". Although acting independently from the crown, it is by his authority their presence in his realm is tolerated.

The Guild has a ranking structure similar to that of military ranks, where members can advance based on time within the guild, prowess or usefulness when on the hunt. Also various different merits that can be recognized by the Marshal's or Grandmaster can push a Newblood further in the guild. From highest to lowest the ranks are: Grandmaster, Marshal, Captain, Knight, and Newblood(Usually called just "Hunter"). There can only be two Marshals at any given time with control spread between them both. The Grandmaster is responsible for the operation as a whole in the areas involved, unlike most Guild leaders , the Hunters Guild's Grandmasters usually take an active role - not only producing patrols and other objectives for his kinsmen, but seeing to it personally at times as well. When becoming a member of the Guild, one must first pass several field tests which high ranks will assess, that includes tracking, survival skills, climbing, and various physical activities as the hunter must constantly be on the move. Should the unfortunate event that a Grandmaster should die, his rank will pass to one of the two Marshals whom are elected by the seasoned veterans within the order, otherwise the Grandmaster stays as such for life - when chosen.

The genral law is the following "No hunter shall hurt another brother or shall be themselves punished with banishment or death, to hurt innocents is to betray law, and will be subject to the punishments of the territory in question. Disobeying an order from a superior is insubordination and will be subject to punishment, and possible banishment from the guild. Hunters found to break agreements or treatries established by the Grandmaster will be subject to punishment depending on violation in question. To Hunt any civilized beast, Were-beasts and the like, must first be agreed upon by the Marshal's, before pursuing said hunt. Anybody, or anything captured by the Guild MUST be presented to a Captain or higher rank to be decided where the captured will be placed, or if they will be released. Failure to report captures is considered slavery, and is FORBIDDEN, Hunters found selling their captures to underground types will be subject to extreme punishment by the Guild.
Absol 13
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The Hunters guild  Empty A new face

Post  Absol 13 Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:54 am

New has spread that the hunters guild may be returning, With a new leader The old one long gone, Reports are that they intend to Cleanse Dorhal and ~Tivook of all lycons they can, regardless of the old treaty. Apparently They have renounced the treaty, saying that all lycon untill proven otherwise Are evil~ Even though people will dispute that, That is what the new Grandmaster is saying. Time will tell what will Happen to the Lycons of Tivook and Dorhal.
Absol 13
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The Hunters guild  Empty Latest Reports

Post  Absol 13 Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:14 am

Recently the gossip in taverns suggest that the hunters guild have split into two groups, the minority, that only kill "bad lycons" and the rest, the ones that want"all lycon scum" wiped from the lands, Reportedly the new group is lead by some young lad, called only "Scar" the minority is lead by some man Called Jackson. where the guild is currently located no-one knows. though reports of "wild" lycons appearing on fullmoons are slowly dying down.
Absol 13
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The Hunters guild  Empty Re: The Hunters guild

Post  Elgate Sat Aug 16, 2014 4:57 pm

A Nightwatchman, Toman Carshalley, after being informed by a witness, reports back to the guard that a man, who self-identified as a hunter and wore black and red armour with a demonic helm, had been manically hunting lycans in the city sewers- chasing them out onto the street and slaughtering them. He expressed the view that all lycans should be killed. This goes against the Lord of Dohral's decree that all lycans should be treated as citizens until proven dangerous.

The Nightwatchman suggests inquiries into the Hunter's Guild's current activity, and a stricter reinforcement of the decree, to avoid all out panic: Lycans being driven into the streets endangers citizens, and any hysteria induced by the attacks may cause another riot as seen in previous purges- which caused many casualties.
Forum Sage

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The Hunters guild  Empty Gossip at Tivook

Post  Absol 13 Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:16 am

people at tivook spoke of an old man who kill someone claiming to be from the "Black Star" of the hunters guild, the old man himself being from the "Silver Star" reports are that he murders him as hes was attempting to cast a spell. they have also said, they heard the old man saying, "he'll pay the debt for all the murders, when there is peace"

Lots of people recently are becoming worried, seeking silver weaponry again fearing a war Between both hunters, and lycons.
Absol 13
Absol 13
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The Hunters guild  Empty The prey

Post  Absol 13 Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:22 am

The huntsmaster of the black star have released a list of known lycons It reads as follows:
Grace Fennerset (seen around the Tivook inn)
An unknown cat,( who does not hide that he is a lycon, Seen with guards of Dorhal)
The Silverfang of Tivook (supposed protector)
The Time traveling mage (unkown, possibly a penguin)
A born Lycon cat, (Mostly seen in cat form at Tivook inn, name unknown.)
Nailo, Werecat, (skilled archer and good at hiding, caution advised)
Lexin (elven unknown type,, be warned, reported strangler of old men)
Varrus Letho (Unknown, reportedly Lycon tho, and with dangerous gang, dangerous)
A New were Mart- martina? know, supposedly ex lycon approach with danger

Supposed Lycons and lycon helpers:
Charia Priestess, involvement with Aria, now has strange legs, reportedly, be prepared. (also involved in treaty, be warned)
Lia Lindon (helper, druid, Strong- Likes to take dragon shape,has child daughter )
Aria Lindon (Repotredly married to Nialo, can be used for leverage, REported that children are part lycon, history  with hunter, Also reports of "dark and evil" power)
Vrnea, Vhilnya Vanhalen (children of Aria Possibly lycon)
Haven Blademantle (supposed Werebear, mage, powerful)
Valerion Turingskar (reportedly Crazy, Avoid at all costs, DANGEROUS)

List will be update with dead, captured and more info, scouts will send more

Will pay well for heads of any lycons, and info of any others.

Last edited by Absol 13 on Thu Sep 18, 2014 7:35 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : New stuffs (well one new guy))
Absol 13
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The Hunters guild  Empty Re: The Hunters guild

Post  Animayhem Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:52 pm

Charia frowned as she heard the rumors. She and others had worked so hard to keep the peace between the races.
Once she got more facts she would try an present to both the Dorhal court and the Fey Council.
Forum Oracle

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The Hunters guild  Empty Re: The Hunters guild

Post  Animayhem Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:39 am

Charia arrived at her temple after confirming the rumors of the Hunter guild split in their ranks.
She had talked to the preistess who would send word to the Fey Council.  Would they even call one? Would they decide to wash their hands of what could be seen as a human problem?  She had to make them see as the Hunters could turn and start hunting Fey.
What about this mage known as Tony, one who urinated around the inn?  An old wolf with bladdder problems?  Haven said despite appearances he was a formidable mage. Knowing Haven is quite powerful, I will have to defer to his assessment.
She had penned a letter to the Lord of Dorhal wondering how he would react.  

She had completed her duty as Fey council member and as a member of the court.  Though she did not like it, she would have to wait to see what transpired.
Forum Oracle

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The Hunters guild  Empty Re: The Hunters guild

Post  Absol 13 Tue Sep 16, 2014 11:20 am

New info, IC only Via those who know (NE A'rys Lia)
Absol 13
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The Hunters guild  Empty strange rumors

Post  Absol 13 Thu Sep 18, 2014 7:37 pm

Nightguard crystal reported meeting a group, which have been harassed by the black star hunters, A waning has been issued to watch yourself, they may end up just killing everyone..
Absol 13
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The Hunters guild  Empty Re: The Hunters guild

Post  Animayhem Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:52 am

Charia frowned when she heard she had been added to the list.  Well she was not surprised concidering.
What concerned her more was the apparent dissolvement of the Treaty and the fact that it is possible the Fey will not interfere thinking it is a human problem.  As for the Dorhal court and the treaty that will be difficult to sway. As if Ne did not have enough concerns with the unrest in Esrogoth he and his mate targets.  The priestess went to Tivook to try and find him to give him the option to keep his daughter safe at the temple.  I hope he accepts.
Forum Oracle

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The Hunters guild  Empty Re: The Hunters guild

Post  Hacatsu Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:33 pm

Jax's easy-going as ever, basically no one knows that he's the 'Silverfang of Tivook', so he hasn't been hunted or pursued yet. However, there is a huntress that sometimes harass the Tivook Crossing, and she is the only one he has picked as his true 'prey', and won't hesitate to kill her, but not even her knows that he is a lycon.
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The Hunters guild  Empty An Attack

Post  Absol 13 Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:03 pm

NEw is that.. After meeting with teh Dragon kin known as Ne, there was an attack on lia.. And when that failed, The Feyview Temple, The priestess is fine, and while much blood was Everywhere, it was lycon blood, a message to all "Dont Mess with us"

Lia, After investigating the place, having been informed of the attack by Etrianna discovered A note, Supposedly written by arai, stating Chia'hue was safe, but not where she was

AFter scrying her, Lia still found nothing to their whereabouts, ther than Aria was indeed with Chia'hue and being chased, but seemingly lost them. for Now, noone knows where either are.
Absol 13
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The Hunters guild  Empty Lycon hunters

Post  Aurora Silverwolf Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:11 pm

*looks over the notices curiously .. tail swishing beneath her cloak .. hidden from sight for now. Her purring softly as she reads of these hunters .. a low growl on her lips* That humans would dare hunt her kin .. Herself or her mother? She would hiss and rake long sharp claws across the posting near the inn in TIvook .. as if in warning ..

Aurora Silverwolf
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The Hunters guild  Empty Lycon hunters

Post  Aurora Silverwolf Sat Oct 11, 2014 6:47 am

Asharawynn looks over the notices .. having seen them and of course heard of the hunters.  Having at one point in her existence been captured by rogue members of the old guild.  Yet she chuckles remembering the ease with which she escaped them.  After all she being a archer and hunter herself she knew many of the tricks they used.  And she was a rather cagey and trickey old bear herself having had a few cubs and hidden/protected them from the hunters many a good year.

She sat in the inn at Tivook drinking her ale and smiling.  Those that had known of her existence in the old guild she had taken care of most of them but suspected perhaps that a few wise ones might have escaped her wraith. She sits at the inn, her having an agreement with Etrianan to help keep the patrons of the inn safe from trogs and the like and troublemakers. She fairly certain that she is safe from the guild and her identity unknown to the new guild.   Yet she worries that the treaty so carefully crafted that had so long protected her brothren/kin would soon be broken and war once more would rage.

She swore silently to herself that she would slay any who sought to break the treaty would find themselves meeting their makers.  Swearing in the name of the old druid bear that had made her so long ago.

Last edited by Aurora Silverwolf on Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:52 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : additional info)
Aurora Silverwolf
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The Hunters guild  Empty Re: The Hunters guild

Post  Animayhem Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:35 am

Charia was furious when she heard what happened at the temple. The guild had gone too far. Yet her hands were tied. She knew she should have been there yet she was trying for a solution legally as she had a feeling the fey would no longer care. She hoped Ne was not upset with her but as he has chose a different path so has she. Charia had a feeling they may try for her next.
Forum Oracle

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The Hunters guild  Empty Re: The Hunters guild

Post  Valerion Sun Oct 12, 2014 2:39 pm

*A slightly dirty man, clad mainly in a flat ringed chailmail, stretched by his musculous body and the Gambeson between it and the chainmail, grinning broad and his long brown hair tied back on his head, three earrings on the left ear and two on the right, posts another note below those of the hunters*

"Oi, Black Star, White Star, whatever, ye need someone able to wield those silver blades, hand me some and some proper payment and I fight whatever you need to have me fight, ye can find me either in Tivook or near the Citadel in the Inn's, or brothels if I ain't there."
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The Hunters guild  Empty EVENT

Post  Absol 13 Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:14 am

Possibly planning something at GMT 8:00 PM ish Either Friday or Saturday, dunno yet.

Last edited by Absol 13 on Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:25 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : I think my DM board hates me I swear i had the PM in it!)
Absol 13
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The Hunters guild  Empty Re: The Hunters guild

Post  Animayhem Thu Oct 16, 2014 6:08 pm

Absol 13 wrote:Possibly planning something at GMT 0 8:0cc ish Either Friday or Saturday, dunno yet.

Err time is a bit garbled.
Forum Oracle

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The Hunters guild  Empty Re: The Hunters guild

Post  Absol 13 Thu Oct 16, 2014 6:21 pm

Absol 13
Absol 13
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The Hunters guild  Empty Re: The Hunters guild

Post  Animayhem Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:47 pm

Hmm maybe able to do it though a bit late for me 8am or 8pm your time?
Forum Oracle

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The Hunters guild  Empty EVENT

Post  Absol 13 Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:29 am

sorry bout short notice on this one. gonna try for a event either tonight or tomorrow (midday-ish)

All are welcome but i'm warning you now, You CAN end up over your head in this one.

EDIT: Due to mostly short notice, i've decided tomorrow, Either miday-ish, or 8 PM, GMT, which ever works best.

Last edited by Absol 13 on Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:01 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Time.)
Absol 13
Absol 13
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The Hunters guild  Empty Re: The Hunters guild

Post  Absol 13 Sat Nov 08, 2014 7:10 pm

After an incursion, that ended. mildly.. well.. a few things have been found out- the black stars well all a ploy for power from the beginning, someone else was in control- that some had a POWERFUL artifact and..that there was a connection to the riftstone.

there has also been words that attacks on lycons are down to nothing.. Thought most lycon are still cautious. The city guards are happy that the lycon purges were avoided.

still one thing remains.. will the peace stay?....and the riftstone.. what has it got to do with it all..
Absol 13
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