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Tivook Inn rooms

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Tivook Inn rooms Empty Tivook Inn rooms

Post  eve_of_disaster Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:41 pm

Where are the inns that arn't fully booked?

Tivook has been fully booked for so long one would expect them to build a second lodge with all the revenue they must be making. Smile
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Tivook Inn rooms Empty Re: Tivook Inn rooms

Post  GM_ODA Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:15 am

Very Happy You got me! It is a design flaw, I really did not foresee so many wanting to book the room for so long. The Inn will be expanded soon to allow more rooms and a damper put in to force booking for no more than one week game time. Additional inns in the Eastern Citadel and soon in Humfoodale Province will also help take up the slack.

Thank you for the feedback! Keep it coming in please.

Be well. Game on.
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