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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  Elgate Sun Nov 30, 2014 1:11 pm

I'm putting this here for now, and then will continue with something in the IC forum.

Basically: We can make the Druid's Circle!

Hacatsu figured out how one of our existing druid characters could be charismatic enough to make a guild.... We wear a nymph cloak. Yes.

Before we go ahead and make it though, we would like feed back from all interested players on:

1) The Name of the Circle.
2) Who is going to lead/make the guild.
3)How we want to go about this IG.

1. Suggest some names!
Druid circles tend to be named after the region in one way or another.
Eg, a region with an unusual amount of oaks might be called the Oaken Circle. A circle might adopt the name of political regions around it. It might be named after the types of druid's in it, or the local nature god, or other features, so on, so forth.

My suggestions are:

  • Silver/Argent/Skawfer/Thangah Circle ('Silver' in english, latin, shelta and dwarven, After the silver Tradeway/ Argentum Regio.)
  • Howling/Urzhnark/Lugil Circle (After the local area being the Howling mountains/ Urzhnark Lur'rkazarth. 'Lugil' is shelta for 'cry/scream/wail', like with Banshee)
  • Sheeka  Circle (From the Shelta word for 'three', after the three circles. The Druid's handbook suggested using Shelta as a base language for druidic, Shelta being a secret-ish language based on gaelic/celtic)
  • Sheekadjoag Circle (Three-stone circle, from shelta 'Three' (Sheeka) and stone (Kadjoag).
  • K'haa (Dwarven for three) Thkurra (Stone) Ziahzina (circle)

Remember that dwarven language might have an influence of the naming of the circle, or it might not- as few dwarves become druids. Shelta and Gaelic might be fun for using as a makeshift  Druidic language. Have fun coming up with names!

2. Who's going to lead the guild?

We need a PC to make and lead the guild, even if this PC is not the Great Druid, but only an Archdruid. Hacastu was thinking about going for this first with some of his chars, but now seems to be voting for my character Grace.

Grace is a level 21 Druid/ 15 Shifter (And is capped at level 36 due to being a werebear). She's been around and involved in druidic buisness for a while. Her lycanthropy was caused by the Old Druid, and she was mentored by The Druidess Fen.

We were thinking Grace was the best bet for being leader of the guild, but maybe not becoming the Great Druid. If anybody else has a druid Character they think would be better suited, speak up- We can settle this the old fashioned way through a druidic challenge Twisted Evil

3.How's this going to happen?

Well. Currently, the only known Druid NPC is the Old Druid. And there doesn't seem to be much people around for a circle which needs:
A Great druid.
3 Archdruids.
9 'Inner' Druids'
Any number of druids or other nature classed in the 'outer' circle.

So basically- we REALLY need the Great Druid and the Archdruids.

What I was thinking of doing was making a post in the IC forum, (because I'm not around much to play at the moment, and this allows more people to join in.) with Grace challenging the Old Druid (either to gain his rank, what ever it might be, or to force him to call a moot.)

Either way, Grace is hoping to call a moot- where all local druids can come (and maybe even non-druids, so long as they are nature-friends). From there, Grace will put forward the idea that the circle needs to regroup, and strengthen itself. If there are empty spaces (great druid, archdruid, inner druid) they should be filled by any willing. If there are existing members of the circle, they can be challenged to their position.

Hopefully the outcome of this will be:
OOCly: A PC in charge of the guild, and other people introduced into the guild, so that we can start doing 'guildy' buisness. >.>
ICly: The local druids get a kick to the ass, and stop being so reclusive and become more active, with one or more druid PC entering the inner circle- maybe some combat trials, some inspiring speeches, politics and so on.

Seeing as I've made similar posts before, and people have been slow to respond, if people don't reply, I guess myself and Hacatsu will have to come up with a name ourselves, and try and muddle through it. This would be less enjoyable, because it would feel like we're trying to control the RP too much, but I'd rather some forced progress than no progress.

Ragdoll, you were interested in being the druid-dm, weren't you? What's your DM (Druid Master) opinion? (Also, Hacastu is also a DM, but I think Rags called bagsie on this)

Last edited by GM_ODA on Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:50 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : CHANGED TITLE to add 'event' designator)
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
Age : 31
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2011-01-31

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Character Name: Grace Fennerset
Race: Human
Overall Level: 30

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  Hacatsu Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:46 pm

Ok so... My vote stands about the guild leader, Grace has been around for quite some time, she's got the wisdom, she's got the reputation, she's got the charismatic nymph cloak, and she has powerfull allies. About the name of the circle, my vote goes for Howling Circle.

About the Great Druid, Drurazhor can go to that rank, he's lvl 30, not the wisest, but could fit. Hol can catch up the Inner Circle low ranks too, and about the other druids, we need to check with other players (iirc spiriteternal aka Fen has quite a few druid lvls too right? So she could go for another Great Druid.)

And other lesser druids, as the circle stands, we can just make some cannon fodder NPC's, or just leave it empty and RP as there are some dudes.

People, this is a call out to all players who have Druid PC's. This has been in hold for a long time, if not too many show interest, we're going to push it forward.
Forum Courtier

Male Number of posts : 394
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Character Name: Drurazor Urnagahaz
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 30

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  Elgate Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:24 pm

Potential Candidates for Great Druid (1 place):
Old Bear (NPC- ?? Druid (30-36?. Werebear.))
Drurazhor (Hacatsu, 30 Druid)
Grace Fennerset (? -As a dual class druid, Grace might be unpopular for this, but unless deemed completely unworthy, it's possible)

Potential Candidates for Archdruids (3 places):
Grace Fennerset (Elgate, 21 Druid/15 Shifter. Werebear.)
Lia (Lady Aloura, 22 Druid)
Saber (Absol, 26 Druid/10 Rouge ( Werecat))
Drurazhor (If not Great Druid)
Fen (Spiriteternal - Fen might have similar problem that Grace faced, being a Druid/Shifter/Monk, and not pure druid, but she has been around a lot and has her own allies)
Other NPCs

Potential Candidates for Inner Druids (9 places):
Hol (Hacatsu, Druid/Bard/RDD?)
Any PC with 15+ Druid levels.

If you want to be considered for a place, just say why and where. Druid's don't normally do votes, but we can have a sort of OOC vote and debate, and then try for it IG. I'm fairly sure if there are open spaces any Druid 'deemed worthy' can claim it. If a position is already claimed, you need to issue a challenge.

I will edit as needed.

Last edited by Elgate on Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:23 pm; edited 3 times in total
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
Age : 31
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2011-01-31

Character sheet
Character Name: Grace Fennerset
Race: Human
Overall Level: 30

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  Shar Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:58 pm

I LOVE this idea!
I have some points & comments to make from a DMing perspective however they are just that.

First off is the issue of Lia and her extra-plainer lover Ne. Druids preserve the balance including the plainer balance which is already offset in the local region. Ne is an extra-plainer being and despite his history of good intentions he doesn't really "belong here" as far as Druid lore is concerned. Most druids would likley want to see Ne either returned to the plane of shadow or outright killed to restore some measure of balance to the aria. Druids seeing Lia's relationship and the other druids openly consorting with Ne could cause the new circle to be seen as deviant by other druids.

Second, Saber... Isn't he in bad standing with the guards or am i confusing him with Jax? Not that that really matters.. just thoughts.. as i said..
Forum Vizier

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  Hacatsu Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:59 pm

Are you really mistaking Saber for Jax? ... I want to kill you.

Also, Hol (you all will be meeting him soon) have some good conceptions on what's 'balance' and how it applies to our region.
Forum Courtier

Male Number of posts : 394
Age : 28
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2013-12-05

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Character Name: Drurazor Urnagahaz
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 30

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  Elgate Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:35 pm

Certainly Lia's love life could make her unpopular with other druids, much in the same way Grace's love life might be (Haven's not exactly 'normal' by druid standards.) 'Mixed class' druids might also find themselves looked down upon.

Druid Handbook 2e wrote:Druids themselves, rarely celibate, usually choose to marry and raise children. Some circles prefer their druids to limit their choice to "suitable" mates: druids or bards, and perhaps elves, dryads, or sylphs. Independent rural folk like tinkers, rangers, Gypsies, or foresters also constitute good choices. Love can be blind, but a druid generally prefers a mate of neutral alignment, from a rural background, who follows the druidic faith.

Some druids prefer to see the upper ranks of the Order filled by "pure" druids those who have devoted their lives solely to the Order. [Mixed]-class characters sometimes face prejudice from other druids.

However most druidic 'politics' tends to be more physical.

A druid earns their place by proving themselves through a challenge. They're not voted in. That doesn't stop politics happening though- unpopular druids might be set up to fail, receive challenges numerous times, maybe even have 'unfortunate accidents'.

So long as Grace, Lia and Saber can prove themselves to be Druids of cunning/strength/wisdom/skill, then they can earn their place. Keeping it is another matter.
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
Age : 31
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2011-01-31

Character sheet
Character Name: Grace Fennerset
Race: Human
Overall Level: 30

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  Absol 13 Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:41 pm

Name: Argent circly, cause epicness, and sabers lvls are wrong, he's 26 druid, 10 rogue (yeah, that's what he's at now) (and he's staying that way)
Annnd sabers, not really all that known, he's just annoying... and a cat, and annoying, Heh, and not really bad standing with the guards..

Buut, since i can (and wont vote for myself) I vote Grace, Cause Grace is like, the epicest druid ever.

Last edited by Absol 13 on Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Saber's lvls)
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  LadyAloura Mon Dec 01, 2014 5:38 pm

Lia is currently only lvl 22

Forum Courtier

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  Elgate Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:54 pm

Fixed for both abs and Lia. Okay, so we currently have a vote for 'Argent Circle' and 'Howling Circle'. Any more votes?

Btw, Forum time and IG time are seperate, but 3 days RL makes it the autumn equinox IG. And RL 21 of Dec is the Winter Solstice. These are the best times to call a moot, sooo, if we think we're ready, I'll post an IC thread saying we're going for the Autumn Equinox/ Winter Soltice (We could even have a 'New Year moot' going by RL Razz ).

That way it means the moot is naturally occuring and not forced. Makes for better RP.

Have I missed any druid characters? Are we okay with this going ahead? Any last votes on names? (because I might flip a coin between Argent and Howling to be honest, if no one else votes).
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
Age : 31
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2011-01-31

Character sheet
Character Name: Grace Fennerset
Race: Human
Overall Level: 30

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  spiriteternal Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:18 pm

I play Fen for any that don't know. I vote the Argent circle and Grace for Great Druid. I would vote Saber and Lia both as two of the three arch-druids. Fen would accept a position of arch druid if asked but only if asked and if no one feels there is another suitable druid for the position. If there is another suitable druid, she would support that character as third arch-druid. She has no desire for politics and feels her bond with nature as deeply personal. She will serve at the need of nature and if this is what is needed, she will accept as she did during the great circles last meeting.

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 63
Registration date : 2011-12-11

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  spiriteternal Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:26 pm

As Far as Grace's issue of not being a pure druid, Fen is very close to her and taught her a little of the druidic ways when she was much less experienced and has Fen's full support.  The allies Fen has from being a long running character would fully align with her support of Grace.

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 63
Registration date : 2011-12-11

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  Elgate Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:34 pm

Editted post to move Fen down from Great Druid, as Fen wouldn't go for the position. Remember, there are the inner druid postions as well, which basically mean you guys get to vote on the 'council' meetings.

ICly, Grace -might- go for great druid. Maybe. It all depends on the flow of things.

OOCly: Gosh guys. Embarassed These votes of confidence in Grace make me all warm and happy. Personally, RPing a Great Druid sounds terrifying. It's a lot of power for a druid pc. I mean, it's below a Grand Druid (Which face it, no one is going to become Grand Druid (Who is the druid of the 'world' circle. Head honcho. Top boss. Almost semi Devine.) and a hierophant (Which is like the most epic of epic druids, and leaves political squabbling to the baby druids and can be seen as 'universe' druids. Those guys be scary.). That's why I wasn't going for Great Druid myself, because I almost feel like it should be a DM only position- but this depends on how other people feel. I guess we go with whatever happens ICly.

Also, remember 'being popular' (or being unpopular) might not affect your position- It might change if you -can- try for a position, but whether you get it or not depends on if you pass the challenge (If there is someone to be challenged. Empty spaces are a bit of a free for all at the moment- if more than two people try for an empty space, then they must defeat each other in a challenge. If only one person tries for a space, and they're deemed worthy by current 'circle' druids, then yay.)

Also, Argent circle is in the lead with two votes, Howling Circle has one.
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
Age : 31
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2011-01-31

Character sheet
Character Name: Grace Fennerset
Race: Human
Overall Level: 30

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  spiriteternal Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:39 pm

WE <3 you Grace. *smiles sweetest Fen smile*

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 63
Registration date : 2011-12-11

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  Elgate Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:44 pm

I'm just realising how anti-climatic and embarrassing this could be if we (specially Grace in this context) fails the challenges XD

That is a question though- was it ever decided we had an existing Great Druid? I'm going to see if Rag posted anything. Because if not, then it's down to PC's (And maybe a DM NPC) sizing each other up and deciding who and if they should go for the position.
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
Age : 31
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2011-01-31

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Character Name: Grace Fennerset
Race: Human
Overall Level: 30

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  spiriteternal Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:50 pm

awkward. *giggles*

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 63
Registration date : 2011-12-11

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  Absol 13 Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:23 am

The hilarity of this situation.., yeah thinking on it, I'm voting lia for arch druid

I think grace will do fine.... (i hope) otherwise, we're all doomed.
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  Elgate Sun Dec 07, 2014 2:26 pm

Whoop- Hang on, I just remembered something.

Grace currently still has an animal kill count. I'm fairly sure she's needs to atone before she could become a higher ranking druid.

Does the atone spell work yet and is it possible to arrange for a DM event for that (and others who aslo want to atone?)
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
Age : 31
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2011-01-31

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Character Name: Grace Fennerset
Race: Human
Overall Level: 30

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EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle. Empty Re: EVENT : Reforging the Druid's Circle.

Post  Eriniel Sun Dec 07, 2014 3:56 pm

Spell is in there, haven't had a chance to record or test it yet though...
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