How do you Pronounce your PC's name?
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How do you Pronounce your PC's name?
I thought this would be a good idea since not all names actually follow standard English convention. So.... How do you SAY your name?
Ne'Sekoleth - Ne (Like Knee the body part) Sek (Like in SECond) O (hard O sound) Leth ( This is the tricky part..despite its spelling its intended to sound like "Lee-Ith" and not like "Lethe")
Sara - Sar (like Sarcastic) A ( sounds like "Uh")
Enflavious - En (like in END) Flav ( Like in flavor) Ious (Like "E - Us")
Grr'Vrena - Grr (like a growl) Vren (no english word has this so i am lost how to adequately describe it) a (uh sound)
Chi'Hue - Chi (like Chi tea) Hue (Like Humor) ***Ask Lady A for True Pronunciation on that one, it was there name not mine***
Ne'Sekoleth - Ne (Like Knee the body part) Sek (Like in SECond) O (hard O sound) Leth ( This is the tricky part..despite its spelling its intended to sound like "Lee-Ith" and not like "Lethe")
Sara - Sar (like Sarcastic) A ( sounds like "Uh")
Enflavious - En (like in END) Flav ( Like in flavor) Ious (Like "E - Us")
Grr'Vrena - Grr (like a growl) Vren (no english word has this so i am lost how to adequately describe it) a (uh sound)
Chi'Hue - Chi (like Chi tea) Hue (Like Humor) ***Ask Lady A for True Pronunciation on that one, it was there name not mine***
Shar- Forum Vizier
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Re: How do you Pronounce your PC's name?
Most of my characters' names should be easy enough
Grace Fennerset = As you'd imagine it would.
Toman Carshalley= Tɒmmæn Kɑ:ʃælli: = Tom-man Car (like the vehicle) Shall (As in 'we shall go') Lee (like in leak)
Radomir Nerrel= ʁædoʊmɪə neRel = Rad (Like 'rat' but with a d. R shaped in the throat, not lips (Like a german/french r)) Do (Like Doe, a doe, a female dear) Mir (Like mere as in 'a mere morsel', with a sharp rise-drop tone). Ne (Like in neck) rrel (trilled R in back of throat, 'rel' as in 'relish'.)
(Radomir has probably the most technical of my characte names, because he's a fussy elf who would probably get annoyed should people pronounce his name wrong.)
For his first name, this is the pronounciation I'm going with (The polish pronunciation, but in what ever accent you imagine Radomir having): [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
(How I've been pronouncing) Vrnea= Vrɪni:æ = Vrn ('Vrin' with a 'V' then quick 'rin' like in 'rinse') Nea ( 'Knee' (like the body part) 'A' (like in 'cat')= Nee-ah)
Seeing as this comes from Grr'vrnea (Grr'vrena?) which is Shar's name, I'd go with his pronunciation.
Bonus Name:
Geralt = d͡ʒerəlt= Ger ('jer' as in 'jerry' ) ralt (Like 'malt' but with a 'r'). (Named after Geraldine, Grace's mother. But Grace dislikes 'Gerald' with a 'd'. Haven dislikes the name in general. Haven prefers 'potato'.)
Grace Fennerset = As you'd imagine it would.
Toman Carshalley= Tɒmmæn Kɑ:ʃælli: = Tom-man Car (like the vehicle) Shall (As in 'we shall go') Lee (like in leak)
Radomir Nerrel= ʁædoʊmɪə neRel = Rad (Like 'rat' but with a d. R shaped in the throat, not lips (Like a german/french r)) Do (Like Doe, a doe, a female dear) Mir (Like mere as in 'a mere morsel', with a sharp rise-drop tone). Ne (Like in neck) rrel (trilled R in back of throat, 'rel' as in 'relish'.)
(Radomir has probably the most technical of my characte names, because he's a fussy elf who would probably get annoyed should people pronounce his name wrong.)
For his first name, this is the pronounciation I'm going with (The polish pronunciation, but in what ever accent you imagine Radomir having): [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
(How I've been pronouncing) Vrnea= Vrɪni:æ = Vrn ('Vrin' with a 'V' then quick 'rin' like in 'rinse') Nea ( 'Knee' (like the body part) 'A' (like in 'cat')= Nee-ah)
Seeing as this comes from Grr'vrnea (Grr'vrena?) which is Shar's name, I'd go with his pronunciation.
Bonus Name:
Geralt = d͡ʒerəlt= Ger ('jer' as in 'jerry' ) ralt (Like 'malt' but with a 'r'). (Named after Geraldine, Grace's mother. But Grace dislikes 'Gerald' with a 'd'. Haven dislikes the name in general. Haven prefers 'potato'.)
Elgate- Forum Sage
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Re: How do you Pronounce your PC's name?
(How I've been pronouncing) Vrnea= Vrɪni:æ = Vrn ('Vrin' with a 'V' then quick 'rin' like in 'rinse') Nea ( 'Knee' (like the body part) 'A' (like in 'cat')= Nee-ah)
Seeing as this comes from Grr'vrnea (Grr'vrena?) which is Shar's name, I'd go with his pronunciation.
That's perfectly legit. After all it was abbs who named her not me so the actual pronunciation could be very different than the father
Shar- Forum Vizier
- Number of posts : 1074
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Re: How do you Pronounce your PC's name?
A'rys = Air- ees like the zodiac sign
Charia- Char-ee-ah
Thraraviel- Thrah-air-vee- ill
Charia- Char-ee-ah
Thraraviel- Thrah-air-vee- ill
Animayhem- Forum Oracle
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Re: How do you Pronounce your PC's name?
Jax = Jacks (lol)
Drurazhor = Druh - Rah - Zor / Urnagahaz = Exacly like you read it.
Elomir (duh) Vastianny = Vaz - ty - An (like in Annie) - Ny
Hol Lennart = Exacly like you read it.
Yeah, lol, my PC's names are quite obvious.
Drurazhor = Druh - Rah - Zor / Urnagahaz = Exacly like you read it.
Elomir (duh) Vastianny = Vaz - ty - An (like in Annie) - Ny
Hol Lennart = Exacly like you read it.
Yeah, lol, my PC's names are quite obvious.
Hacatsu- Forum Courtier
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