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With the Release of CEP 2.2...

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With the Release of CEP 2.2... Empty With the Release of CEP 2.2...

Post  Raising_Cain Mon May 18, 2009 12:51 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Comes this. Please, please, please, please do not let anime/furry heads be allowed. Please, no. My eyes hurt just from discovering this, and we're Dohral. Not Dohurarukimasu. (I'm sorry if I seem opinionated, but... Gaaah.)
Posting Knave

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With the Release of CEP 2.2... Empty Re: With the Release of CEP 2.2...

Post  samanuske Mon May 18, 2009 1:42 pm

I.. I'd have to agree, yeah.
Posting Knave

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With the Release of CEP 2.2... Empty Re: With the Release of CEP 2.2...

Post  GM_ODA Mon May 25, 2009 12:49 pm

We have NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER to switch to the CEP 2.2 - the reasons are myriad, but hinge on IP issues (material taken from other games which are the copyrighted property of those game authors) and also for the inclusion of a lot of CRAP (literally CRAP a separate HAK which has systems conflicting with our own - if we wanted CRAP we would have downloaded and installed CRAP is my feeling on this).

Anyway, have no fear CEP 2.2 is NOT in our future, nor any subsequent release of CEP which does not meet my needs (and those included NO CRAP and no IP issues). In short, I doubt it will ever happen.

Forum Oracle

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With the Release of CEP 2.2... Empty Re: With the Release of CEP 2.2...

Post  ZEvilChickenZ Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:59 pm

It would be slightly entertaining to murder a cave full of furries though. Wink
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With the Release of CEP 2.2... Empty Re: With the Release of CEP 2.2...

Post  eve_of_disaster Fri May 14, 2010 3:48 am

GM_ODA wrote:We have NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER to switch to the CEP 2.2 - the reasons are myriad, but hinge on IP issues (material taken from other games which are the copyrighted property of those game authors) and also for the inclusion of a lot of CRAP (literally CRAP a separate HAK which has systems conflicting with our own - if we wanted CRAP we would have downloaded and installed CRAP is my feeling on this).

Anyway, have no fear CEP 2.2 is NOT in our future, nor any subsequent release of CEP which does not meet my needs (and those included NO CRAP and no IP issues). In short, I doubt it will ever happen.

This is the best reply ever. Very Happy
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With the Release of CEP 2.2... Empty Re: With the Release of CEP 2.2...

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Fri May 14, 2010 5:48 am

i cant even see the picture, and i am too curious to have a good day without it, I demand you find and repost it again.

Also, i cant even judge the CEP 2.2 and give opinions.
Forum Sage

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With the Release of CEP 2.2... Empty Re: With the Release of CEP 2.2...

Post  AnmeyaMax Mon May 17, 2010 9:20 am

I think that ODA's decision about not to use CEP 2.2 is wise.

We doesn't generally 'need' a more expanded CEP. With Eriniel and ODA as script writer and builders I think we'll be fine for awile Smile. Also, bringing the server to CEP 2.2 could also bring alot errors. I've experienced strange errors with CEP 2.2 myself.
Posting Knave

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