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FAIL messages - looking for instances where we can add these.

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FAIL messages - looking for instances where we can add these. Empty FAIL messages - looking for instances where we can add these.

Post  GM_ODA Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:56 pm

Our helpful and observant new member Nightcaper recently informed me that his campsite was not working right. On arrival to investigate, I discovered his PC did not have a fire source in hand and suggested he equip same. This made sense to the PLAYER but he wisely pointed out that if the script offered such a suggestion on fail, it would be most helpful. SPOT ON!

This noted, we will add such a 'fail message' to the campsite system. . . and are looking for places where we may have missed similar opportunities. If you good PLAYERS espy similar instances, please post here! These messages can help alleviate frustrations and help new PLAYERS thru the process of learning how things work here.

KUDOS to Nightcaper.

Be well. Game on.
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FAIL messages - looking for instances where we can add these. Empty Re: FAIL messages - looking for instances where we can add these.

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:33 pm

Some kind of automated fail message whenever Absol logs in would be great.
Forum Sage

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FAIL messages - looking for instances where we can add these. Empty Re: FAIL messages - looking for instances where we can add these.

Post  Absol 13 Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:08 am

Why? what did I do? >.>
Absol 13
Absol 13
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FAIL messages - looking for instances where we can add these. Empty Speaking as a Rogue (AKA Thief)

Post  Roger_Dodger Sun May 10, 2015 5:38 pm

Speaking as a Rogue PC, I should think that the best 'Fail' message for a Rogue-type attempting to disarm a trap would be to set it off on failure. Non-explosive type traps should be re-settable (Spike trap for instance). Explosive traps (like Epic Fireball trap) would not only damage/kill the PC, but destroy the 'container'/treasure or door as well. Think Booby-Trap. Razz It might be a good idea to include something like the message, "This trap is beyond your ability to disarm. Proceed at your own risk", when the PC first attempts to disarm it. Trying a second attempt, and failing, sets off the trap.

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FAIL messages - looking for instances where we can add these. Empty Re: FAIL messages - looking for instances where we can add these.

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