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Merchants Cheating the PCs?

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Merchants Cheating the PCs? Empty Merchants Cheating the PCs?

Post  Roger_Dodger Wed May 13, 2015 10:12 pm

I stayed one night in the Back of the Bath Inn. The Innkeep told me the charge for Room 2 would be 59 cp. Sounds fair enough, so I took the room and got the key. Then I looked at the readout (lower right textbox):
Lost 3 gp
Lost 3 Acerian Golds (which I assume are the same as above)
Lost 5 pp

Now, wait a minute here! If ONE pp converts to 1000 cp, then 5 pp would be worth 5000 cp. That seems a long way from the 59 cp charge for the room. Even the 3 gp would be worth 300 cp! Grand total charge for Room 2 came to 5,300 cp. Perhaps the Innkeep has a problem counting change, or I have completely misunderstood the monetary system here. Oh, almost forgot: When I checked out next morning, the Innkeep gave me back 1 cp (Key Deposit, I'm thinkin'), and took his key back.

Problem #2: I visited two merchants (N. Cormyer, I think). They were right across the street from each other (didn't write the names down, sorry). In the first store, I bought a +1 Longsword and a +1 Dagger, and a couple of other things, and was charged a reasonable amount for the purchase (I'd really like to know what the MSRP of the items are, then haggle later). Then I went across the street, and sold that merchant one (std) Dagger and one +1 Short Sword. When I asked him 'how much are you offering for these?' He indicated that he appraised the Dagger AND the +1 Short Sword, and offered 4 cp for both. 'No thanks', said I, and he returned my Dagger, but KEPT the +1 Short Sword. I looked again (and checked my inventory again) and NEITHER OF US had the sword. So, the question is 'should I only sell one item at a time?' or is the Merchant a Kender Laughing ?

Curiosity killed the Cat,
Satisfaction brought him back.

Roger Dodger
Forum Knight

Male Number of posts : 128
Age : 78
Location : Portland, OR USA
Registration date : 2015-05-09

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Race: Human
Overall Level: 11

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Merchants Cheating the PCs? Empty Re: Merchants Cheating the PCs?

Post  GM_ODA Thu May 14, 2015 4:12 am

Friend Roger_Dodger,
That is very interesting, we'll review that subsystem. Thanks for the heads-up!

Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3071
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

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Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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