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Join Internet Game - Start

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Join Internet Game - Start Empty Join Internet Game - Start

Post  Roger_Dodger Fri May 15, 2015 3:04 pm

Most of the time, whenever I 'Join Internet Game' to continue my PC's adventure, I wind up in the Start Position - With Haggis in the next room.
That's not so bad, since I may want to join a party, and this is a dandy place to meet up. If I want to continue Solo, just ask Haggis, and he'll send me to my last 'Save Character' position. All well and good.

The problem is that every time I start here, I'm given a lot of the 'Start New Character' stuff, i.e. 9 Soul Runes, Log Book, etc. I 'burned' the last two Log Books (keeping the one I have been using), but now I have 36 Soul Runes and I can't get rid of any, nor do they seem to be used when I die (a pretty common occurrence). I now have nearly a whole page in my inventory with nothing but Soul Runes. Since they weigh .2 lbs each, I'm now up to 7.2 lbs of Soul Runes. I'm limited to 100 lbs carry weight before I become 'Encumbered', and I'm already carrying 97 lbs (not much room for treasure).

Perhaps the script needs reviewed to add in an ItemDetect command before awarding the PC all this stuff.

// If the PC has the item "LogBook".
if ( GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "LogBook") != OBJECT_INVALID )
// If the PC possesses the 'LogBook', then skip to next query
// If PC does not possess the item, then give it to him
ActionGiveItem(GetItemPossessedBy(OBJECT_SELF, "LogBook"), oPC)

// Another suggestion would be just to see if the PC is a valid character on the server (continuing adventurer). If yes, skip the whole ActionGiveItem script entirely. If a new character, then give him his 'new' stuff.

Forum Knight

Male Number of posts : 128
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Location : Portland, OR USA
Registration date : 2015-05-09

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Join Internet Game - Start Empty Re: Join Internet Game - Start

Post  Absol 13 Fri May 15, 2015 3:32 pm

Soul runes are how many tiems your character can die, so They are important, Are you sure you arnt losing one when you die? as for clutter. In teh DMFI AREA go to the chest open it(if it's empty open and close again.) Take out two things Green clover looking item called WAND OF MISC and the green.. bottle thing call VITALITY PACK use the wand on the rune to Store them as a vitality potion(seven to a potion i think) making sure that you leave a few incase you die.
Now, use the VITALITY PACK ON THE POTIONS OF VITALITY to strore them inside the pack.


Hope that helped.
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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Join Internet Game - Start Empty Re: Join Internet Game - Start

Post  Elgate Fri May 15, 2015 4:31 pm

You start back in the 'Starting Area', every server reset, and will be given a log book and  10 sould runes each time. The logbook is just in case you wanted another blank book to write in (eventually, the library system will be fixed up properly, and you can write books and add it to the 'library', which other players can then take out. Currently, you can add books, but the retrieval method is still being worked on). If you don't want the book, or any other item, chuck them in the rubbish bin in the start area. Please don't drop them on the floor. Random items on the floor in areas that don't reset can create server lag. No littering please Razz

Soul runes are only given during 'beta', which is what we've been calling the extended period that scripts and areas are being added. Soon, we'll go 'post-beta', as the world seems pretty fleshed out and scripts just need a bit of tweaking. Basically, soul runes are a 'thank you' for beta testing. These prevent you from permanently dying, and in the future, can be traded in for benefits. (When we go post beta, we'll be having a 'time skip', and you can trade in rune stones to say what you character did inbetween time- the grander the deeds or the more impressive their method of surviving the time skip, the more runes you'll need. Don't worry about this right now though, it will still be a while before it happens).

As Abs said, the way to deal with all the soul runes in your inventory is to go to the chect of pc tools in the fountain/dm-waiting room. You may need to open the chest twice, to make the items load.

Grab the green clover (Wand of Misc) and Green bubbley-bottle thing (Vitality pack).

Use the wand of misc on a soul rune- it will take 10 runes from your pack and turn them into a vitality potion (Drink the potion to get the soul runes back. ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT LEAST ONE RUNE ON YOU. If you die with no runes, even if you have vitality potions, you'll be taken to the 'dead-dead' after life, and will need DM help to get out (or drink a vitality potion and try talking to the ghost- this may have been fixed since I last encountered it).

Vitality potions will also weigh you down, so use the vitality pack on a potion. It will 'store it'. You can use the vitality pack on yourself to get a potion back.
Forum Sage

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Join Internet Game - Start Empty Re: Join Internet Game - Start

Post  GM_ODA Fri May 15, 2015 5:21 pm

Friend Roger_Dodger,
Yes, the above replies are true. Also I am a 'log book pusher' - the contents of LOG BOOKS will become the base material from which we make the 'in game books' our PCs will find 'post-beta-test'. Thus I shamelessly push them on every PC with each server reset in the hopes more people will use them for recording IC observations.


Forum Oracle

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Join Internet Game - Start Empty Re: Join Internet Game - Start

Post  Roger_Dodger Sat May 16, 2015 12:23 am

Absol 13 wrote:Soul runes are how many times your character can die, so They are important, Are you sure you arnt losing one when you die? as for clutter. In teh DMFI AREA go to the chest open it(if it's empty open and close again.) Take out two things Green clover looking item called WAND OF MISC and the green.. bottle thing call VITALITY PACK use the wand on the rune to Store them as a vitality potion(seven to a potion i think) making sure that you leave a few incase you die.
Now, use the VITALITY PACK ON THE POTIONS OF VITALITY to store them inside the pack.


Hope that helped.

Thanks all for the info - especially about the Wand of Miscl and Vitality Pack. I'm sure they will be useful.
Absol: You used the plural form of 'Potions'. Should I assume that I can store more than one Potion in the Vitality Pack? I'll give that a try later, and find out.

Elgate: I kinda thought the server reset was causing that phenomenon. So now the question becomes, "How do I join a Party in the DM's Room if the Server hasn't reset?" How often does the Server reset?

GM_ODA: Thanks for the info, as always.

Adventuring on,
Roger Dodger
Forum Knight

Male Number of posts : 128
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Join Internet Game - Start Empty Re: Join Internet Game - Start

Post  GM_ODA Sat May 16, 2015 4:36 am

Roger_Dodger wrote:
Elgate: I kinda thought the server reset was causing that phenomenon. So now the question becomes, "How do I join a Party in the DM's Room if the Server hasn't reset?" How often does the Server reset?

Friend Roger_Dodger,
Good questions all. That meeting space for DMed Events that is in the second area - if a DM is running an event and a PC needs to join it, the DM will port that PC to the location. If a PLAYER made a new PC for an event they would literally walk right into the event organizing space right after login - it is only the other pre-existing PCs that are not automatically brought there - but DMs can port you where they need you, so no problem really.

Be well Game on.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3071
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

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Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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