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Overpopulation! Empty Overpopulation!

Post  Elgate Mon May 25, 2015 4:19 pm

I know this is a sensitive topic, but I do think we have too many lycans again. Out of active player characters, they seem to make up over half. Now I don't want to punish those who have already become lycans, but I do think we need to reduce the amount of people becoming lycans.

So far, most of the infections have been done by NPC's: Arna and the Old Druid, for example. I know PCs can (supposedly) only infect up to three other people, but Arna seems to have made himself a small army as an NPC. Should he be 'neutered' now that he's infected multiple people?

Also, maybe we should reduce the chance of infection, but increase the dangers. Maybe something like a bite having: 55% chance of nothing, 30% chance of an annoying related disease/curse but not Lycanthropy, 14% chance of Lycanthropy, and 1% chance of death. This would make encountering/fighting a Lycan still dangerous and would also prevent people actively trying to get bitten to become a lycan- as they risk death and disease.

It's also the fact that Lycanthropy seems pretty sweet- extra stats, regen, attributes and so on... Hunters, lycan hunger, and silver are meant to be a detriment, but those things rarely seem to bother my Lycan character.

Maybe full moons should be more of a problem- Feral lycans are forced to go hostile, but it's easy to work around this- you just don't accidentally click on people to attack. Just because you are set to hostile, it doesn't force you to act any differently. Maybe Feral lycans should randomly get the 'confused' effect? Supposedly, on your first change, or consequent changes when feral, you're not meant to have control of yourself- 'confuse' will achieve that affect, as it makes you occasionally attack things (and while polymorphed, the confused effect is unlikely to make you use random spells/items.)

More alignment shift worries? Afflicted lycans are meant to be constantly battling the nature of the beast. Werewolves don't want to be chaotic evil, Werebears don't want to be lawful good.  Maybe, for every IG year the individual is a lycan, they have to succeed a harder and harder will check, or get points from their lycanthropic alignment. And enforce people to RP with this- If they don't want to be that alignment, they have to deliberately act against it, struggle with it- and when they fail a will check, they either must RP the new alignment (if changed) or ask a DM to help them RP 'fighting against it' and prove that they are fighting against it. Not just 'Oh, no, I'm a good werewolf' even when their alignment is now evil. It has to be 'I'm trying to be a good werewolf'.

I'm not talking about introducing scripted Permakilling- no one likes that idea.  But their should be as many drawbacks as benefits to becoming a lycan. (And less chance).

Last edited by Elgate on Tue May 26, 2015 3:55 am; edited 1 time in total
Forum Sage

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Overpopulation! Empty Re: Overpopulation!

Post  Valerion Tue May 26, 2015 3:53 am

I have nothing to add to that except that I agree.

Oh I have ONE thing to add to that, which counts for Lycans and vampires aswell, one should only voluntarily make his character go down that road if they are willing to accept all drawbacks, including they may be hunted and tried to be permakilled ICly, and if not permakilled at least "temporarily put out of order"
Forum Sage

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Overpopulation! Empty Re: Overpopulation!

Post  Animayhem Tue May 26, 2015 8:36 am

Valerion wrote:I have nothing to add to that except that I agree.

Oh I have ONE thing to add to that, which counts for Lycans and vampires as well, one should only voluntarily make his character go down that road if they are willing to accept all drawbacks, including they may be hunted and tried to be permakilled ICly, and if not permakilled at least "temporarily put out of order"

I agree with both Val and Elgate. I have played elsewhere where vampires and lycans have to watch out for hunters.

The hunters are npcs and can strike at anytime.  Vampires usually will have a portabl ecoffin.  Vampire hunters can find where a vampires coffin is and destroy it. In regards to lycan hunters, they usually are prone to show up when the lycan has shifted.

While still in beta, this would be a good test.  I know of at least five players who have lycans here.
That is not to say that people should not be allowed to play them. There will always be powergamers and powerbuilders and I am sure there are rpers who are playing them as well

Last edited by Animayhem on Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Overpopulation! Empty Re: Overpopulation!

Post  Hacatsu Tue May 26, 2015 1:41 pm

Considering how easy it is to become one, I'm not surprised. I do RP accordingly and always try not to attract too much attention with my lycan PC, and if anyone (ICly) ever asked him to turn his/herself, my PC would promptly refuse (because they're already everywhere!)
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