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Isacs greater missile storm

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Isacs greater missile storm Empty Isacs greater missile storm

Post  eve_of_disaster Sun May 09, 2010 10:16 am

It's the single best spell in pvp so I was wondering what you'd say if I suggested putting a saving throw on it. Currently it deals the most single target damage in the game and is just the nr 1 killer in a pvp match. So, what do you think about it?

Something else you could do is introducing magic resistance into the game via for example Ioun stones. Since they are so incredibly hard to find you likely won't be able to max the resistance on an item but even a 5/- resistance to magical is very effective to protect against IGMS.
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Isacs greater missile storm Empty Re: Isacs greater missile storm

Post  eatmylazor Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:51 am

I suggest nerfing the missile damage to 1d6 and making it so that you can't empower it.
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Isacs greater missile storm Empty Re: Isacs greater missile storm

Post  LordSurge Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:04 pm

It's not so bad. There are far worse.

Plus undead are pretty much immune to it.

Necromancy is such a dark art though.
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