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Pick-up Games Through the End of Summer!

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Pick-up Games Through the End of Summer! Empty Pick-up Games Through the End of Summer!

Post  GM_ODA Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:19 am


I am back, and I'm running pick-up games through the end of Summer 2016.

What is a 'pick-up' game? Simply, it is an unscheduled event; a DM sometimes has time become unexpectedly available to DM a game and so goes to the gaming place to seek any available players to participate in the unscheduled event.

Essentially, much of my gardening is engineered to require minimal effort once the plants are in the ground (and it has been done a while now). So at times during my day/evening when I figure I can muster a couple hours of uninterrupted time, I go on the server and DM an event for whomever I find on the server.

This is in addition to the scheduled events I'm running (usually weekend intro events but I have available up to four slots during the week (anytime) to run scheduled events for interested parties (ask me).

I hope to see you on the server soon!

[the rest of this thread will be recap on the pick-up games through the end of Summer]

Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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Pick-up Games Through the End of Summer! Empty Re: Pick-up Games Through the End of Summer!

Post  GM_ODA Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:01 am

Quietly sipping a wine long let to stand before him, Thaddesh liked it this way. Sitting, not suspiciously, not in a corner but near the middle of a room, left to brood over a drink for appearances and simply listening to the chatter all around.

Etrianna rebukes yet another amorous young fellow's approach.

Mongroth looses his last coin to Gemmund and stalks to a corner to rest penniless for the night, yet for some time glares at the others who too loose their coin to Gemmund.

Serrennie slowly moves among the tables, more alert than she appears too - wise old wench. To know all she knows would be treasure indeed.

Thaddesh contemplated joining the dice-game, it would be easy enough to substitute new dice, but that would leave him in the middle of conversations too urgent and loud to mine the rest of the room's barely audible lore - and just then a gem of lore too.

"I did WHAT?!?!"

Several patrons attention were drawn to the outburst from a pretty elven female, one they called Mialee. Thaddesh noted whose attention was drawn and whose lingered but mostly, and unobserved, focused his attention on the discussion at Mialee's table where the animated conversation continued. Thaddesh sipped his wine as the noisy merchant-guardsmen at the table two down took up a conversation about an elven girl one had met in the Eastern Citadel. Thaddesh read the tones as boast and remained focused on the quiet conversation involving Mialee.

The boasters table got louder and the information from Mialee and her unnamed friend were sparser for it, but there was mention of some ruins they had explored, with a pond and an old house - one containing some loot in the form of a book that the pair, according to the unnamed speaker, felt unease about and departed in haste. The pair resolved to return to the place and soon departed the inn.

There was a slightly louder than usual bit of tittering at a table two over where some fellows made crude comment of liking to get the elf so drunk. This was loud enough to mask the elf female's reply to the question but the answer was obviously negative from the body language and expression on the faces.

"I don't remember any of it! Are ye certain?" demanded Mialee of the fellow seated across the table.

"Aye." he replied bluntly. "And the sparkle lass insisted it stank horribly - ye both wanted to depart, so we did. Ye don't remember any of it then? 'Twibblethorpe' doesn't spark any recollection?" he asked.

The boasters soon found dispute about the elven girl in their story and had to take the 'discussion' outside. After which the inn was much quieter for the evening... and never really recovered - patrons soon taking to the corners for rest in the common room or the couple (richer) merchants taking themselves to the Inns few private rooms upstairs.

Thaddesh sipped his wine and contemplated what he had learned, and silently formed the word 'Twibblethorpe' as he sat in shadowy thought.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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