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priest domain

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priest domain Empty priest domain

Post  LadyAloura Thu Dec 08, 2016 11:20 am

so we had a new player enter the game and make a priest. he chose his diety at the in game alter but his domains where wrong for that diety.

so i made a priest and deliberty chose the wrong domain to test the priest script with the server and it did not fix my domains either for the diety

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priest domain Empty Re: priest domain

Post  Hacatsu Thu Dec 08, 2016 11:54 am

The domains can only be set at character creation, you can't change that in-game after that.
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priest domain Empty Re: priest domain

Post  LadyAloura Thu Dec 08, 2016 11:56 am

oda says there is a script that is supose to that erin made

Forum Courtier

Female Number of posts : 260
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Character Name: Mialee
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priest domain Empty Re: priest domain

Post  Eriniel Mon Dec 12, 2016 1:52 am

When you talk to Haggis as a priest, and have the deity set to a name the system recognizes, on the first use of Haggis he will check the domains against the deity name. If both match the deity he gives a small cyan colored gem that gives 1 bonus WIS point. Should the domains not match, he gives the priest a small cyan gem that exchanges the wrong domain with the correct one (I think the automatic one will only do one domain fix, but not tested both domains being wrong).

Sometime after you log off with that PC (within 10 to 15 minutes) the domain/attribute is updated.
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priest domain Empty Re: priest domain

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