Mialee's moonlight journals
Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE :: NWN1 - AL DOHRAL - City of Dohral (CORE MODULE) :: PC Profiles and Journals
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Mialee's moonlight journals
*Mialee sits by the tree near tivook as the moon is in the sky. She thinks back to her past and before she came to this strange land and begins to write.* I must have the wierdest story ever for i was not born but created. I have memories of having a family and growing up but i know it wasn't real. I use to live in a place called Narfell i was happy, and had many friends. A group us wet into the crypts south of Norwick there was a strange glyph on the ground. One of the men step on it. We were surprise to see a another him. After a little bit that copy died. We didn't think much of it and continues to clear out the undead in the crypt. We ran into another glyph and one of the the guys in our group step it as soon as they saw it. His clone lasted longer then the first which was interesting but it died still. We continued and the group started to fight who would step on what glyph we ended up finding. the orginal mialee never step on any of the glyphs as the group wandered. When it came time to leave we found another group at the entrence of the crypt. They were talking to another, he was telling a story how he was trapped down here and was trying to create a perfect copy of himself so he could leave the crypt and life the life he could not. The others did not trust him saying that what he was doing was evil but while standing there listening to the talk i though to leave the crypt bored with the talks and just as i moved a glyph appeared down at my feet. The next thing i know i am staring at a complete copy of myself. It was strange looking at myself. The others that were there raised thier swords. Mialee asked what they were doing and they said that the copy needed to be destroyed. I had done nothing but appear and they were going to put me down so know everything that Mialee knew i cast darkness and ran out of the crypt. I heard some fighting as i ran and kept running till i got to the city of peltarch. I talked to a few and Mialee found me in the city talking to Aelthas. After i talk to her for a while she mention that the mage said that i was supose to be a perfect copy and should be able to live my life where ever i chose to go. So i got on a ship to leave Narfell and live my life. While on the ship the weather turn fowl and dangerous while trying to keep the ship together with magic the spell went wrong and i found myself on the docks of Dorhal. I do not know if the ship survive the storm or not which i hope it did but I am now stuck in this land.
More to come
More to come
LadyAloura- Forum Courtier
- Number of posts : 260
Age : 46
Registration date : 2014-02-11
Character sheet
Character Name: Mialee
Race: Elf
Overall Level: 21
Re: Mialee's moonlight journals
*Continues to write in her journal* I was sitting outside of tivook talking to daht when noticed two argue on the road about drow down in the caves behind the barn and how two of thier members were captured. The dwarf in red armor who went by the name of sugnus hulix spoke to the male elf that was name anelundur she mention he was a fighter after he stormed away. Mrs. Hulix asked for our help to avenge or save thier companions a human wizard who was thier leader name john thier fourth is a half orc though i do not know her name. She carries a big battle axe. Daht ran off ahead and i followed. when i caught up shrouded in magic i whispered to daht about what was going on and he mention ambushed. that was when the four of them came towards us Daht move to the side incase they started to throw spells but he vanished before they did i stayed and listen to them talk untill they realize that i too was still there and the leader ordered that they were to kill me and take my stuff. I quickly moved away hid till i heard there steps fade.
LadyAloura- Forum Courtier
- Number of posts : 260
Age : 46
Registration date : 2014-02-11
Character sheet
Character Name: Mialee
Race: Elf
Overall Level: 21
Re: Mialee's moonlight journals
*sitting by the tree near tivook inn she begins to write in her journal* dear journal this story may be wierd but it also might help to try and make some sense of the whole thing.It seemed like it was a dream but from what etri was saying it sounded like they could hear what i was going through. It started with me waking up in some pit. Looking around i saw blood and bones there was a door blood was dripping down the walls. there was smoke in the air. The door was locked but it looked old i tried to break it and didn't have any luck. I tried to find holes in the walls to try and climb up but that didn't work. I then tired to use a rope i had in my bags but nothing. There was rats and canines above so i tried to call the canines for help. An old woman showed up saying how she use to be beuitful and how the canines no longer speak to her. then the smoke started to get thicker and she and the canines were gone. what appeared after was a pegasus. He mention that this was a dream in thinking that way i pictured myself standing next to the pegasus and appeared next to him and appeared standing next to him.we talk a bit and then he vanished i tried to make myself appear in Tivook and ended up in some crypt looking place the pegasus appeared again and said i have the intelligince but lack the wisdom. probaly should of just tried to wake up but there was no guarantee that would work. the pegasus also mention that something evil was coming and i was attack by undead skeletons, ghouls and then a balor and some other kind of demon i believe but am not sure what it was. I finally woke in the room of tivook inn the room was a mess of blood, destroyed furniture. The spells i had on in my dream where still on me when i woke up and my weapon was in hand. The innkeeper come running in and demanded what was going on in here and told me to clean up as he went to the boss. Etri and i spoke but she thinks that i made all this up even though they heard all the sounds of what i went through. she told me i could talk to her about it but am not sure what else to tell her since i am still confuse as to all that happen but i guess if something is coming maybe it will become more clear as time goes on..
LadyAloura- Forum Courtier
- Number of posts : 260
Age : 46
Registration date : 2014-02-11
Character sheet
Character Name: Mialee
Race: Elf
Overall Level: 21
Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE :: NWN1 - AL DOHRAL - City of Dohral (CORE MODULE) :: PC Profiles and Journals
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