Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE
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NWN EE server updated to v1.75

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NWN EE server updated to v1.75  Empty NWN EE server updated to v1.75


Our NWN:EE server is now running v1.75! Cool

We have expanded the allowed number of players to 200. Please do help us test this limit (we are confident our server can handle the load but would LOVE to get the actual metrics on the server under high load - so please spread the word and login en mass).
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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