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level guide for areas

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level guide for areas Empty level guide for areas

Post  GM_ODA Mon Jul 23, 2018 10:19 pm


Player 'slymutha' made a suggestion tonight - this being that we post 'suggested level range' as part of the area names. I'm a little concerned that that is immersion breaking to some, so I wonder if a runestone option or similar tool option to reveal on demand such 'level guide info' would maybe be a less intrusive but still effective means to accomplish this?

Feedback? Is this something you want?
Forum Oracle

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level guide for areas Empty Re: level guide for areas

Post  Helthan Wed Jul 25, 2018 10:11 am

I'm not so sure about leveling areas, but if there was a way to see the strength of monsters (something like recommended level for taking them on) would be useful.
Maybe it could be tied to a skill or something? Or make an IC Adventurers Guide to Dohral that some PC or NPC has written to be found in libraries?

Anyway, a way to find out the strength of monsters, without having to go Leeroy Jenkins on them, would be appreciated but everyone, I think.
Posting Knave

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level guide for areas Empty Re: level guide for areas

Post  Cowbot Sun Jul 29, 2018 10:27 am

I used animal empathy to do that - I'd sick some poor piglet or boar on a thing and see what AB the enemy used to slaughter the poor piggy.

Some way to gauge difficulty would be good. Also, as I said in a previous post on a similar topic, I would not generally group monsters of widely different CR.

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2018-07-07

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level guide for areas Empty examine function

Post  Aldior Mon Oct 08, 2018 10:58 am

I have seen on other servers from radial menu an examine option for other players or opposing faction (monsters). The amount of info varies sometimes get neutral/friendly/hostile and a rating like effortless, easy, moderate, challenging, overpowering, or impossible on the readout. It could also include assessment of their armor (light / medium / heavy) and apparent strength.

Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2018-06-15

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level guide for areas Empty Re: level guide for areas

Post  BenevolentDevil Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:34 am

Lore skill related. Maybe.

And when the books get implemented again, penned by players/characters of thier travels.
( Found in "search mode" walking up to book cases)

I don't think the examine should have anything in it, besides a description myself. Knowing what armor/buffs/relative str ... kinda metagaming/videogamey knowledge.

It's better to have players and thier characters talk about these creatures, locations, strange abilities, ect ...
NPCs ... can "listen" , and spit back info too , so those "random" bits of info NPCs spit at you, MIGHT be things overheard from players chatting about certain places, creatures,, or things ..

"Did you hear? Theres a cave system, full of trogs near the goblin caves?" ... for example

( Hint-Hint *wink, wink* )
Forum Courtier

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level guide for areas Empty Re: level guide for areas

Post  BenevolentDevil Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:54 am

To clarify ...

I am finding and being shown portions of the server that need dusting off , as Oda says. Unused stuff that's in there, just we don't know it' s there to use em , lol.

The lore/books and many other subsystems will , or can ... given players take the time when it's put back in , to write up flora/fauna lore, and shove em back into the "library" system.
I THINK, not 100% sure the library system has been broken, or WIP not working at this time ...

Other than just discovery, this would lead to some interesting immersive things being able to read.

Mia could write a whole library already for example. Her knowledge of areas, creatures, and many other things is vast ...

and of course, like I said, picking up tid bits from NPCs too ... , but of course that also is dependant on, if you know how to trigger the eavesdropping they can do.
Forum Courtier

Number of posts : 285
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