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Was hunting Ants, this popped up ...

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Was hunting Ants, this popped up ...  Empty Was hunting Ants, this popped up ...

Post  BenevolentDevil Fri Aug 31, 2018 8:52 pm

my steam screenshot

I don't think I triggered that long list of things ... but it was in the server side window.
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Was hunting Ants, this popped up ...  Empty Re: Was hunting Ants, this popped up ...

Post  GM_ODA Sat Sep 01, 2018 8:22 am

Friend Benevolent  Devil,

Thanks for that. You are correct, you did not trigger that data. The data you see there is our debug information. We are currently trying to find a

Unnamed new kitten's first typing wrote:n

... bug in the autoquest system. When we debug systems that are very PC-facing, we often target the debug information to flow to the screen of the 'FirstPC' on the server (usually that is us either testing locally or at odd hours by login to the server). I'm hoping we'll resolve the weirdness with the questgivers soon - then all that text will vanish.

Thanks for sharing. As always, report anything odd (such as this).
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