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Screenshot showing EE fog to ODA

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Screenshot showing EE fog to ODA  Empty Screenshot showing EE fog to ODA

Post  BenevolentDevil Mon Sep 03, 2018 10:58 pm

Fog shot for ODA

The fog seen has NOTHING to do with weather ... , and it's block views when there shouldn't be any fog ... this is something to do with EE version itself , as I thought it might have been dynamic weather at first.

Not it is not though , I made a small test module in the toolset, no matter what you do .. the same "fog of war" is present.
Forum Courtier

Number of posts : 285
Registration date : 2014-12-17

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Screenshot showing EE fog to ODA  Empty Re: Screenshot showing EE fog to ODA

Post  BenevolentDevil Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:33 pm

Also ( if this needs a separate bug report, I'll re-post it later) ...

But right after you left Oda, I killed one more rat , got enough xp to level again. However, the 'modify" token ( looks like an Opal) appeared in my inventory again , and will not allow me to take the level. I'm fairly sure, I've been able to level up to this point , but have no drow subrace things on character sheet, or via in game stuff so far.
( Maybe why the spiders and golems didn't like me? )

BTW- You also left, and factions were still "friendly" that shouldn't have been. At least the "animals" ones, rats were friendly ... until I attacked one via radial menu option.

Forum Courtier

Number of posts : 285
Registration date : 2014-12-17

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Character Name: Bavmorda
Race: Human
Overall Level: 11

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Screenshot showing EE fog to ODA  Empty Re: Screenshot showing EE fog to ODA

Post  GM_ODA Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:07 am

Friend Benevolent Devil,

Ah, my bad. I should have told you that you need to log out for 15 minutes and when you come back the opal will be gone and your PC will be 'adjusted' by programs outside the NWN game - this is how we modify PCs for race once approved. After that all will be normal with the PC.
Forum Oracle

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Screenshot showing EE fog to ODA  Empty Re: Screenshot showing EE fog to ODA

Post  BenevolentDevil Tue Sep 04, 2018 12:24 pm

seems fixed now Wink
Forum Courtier

Number of posts : 285
Registration date : 2014-12-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Bavmorda
Race: Human
Overall Level: 11

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